Dressed in a simple white mantle edged with gleaming blue embroidery, and wearing a blue-embroidered girdle around her slender waist, she appeared taller than Murdo remembered, and even more beautiful. She is always new, he thought, and always better than herself. Indeed, her fair features seemed to glow in the setting sun, and her hair glinted red-gold in the dusky light. She was a creature of radiance and grace. Murdo drank in the sight of her in one prolonged gawk of amazed delight, and swore on his life that he had never seen anything so handsome, or so fine.

Ragna did not deign to glance at him, however, but directed her steps to his mother. 'Welcome, Lady Niamh,' she said nicely. 'We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival. Please,' she lifted the tray, 'be refreshed after your journey.'

Lady Niamh inclined her head regally, accepted the offered cup, and raised it to her lips. She sipped elegantly and thanked Ragna for her kindness and courtesy. Only then did the young woman turn to address Murdo. 'Be welcome, Master Murdo,' she said, offering him the tray; 'the freedom of our hearth is yours for as long as you care to stay.'

'I thank you, Mistress Ragna,' he replied, ducking his head as he took up the cup. He drank down a gulp of the sweet mead and replaced the golden vessel on the tray, whereupon Ragna, her lips twitching with private pleasure, turned once more to his mother.

'Lady Ragnhild is ready to receive you,' she said. Indicating the elder of the servants at the cart, she added, 'Roli will see that your men are well settled in the servants' house. Would you like to follow me? I will take you to my lady's chamber.' With that, she led them into the house.

They entered a long, wood-panelled vestibule, off which two wide doors opened. Ragna chose the door on the left and showed them into the room where the Lady of Cnoc Carrach waited to welcome her visitors. The chamber was comfortable, with lime-washed walls to which ochre had been added for colour, and a rug of woven wool on the smooth timbered floor; an oak screen closed off one corner of the room, and there was a small needlework tapestry hanging on the wall. Ragnhild, dressed in a rose-red cloak and mantle, was sitting in a chair beside the window, which was open to make the most of the failing light. Although the day had been balmy for the season, a small fire of coals burned in a brazier to ward off the chill which was seeping into the air with the coming of night. She glanced up from a tiny book she was reading, and smiled as her visitors entered the room; closing the book, she placed it on the window ledge and then opened her arms to greet her childhood friend.

The two women kissed, and embraced one another with a warmth of affection that made Murdo squirm slightly. But Ragna, having placed the tray and cup upon a nearby table, watched with obvious delight.

'Nia,' said Ragnhild, 'it is happiness itself to see you again. I do hope your journey was not too arduous.'

'Oh, Ragni – Ragni, dear friend,' replied his mother,-Murdo was surprised to hear them speak so familiarly to one another-'it is so good to be here. It has pleased me greatly to think we might spend these days together, and now that I am here, I am delighted.'

They hugged one another again, and Murdo averted his eyes. When he looked again, Lady Ragnhild was turning towards him. 'And who is this handsome young man?' she inquired, as if she did not know who could be accompanying her friend. 'This cannot be young Murdo! But of course, it is!'

She stepped before him, extending her arm. Murdo bowed politely and kissed her hand. 'Murdo, greetings and welcome. It is so good of you to allow your mother and me the opportunity to see one another again.' She spoke as if he were the lord upon whose whim the celebration depended and, for all it was a simple device, Murdo found that he liked it.

'My lady, the pleasure is entirely mine,' he replied gallantly.

Whereupon, Lady Ragnhild endeared herself further by saying, 'As you will be the only man among us, you shall have the lord's place while you are here.'

The only man, thought Murdo; that had not occurred to him.

'I do so hope you will not become bored with our female chatter. I have instructed my daughter to do whatever she can to make your stay more pleasant.'

Although Murdo would have given his left arm to see Ragna's reaction to this announcement, he dared not glance her way. Instead, he forced himself to look straight into Lady Ragnhild's eyes and reply in what he hoped was his most winsome manner. 'You are most considerate, my lady. But I beg you, take no thought for me. I am certain I shall find the company here endlessly agreeable,' he told her, thinking he had acquitted himself very well.

The Lady of Cnoc Carrach gave him a pleasant smile, and turned once more to his mother. 'I know you have had a long day, and that you must be tired from your journey. Therefore, we will not presume upon you for supper. Instead, we will allow you to dine alone tonight, so that you may rest and restore yourselves.'

Murdo's heart sank. After waiting so long to be here, the thought that he would have to wait yet one more night to be with Ragna was beyond endurance. Desperately, he tried to think of some way to divert this disaster, but his mind refused to yield any suitable reply.

His mother redeemed the day.

'How kind you are, Ragni,' she offered smoothly, 'and how thoughtful. But we would consider the pleasure of your company the best restorative of all.' She deferred to Murdo with a slight tilt of her chin. 'Unless my son prefers otherwise, we would be pleased to take supper with you tonight.'

'By all means,' added Murdo, hoping he did not sound over-eager. He glimpsed Ragna out of the corner of his eye-was she laughing at him?

'Splendid!' cried Lady Ragnhild, as if this were the very thing she yearned to hear. 'I will instruct the cooks. Meanwhile, Ragna will take you to your rooms, and I will have my servingmaids bring your belongings shortly.'

Ragna led them from the room then, and they proceeded further down the long vestibule to the end where a turret of steps spiralled up to the floor above. Upon climbing the stairs, they discovered a chamber faced with three wooden doors. 'Your room, Lady Niamh,' she said, indicating the door directly before them. 'This will be your room,' she continued, indicating the left-hand door for Murdo. 'And my room is there,' she said, lifting her hand to the right-hand door. 'Now then, if there is nothing you require, I will leave you to rest before supper.'

When Ragna had gone, Murdo's mother turned to him and said, 'I am glad we have come. You will not mind being the only man, will you?' Tilting her head in Ragna's direction, she said, 'No doubt Ragna will help you find a way to enjoy your stay.'

Murdo, embarrassed to have his most intimate sentiments announced so blatantly, turned swiftly to his door and pushed it open. 'I think I shall be content here,' he agreed distantly, peering into the room.

'Oh, aye, I am certain of it.' His mother bade him take a moment's rest, and went into her room, leaving Murdo to himself. He stepped over the threshold and closed the door behind him. The room was mostly in shadow now; there was a fireplace and many candles, but none of them were lit. The high-sided bed was built into the wall directly across from him; the linen appeared clean, and the curtain was drawn back. A small round table stood in the centre of the room, and there was a three-legged stool beside the bed. The walls were limed to make the most of the scant light through the small, square window. There were iron sconces on the wall, and a sheepskin before the bare hearth.

All in all, the room was not so different from his own at home. Yes, he thought, I shall be content here-especially knowing that Ragna is sleeping only a few paces away. As he was not particularly tired, he decided to have a look around, and so crept from his room and back down the stairs. He found his way to the vestibule and walked outside.

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