“Can you actually do a memory read on a multiple?” Beckia asked.

“You’d probably have to gather all of them up,” Tomansio said. “And you wouldn’t know if you’d got them all until it was too late. Multiples are always cagey about their exact number of bodies; it’s an instinctive safety redundancy thing. Interesting psychological evolution. In any case, our time scale doesn’t allow us that level of luxury. If he’s going to be useful, it’ll have to be voluntary, and right now.”

Oscar’s u-shadow told him Cheriton was calling on an ultrasecure channel. Liatris joined the call.

“Brace yourself for the bad news,” the gaiafield expert said. “Living Dream has found her.”

“Shit,” Tomansio grunted, throwing Mr. Bovey a guilty glance. “Where?”

“Now, this is where it gets real interesting. After the confluence nests caught her at Bodant, Living Dream has been refining the emotional resonance routines based on her exact thought patterns. The upgrade has given them the kind of sensitivity which can detect the slightest emission from her mind. And a quarter of an hour ago she went and shared Inigo’s Eighth Dream.”

“What’s she doing delving into the Waterwalker’s life now?” an irritated Beckia asked. “For Ozzie’s sake, didn’t Bodant teach her anything?”

“Wrong question,” Cheriton said.

“Where is she?” Tomansio asked.


A puzzled Oscar had to call up the Commonwealth planetary list from a storage lacuna. “That’s over six hundred light-years away,” he protested. “That can’t be right. She was here sixteen hours ago.”

“Your ultradrive could make that,” Tomansio said doubtfully. “Just.”

“She’s found a way to screw the gaiafield,” Beckia said. “She must have. She is the Second Dreamer, after all. That has to give her some kind of ability the rest of us don’t have.”

“Cheriton, are you sure?” Tomansio asked.

“We’re confined to the building,” Cheriton said. “And I’m using a dead-drop relay to access the unisphere. Dream Master Yenrol’s been going apeshit since the nests found her. All the Dream Masters know about it; they’re working hard to keep it secret. I don’t think this is a scam.”

“How the hell did she get to Chobamba?” Oscar wanted to know.

“Do they know where on Chobamba?” Tomansio asked.

“Not yet,” Cheriton said. “But it’s only going to be a matter of time. It’s an External world, and Living Dream has several Dream Masters there.”

“Can you warn her again?” Oscar said.

“I’m not sure. There’s talk about shutting down Chobamba’s confluence nests, isolating her from the gaiafield.”

“Stupid,” Tomansio said. “That’ll alert her to what’s going on.”

“Liatris, can you shotgun Chobamba and warn her?” Oscar asked.

“She hasn’t accessed the unisphere for days,” Liatris said. “There’s no guarantee she’ll get the message.”

“If people know, it’ll be the talk of the planet,” Beckia said. “She’s bound to find out. We just have to make it public knowledge.”

Tomansio gave Oscar a little nudge. Mr. Bovey had obviously come to his decision. The dark-skinned body was walking over to them, leaving the other two hims to stare pensively.

“Yes?” Oscar said.

“I checked with ANA,” Mr. Bovey said. He sounded faintly surprised. “You are who you say.”


His face expressed a great deal of apprehension, mirrored by all of hims. “She doesn’t know … she can’t know how to cope with this. Nobody can. I have to place my trust in ANA. How ironic is that? Being multiple is supposed to alleviate the requirement of a technological solution to immortality.”

“Can you contact her?”

“No.” Mr. Bovey shook his head as if hes were mourning. “I’ve tried every minute since I found out. Her u-shadow is offline. She won’t answer my calls.”

“I know this is painful, but is there someone else she’s likely to turn to?”

“Her cousin Cressida; they were close. In fact, she was about Araminta’s only true friend in Colwyn City before we met.”

“We know. She’s dropped out of sight as well, but thank you. If Araminta does get into contact, please let me know.” Oscar’s u-shadow sent Mr. Bovey a unisphere access code. “Immediately, please. Time is critical now.”

“That’s it?” a bewildered Mr. Bovey asked as Oscar turned back to the capsule.

“Don’t worry, we’ll keep looking. And you might want to consider my friend’s advice about dispersing yourselves about town. I’m being completely honest with you; we’re just the first to come visiting you, and we really are the good guys.”

The capsule’s door closed on Mr. Bovey’s frown. They lifted cleanly and turned to fly above the thick river, heading back to the docks.

“So now what?” Tomansio asked.

It sounded rhetorical to Oscar. “I’m going to check in,” he told the Knights Guardian.

“Yes?” Paula asked as soon as the secure link was opened.

“We’ve found her,” Oscar said.


“Not really. She’s on Chobamba.”

There was only a small hesitation. “Are you sure?”

“Living Dream has cranked up their confluence nests, something to do with getting a decent emotional pattern to recognize. According to them, she’s on Chobamba and having a good time sharing Inigo’s dreams.”

“That doesn’t make a lot of sense.”

“How quickly can you get there?”

“Not much faster than you.”

“I hope you’ve got sources in Living Dream. If they are going to try and snatch her, she’ll need to be warned.”

“I’d have to find her first.”

“Surely ANA can track her down. Somebody must have noticed her starship arriving.”

“It would have to be an ultradrive; that means a faction helped her. But which one?”

“I was thinking of a shotgun warning.”

“Yes. That might work. I’ll confer.”

“If we know, then it’s only a matter of time before the Cat knows.”

“Yes. If she leaves for Chobamba, you’ll have to follow her.”

“Oh, crap; this isn’t what I signed up for.”

“Can you trust your team?”

“I think they’ll stick with me, yes.”

“Excellent. I’ll call after I’ve spoken with ANA. Incidentally, the Accelerators are going to be put on what amounts to a trial within an hour. They were behind the Oscean Empire invasion.”

“Shit. Really?”

“Yes. If they’re found guilty, we should see the pressure easing off considerably,” Paula said, ending the call.

Tomansio and Beckia were looking at Oscar expectantly.

“So what does your boss think?” Tomansio asked.

“Same as us: It’s all very odd. Let’s get back to the ship in case we need to get to Chobamba in a hurry.”

The Evolutionary Void pic_11.jpg

The slim ultradrive ship dropped out of hyperspace half a light-year out from Ellezelin. In its cabin, Valean reviewed the data provided by the starship’s sensors. She was shown the exotic matter intrusions representing the huge wormholes that linked Ellezelin to the economically subjugated planets that made up the Free Trade Zone. The scale of the wormholes was impressive, harking back to the first-era Commonwealth when the Big15 planets were the center of an economic web binding together hundreds of worlds. Reviewing the size and power rating, she was satisfied that any of them could be used for the task Atha had assigned her. The one connecting to Agra would be preferable; it was the most modern and reached the farthest.

Like most long-term Highers, Valean had used biononics to remold her body to a state she considered more functional and useful. Currently devoid of hair, she appeared skeletal, with skin that had a strange gray iridescence, drawn so tight over her bones that each rib protruded. Muscles were hard lines, also standing proud and moving like malmetal. Her face continued the emaciated theme with deep sunken cheeks and a slim nose that had nostrils resembling gills. Wide-set eyes had orbs that glowed a faint uniform pink. Her only cosmetic adornment was a circle of gold above her thorax, composed of a tightly packed cluster of threads that seemed to be moving slowly.

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