The very next morning, Sihtric insisted on an audience with the King. He declared that he had at last fully decoded his prophecy, and was ready to present its 'remarkable message' to Harold.

Godgifu tried to slow him down. 'Are you sure? It's a risky business to try to change a king's mind.'

'I have no doubt. My correspondence with the Moor confirmed it – my meeting with the fool Aethelmaer only served to clarify my mind. I worked through the night to resolve it all. This is destiny, Godgifu. Providence. I am the Weaver's instrument.' His eyes were rimmed red from the lack of sleep.

Impulsively Godgifu took her brother's hands. 'Not providence. The truth is that damned prophecy has led you far from your chosen path through life. Far from God. Your Weaver can have no conscience about the effect of his tinkering with our lives.'

He squeezed her hands. 'Dear Godgifu. We have always had a prickly relationship, haven't we? And yet you always look out for me. Even now you will help me – even today.'

She frowned, suspicious. 'What do you mean by that?'

'Never mind. Just be with me, Godgifu, before the King. And – bring Orm.'


But he would not say.

Harold received them in his chamber, a magnificent stone-walled room at the heart of Edward's Westmynster palace, with a fireplace so large Godgifu could have walked into it. He was working through papers with clerks and a couple of housecarls, who hastily read through the documents for him and held them up for him to make his cross. Harold's big warrior's frame looked restless under the fine garb and, like Sihtric, he looked as if he had had little sleep.

When Sihtric, Orm and Godgifu were shown in, he dismissed his clerks and crossed to a bench where he poured himself a cup of mead. 'I'm somewhat busy, priest.'

'I can imagine, lord-'

'William is moving. Have you heard that? He is trying to raise an army of seven thousand, my spies tell me. He needs the support of his Norman nobles for that. He's seeking recruits from Brittany and Boulogne. He's even writing to the damn Pope. He means to invade, that's the top and bottom of it… Make your case and make it quickly, Sihtric.'

Sihtric, his tension showing, unrolled a scroll. 'Behold the Menologium of Isolde. I now understand it fully, lord, so I believe. And, troubled as this time is for you, I believe the Menologium shows you a clear path.'

Harold grunted. 'My brothers say I should dispose of you. My pet soothsayer. They call you a chancer.'

Sihtric held up the parchment. 'But this is no fortune-telling, no scrying of entrails. This is scholarship, which-'

Harold waved away a document he couldn't read. 'Yes, yes. Just tell me.'

As the name implied, the Menologium was a calendar – a calendar of history. It was structured around the Great Year, the seventy-seven-year return cycle of the comet, which even this month should blaze in England's skies.

'But there is no comet,' Harold pointed out.

'It will come, sire…'

Sihtric had been able to interpret the Menologium with the help of the Moorish scholar who had converted Great Years to Christian dates, by matching Menologium dates to histories like Bede's, and by drawing on studies of the prophecy itself that went back centuries, to Cynewulf and Boniface, long dead.

'We have a prologue, epilogue and nine stanzas,' he said. 'Each stanza spans a Great Year, punctuated by a comet visitation. The first can be dated to Anno Domini 451, when our German forebears first rebelled against the British king who had brought them to England. And later stanzas describe specific events, though cryptically.' Thus stanza five predicted the coming of the Norse to Lindisfarena. Stanza six foreshadowed Alfred's first great victory against the Danish Force.

Some of the Menologium's stanzas seemed to have been inserted to give a historical anchoring to the timeframe, and they were only becoming clear with the passage of time. Sihtric quoted stanza eight: '"At the hub of the world/Match fastness of rock/against tides of fire"…'

'What does it mean?'

'Everybody has heard of the great burning of Rome, in the year 993. In this stanza, the "hub" is Rome, the "rock" refers to Peter, after whom the cathedral of the Vatican is dedicated. And the year-date embedded in the verse is the year 993, the year of the fire. My Moorish colleagues have confirmed the calculations. This is a prophecy that can even foretell disasters befalling the eternal city itself.'

Harold frowned, considering this.

Orm imagined that Harold disliked such mystical talk as much as he did. But he couldn't help be perturbed by the prophecy's evident power.

The King said, 'Tell me this, priest. How can there be such things as prophecies at all? I have a calendar; my priests read it to me every day. It is a litany of feast days and remembrances – God's design of the world, embedded in the cycle of each year. How can we look beyond that holy cycle? What right do we have to try? I have discussed this business of yours with Archbishop Stigand. "The future is locked and lightless. The Lord alone knows it." That's what he says. Is it sacrilegious even to talk of such matters?'

'Look at it this way, lord. We are not seeking to control history but to improve it. A perfect history must be possible, because it must be conceived of by God. Our Fallen world is imperfect, but it may be made more perfect by our manipulation of events. And so to follow the warnings of the Menologium is clearly obeying God's will.'

Harold scowled. 'Stigand would argue with you, I think. I'm sorry I asked; I've never had much time for theological sophistry, unlike my predecessor. Get to the point. What is the purpose of all this prophesying?'

Sihtric drew himself up. 'I believe,' he said, 'that the Menologium is a plan – a scheme, that "lights step by step/the road to empire" – just as it says. And if fulfilled it will see you, Harold Godwineson, installed not merely as King of England, but as ruler of a northern empire. Spanning oceans!'

Harold didn't seem terribly impressed. 'So I will be a new Cnut?'

'Greater than Cnut,' Sihtric breathed. 'Far greater.' He spoke of stanza seven, which described the discovery of Vinland and the other new lands across the western ocean. 'Nobody knows how extensive those great domains are…'

Harold listened, expressionless. 'I hear the ice makes the passage to Greenland difficult.'

Sihtric said, 'But from England's more southerly ports the ice can be evaded. The Vikings who tried to settle Vinland could not defend themselves against the skraelings. But imagine how it would be to equip a new expedition, from an England united with the northern countries: the wealth of the English, the shipbuilding and navigation skills of the Vikings. We could challenge the skraelings – learn how they hunt for seals and for bears – take the women who sew their skin boats. "'Across ocean to east/And ocean to west/Men of new Rome sail/from the womb of the boar." We can take this new world. It's all in the prophecy.'

Harold frowned. 'The boar, though? What can that mean?'

'Of that detail I'm not sure-'

'Jorvik,' Godgifu said suddenly, and they looked at her. 'I'm sorry, lord. But it just occurred to me. The city's English name is Eoforwic, which means the place of the boar.'

Sihtric's eyes gleamed, startled by her intervention, satisfied as another bit of his puzzle was solved. 'Jorvik, then. It is the fate of our generation to build a new empire spanning oceans, reaching from Vinland in the west to the Baltic in the east, with its hub England – and its capital will be Jorvik. It won't end there. The German states will be drawn to the huge volumes of trade passing to the north, turning away from the Latin south-'

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