He noted his hand was shaking even more than it normally did, not from age but with emotion.

"So, Dad, what do you say?" asked Carl. He was grinning from ear to ear. Emily, for her part, was recording everything with her datacom. "Would you do it all over again?"

Carl had asked the question, but Don’s answer was really for Sarah. He set his glass on a little tea table next to the La-Z-Boy, then slowly, painfully, lowered himself onto one knee, so that he was at eye level with his seated wife. He reached over, took her hand, feeling the thin, almost translucent skin sliding over the swollen joints, and looked into her pale blue eyes. "In a heartbeat," he said softly.

Emily let out a long, theatrical, "Awwww…"

Sarah squeezed his hand, and she smiled at him, the same wry smile he’d fallen for back when they were both in their twenties, and she said, with a steadiness that her voice almost never managed these days, "Me, too."

Carl’s exuberance got the better of him. "To another sixty years!" he said, lifting his glass again, and Don found himself laughing at the ridiculousness of the proposition.

"Why not?" he said, slowly rising again, then reaching for his glass. "Why the heck not?"

The phone rang. He knew his kids thought the voice-only phones were quaint, but neither he nor Sarah had any desire to have 2-D picture phones, let alone holophones. His first thought was not to answer; let whoever it was leave a message.

But it was probably a well-wisher — maybe even his brother Bill calling from Florida, where he wintered.

The cordless handset was on the other side of the room. Don lifted his eyebrows and nodded at Percy, who looked delighted to be charged with such a task. He raced across the room, and rather than just bringing over the handset, he activated it and very politely said, "Halifax residence."

It was possible that Emily, standing near Percy, could hear the person on the other end of the line, but Don couldn’t make out anything. After a moment, he heard Percy say, "Just a sec," and the boy started walking across the room. Don held out his hand to take the handset, but Percy shook his head. "It’s for Grandma."

Sarah looked surprised as she took the handset, which, upon recognizing her fingerprints, automatically cranked up its volume. "Hello?" she said.

Don looked on with interest, but Carl was talking to Emily while Angela was making sure her children were being careful with their drinks, and—

"Oh, my God!" exclaimed Sarah.

"What is it?" asked Don.

"Are you sure?" Sarah said, into the mouthpiece. "Are you positive it’s not — No, no, of course you’d check. Sorry. But — my God!"

"Sarah," said Don, "what is it?"

"Hang on, Lenore," Sarah said into the phone, then she covered the mouthpiece with a trembling hand. "It’s Lenore Darby," she said, looking up at him. He gathered he should know the name, but couldn’t place it immediately — the story of his life, these days — and his face must have conveyed that. "You know," said Sarah. "She’s doing her master’s; you met her at the last astro-department Christmas party."


"Well," said Sarah, sounding as though she couldn’t believe that she was uttering these words, "Lenore says a reply has been received."

"What?" said Carl, now standing on the other side of her chair.

Sarah turned to face her son, but Don knew what she meant before she spoke again; he knew precisely what she meant, and he staggered a half-pace backward, groping for the edge of a book-case for support. "A reply has been received," repeated Sarah. "The aliens from Sigma Draconis have responded to the radio message my team sent all those years ago."

Chapter 2

Most jokes get tired with repetition, but some become old friends, causing a smile whenever they come to mind. For Don Halifax, one such was a quip Conan O’Brien had made decades ago. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones had just an-nounced the birth of their baby girl. "Congratulations," O’Brien had said. "And if she’s anything like her mother, right now her future husband is in his mid-forties."

There was no such age gap between Don and Sarah. They’d both been born in 1960 and had gone through life in lockstep. They’d both been twenty-seven when they’d gotten married; thirty-two when Carl, their first child, had been born; and forty-eight when—

As Don stood, looking at Sarah, the moment came back to him, and he shook his head in amazement. It had been front-page news, back when there were front pages, all over the world. On March first, 2009, a radio message had been received from a planet orbiting the star Sigma Draconis.

The world had puzzled over the message for months, trying to make sense of what the aliens had said. And then, finally, Sarah Halifax herself had figured out what they were getting at, and it was she who had led the team composing the official reply that had been sent on the one-year anniversary of the receipt of the original signal.

The public had initially been hungry for more news, but Sigma Draconis was 18.8 light-years from Earth, meaning the reply wouldn’t reach there until 2028, and any response the Dracons might make couldn’t have gotten here until October 2047 at the earliest.

And a few TV shows and webcasts had dutifully done little pieces last fall noting that a response could be received "any day now." But none was. Not in October, not in November, not in December, not in January, not…

Not until right now.

No sooner had Sarah gotten off the phone with Lenore than it rang again. The call, as she revealed in a stage whisper while holding her hand over the mouthpiece, was from CNN. Don remembered the pandemonium the last time, when she had figured out the purpose of the first message — God, where had the decades gone?

Everyone was now standing or sitting in a semicircle, looking at Sarah. Even the children had recognized that something major was going on, although they had no idea what.

"No," Sarah was saying. "No, I have no comment. No, you can’t. It’s my anniversary today. I’m not going to let it be ruined by strangers in the house. What?

No, no. Look, I really have to go. All right, then. All right, then. Yes, yes.

Good-bye." She pushed the button that terminated the call, then looked up at Don, and lifted her frail shoulders a bit. "Sorry for all the bother," she said. "It’s—"

The phone rang again, an electronic bleeping that Don disliked at the best of times.

Carl, taking command, took the hand-set from his mother and flicked off the ringer.

"They can leave a message if they like."

Sarah frowned. "But what if somebody needs help?"

Carl spread his arms. "Your whole family is here. Who else would call for help?

Relax, Mom. Let’s enjoy the rest of the party."

Don looked around the room. Carl had been sixteen when his mother had been briefly famous, but Emily had been just ten, and hadn’t really understood what had been going on. She was staring at Sarah with astonishment on her narrow face.

Phones in the other rooms were ringing, but they were easy enough to ignore. "So," he said, "did — what was her name? Lenore? Did she say anything about the message’s content?"

Sarah shook her head. "No. Just that it was definitely from Sigma Draconis, and seems to begin, at least, with the same symbol set used last time."

Angela said, "Aren’t you dying to know what the reply says?"

Sarah reached out her arms in a way that said "help me up." Carl stepped forward and did just that, gently bringing his mother to her feet. "Sure, I’d like to know," she said. "But it’s still coming in." She looked at her daughter-in-law. "So let’s get started making dinner."

The kids and grandkids left around 9:00 p.m. Carl, Angela, and Emily had done all the work cleaning up after dinner, and so Don and Sarah simply sat on the living-room couch, enjoying the restored calm. Emily had gone around at one point, shutting off all the other ringers on the phones, and they were still off. But the answering machine’s digital display kept changing every few minutes. Don was reminded of another old joke, this one from his teenage years, about the guy who liked to follow Elizabeth Taylor to McDonald’s so he could watch the numbers change. Those signs had been stuck at "Over 99 Billion Served" for decades, but he remembered the hoopla when they’d all finally been replaced with new ones that read, "Over 1 Trillion Served."

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