"Well, I want to find her."

This was met with more silence and Pierce started to understand that he was dealing from a position of weakness. Something was going on with Glass, and Pierce was at a disadvantage for not knowing it. He decided to press his case. He wanted the meeting.

"I'm a friend of the family," he lied. "Vivian asked me to see what I could find out."

"Have you talked to the LAPD?"

Pierce hesitated. Instinctively he knew that Glass's cooperation might be riding on his answer. He thought about the events of the night before and wondered if they could already be known by Glass. Renner had said he knew Glass and he most likely planned to call him. It was Sunday afternoon. Maybe the police detective was waiting until Monday, since Glass seemed to be on the periphery of the case.

"No," he lied again. "My understanding from Vivian was that the LAPD wasn't interested in this."

"Who are you, Mr. Pierce?"

"What? I don't under -"

"Who do you work for?"

"No one. Myself, actually."

"You're a PI?"

"What's that?"

"Come on."

"I mean it. I don't under -oh, private investigator. No, I'm not a PI. Like I said, I'm a friend."

"What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a researcher. I'm a chemist. I don't see what this has to do with -"

"I can see you today. But not at my office. I'm not going in today."

"Okay, then where? When?"

"One hour from now. Do you know a place in Santa Monica called Cathode Ray's?"

"On Eighteenth, right? I'll be there. How will we know each other?"

"Do you have a hat or something distinctive to wear?"

Pierce leaned down and opened an unlocked desk drawer. He pulled out a baseball cap with blue stitched letters over the brim.

"I'll be wearing a gray baseball cap. It says MOLES in blue stitching above the brim."

"Moles? As in the small burrowing animal?"

Pierce almost laughed.

"As in molecules. The Fighting Moles was the name of our softball team. Back when we had one. My company sponsored it. It was a long time ago."

"I'll see you at Cathode Ray's. Please come alone. If I feel you are not alone or it looks like a setup, you won't see me."

"A setup? What are you -"

Glass hung up and Pierce was listening to dead space.

He put down the phone and put on the hat. He considered the strange questions the private detective had asked and thought about what he had said at the end of the conversation and how he had said it. Pierce realized it was almost as if he had been scared of something.


Cathode Ray's was a hangout for the tech generation -usually everybody in the place had a laptop or a PDA on the table next to their double latte. The place was open twentyfour hours a day and provided power and high-speed phone jacks at every table.

Connections to local Internet service providers only. It was close to Santa Monica College and the film production and fledgling software districts of the Westside, and it had no corporate affiliations. These combined to make it a popular place with the plugged-in set.

Pierce had been there on many prior occasions, yet he thought it an odd choice by Glass for the meeting. Glass sounded like an older man over the phone, his voice gravelly and tired. If that was the case, then he would stand out in a place like Cathode Ray's.

Considering the paranoia that had come over the phone line from him, it seemed strange for him to have picked the coffee shop for the meeting.

At three o'clock Pierce entered Cathode Ray's and took a quick scan around the place for an older man. No one stood out. No one looked at him. He got in line for coffee.

Before leaving the office, he had dumped what change remained in his desk mug into his pocket. He counted it out while waiting and concluded that he had just enough for a basic coffee, medium size, with a little left over for the tip jar.

After hitting the cup with heavy doses of cream and sugar, he moved out to the patio area and selected an empty table in the corner. He sipped his coffee slowly but it was still twenty minutes before he was approached by a short man in black jeans and a black Tshirt. He had a clean-shaven face and dark, hard eyes that were deeply set. He was much younger than Pierce had guessed, maybe late thirties at the most. He had no coffee, he had come straight to the table.

"Mr. Pierce?"

Pierce offered his hand.

"Mr. Glass?"

Glass pulled out the other chair and sat down. He leaned across the table.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to see your ID," he said.

Pierce put his cup down and started digging in his pocket for his wallet.

"Probably a good idea," he said. "Mind if I look at yours?"

After both men had convinced themselves they were sitting with the right party, Pierce leaned back and studied Glass. He seemed to Pierce to be a large man stuck in a small man's body. He exuded intensity. It was as if his skin were stretched too tight over his whole body.

"Do you want to get a coffee before we start to talk?"

"No, I don't use caffeine."

That seemed to figure.

"Then I guess we should get to it. What's with all the spook stuff?"

"Excuse me?"

"You know, the 'make sure you're alone' and 'what do you do for a living' stuff. It all seems to be a little strange."

Before speaking, Glass nodded as if he agreed.

"What do you know about Lilly Quinlan?"

"I know what she was doing for a living, if that's what you mean."

"And what was that?"

"She was an escort. She advertised through the Internet. I'm pretty sure she worked for a guy named Billy Wentz. He's sort of a digital pimp. He runs the website where she kept a page. I think he set her up in other things -porno sites, stuff like that. I think she was involved in the S and M scene as well."

The mention of Wentz seemed to bring a new intensity to Glass's face. He folded his arms on the table and leaned forward.

"Have you spoken to Mr. Wentz yourself?"

Pierce shook his head.

"No, but I tried to. I went to Entrepreneurial Concepts yesterday -that's his umbrella company. I asked to see him but he wasn't there. Why do I feel like I am telling you things you already know? Look, I want to ask questions here, not answer them."

"There is little I can tell you. I specialize in missing-persons investigations. I was recommended to Vivian Quinlan by someone I know in the LAPD's Missing Persons Unit. It went from there. She paid me for a week's work. I didn't find Lilly or much else about her disappearance."

Pierce considered this for a long moment. He was an amateur and he had found out quite a bit in less than forty-eight hours. He doubted that Glass was as inept as he was presenting himself to be.

"You did know about the website, right? L.A. Darlings?"

"Yes. I was told she was working as an escort and it was pretty easy to find her. L.A.

Darlings is one of the more popular sites, you could say."

"Did you find her house? Did you talk to her landlord?"

"No and no."

"What about Lucy LaPorte?"


"She uses the name Robin on the website. Her page is linked to Lilly's."

"Oh, yes, Robin. Yes, I spoke to her on the phone. It was very brief. She was not cooperative."

Pierce was suspicious of whether Glass had really called. It seemed to him Lucy would have mentioned that an investigator had already inquired about Lilly. He planned to check with her about the supposed call.

"How long ago was that? The call to Robin."

Glass shrugged.

"Three weeks. It was at the beginning of my week of work. She was one of the first I called."

"Did you go see her?"

"No, other things came up. And at the end of the week Mrs. Quinlan was not willing to pay me for further work on the case. That was it for me."

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