– 2 HC War of Shadow opens, as Azrai’s forces begin an assault on all of Cerilia.

0 HCBattle of Deismaar; Mhor Daegan slain in battle, but his son Raedan touched by the divine power.

1 HC Upon taking the oaths before the Red Oak, Mhor Raedan forges the link between Mhor and land.

70 HC Mhor Endira, granddaughter of Raedan, offers allegiance to Boeric Roele, formally incorporating Mhoried in the Anuirean Empire.

71 HC Birth of Thendiere Mhoried, son of Endira and Boeric. The Mhoried claim to the Iron Throne is traced through him.

229 HCPrince Raesene, the Gorgon, launches an invasion of Anuire that is repelled along the line of the Maesil.

500 HC Height of the Anuirean Empire.

502 HC The Gorgon attempts another invasion but fails to force the pass through Caerlinien in Cariele.

556 HCMhor Ulmaeric ascends to the throne. He becomes a powerful and unscrupulous sorcerer.

568 HCUlmaeric deposed by his sister, the Princess Fhiliera. She institutes practice of Mhorien heirs training with the Knights Guardian.

947 HC Emperor Hadrian Roele dies; Archduke Arwyn Boeruine attempts to seize the throne from Michael Roele, precipitating the War of Succession. Mhor Raedan III supports Michael’s claim.

959 HC Battle of Caer Daulton ends the War of Succession.

970 HCDeath of Michael Roele in the Gorgon’s Crown;

0 MR Mhor Raedan escapes from Battle of Kal-Saitharak. Beginning of Michaeline Reckoning.

65 MRMhor Caelwyn leads expeditionary force to aid Cariele against goblins of Thurazor.

77 MR Mhor Oervyn fortifies Torien’s Watch.

399 MR The Barony of Ghoere is formed from the old states of Ghieste and Bhalaene.

460 MR Birth of Gaelin Mhoried.

471 MR Baron Noered Tuorel comes to power in Ghoere.

476 MRDaen Roesone declares independence from Diemed.

484 MR Ghoere invades Elinie.

486 MR War between Ghoere and Mhoried, death of Mhor Daeric I. Beginning of the reign of Gaelin the Restorer.

528 MRGaelin Mhoried steps down in favor of his oldest son, Daeric II.

HC refers to the dating system of Haelyn’s Count. In this system, the Battle of Deismaar (and Haelyn’s ascension to godhood) is considered Year 0.

MR refers to Michaeline Reckoning. This system marks the end of the Roele line as Year 0, which would be 970 HC.

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