Narovchatov shook his head in disbelief, as he had when he first heard that an alien army-of small elephants!-had landed in the American heartland.


“Da. The enemy holds their breadbasket, the source of their grain-and the Americans have been unable to dislodge them. They have lost some of their best military units.”

For a moment Narovchatov felt triumph. Then his grin faded. “But Anatoliy Vladimirovich, if they cannot drive the aliens from the planet—”

“If they cannot, we certainly could not,” the Chairman said grimly. “Nikolai Nikolayevich, no matter who wins, we have lost. It will be many years before we regain our strength. Do you agree?”

“Da, Anatoliy Vladimirovich. Even if there were no military difficulties, even if we regained control of the provinces and the Warsaw nations without further difficulty, it will take years merely to replace the dams and bridges.”

“I believe we must help the Americans,” Petrovskiy said slowly.


“In every way we can. They have a plan. A coordinated attack, on the enemy ships in space and on the alien forces in Kansas. We will both use our remaining strategic rockets.”

“We have few enough left,” Narovchatov said.

“I know.” The Chairman paused. “The Americans also want us to use submarine forces.”

“For what?”

“Some to fire at enemy ships in space, some to fire at Kansas.”

“At Kansas!”

“They also wish us to fire long-range strategic rockets at Kansas.”

“To bomb Kansas,” Narovchatov said wonderingly. “Anatoliy-Comrade Chairman, this is madness!”

“Da. The KGB believes that too.”

“They know of this?”

Petrovskiy nodded. “My call was recorded. I had not known that Trusov could do that-but within minutes after the President called, he was here.”

“He admitted listening! To you!”

“Da. He professed loyalty, but regarded conversations with the Americans as a matter of state security.”

Narovchatov thought furiously. “Thus the colonel and his guards outside your office?”

“And elsewhere. I have sent them to your quarters. And to protect your daughter and grandchildren.”

“Are things that serious, then?’

Petrovskiy shrugged. “Chairman Trusov was nearly hysterical.

He could not believe that I might seriously consider this proposition. ‘Let the aliens destroy the United States,’ he said. ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and the Americans are the enemies of communism everywhere. The aliens are herd beasts, they will respect communism. That is why they have invaded the United States. The Americans have lost only one state. They have fifty. Let the aliens weaken them more.’ That is what he said.”

“Could he be right?”

“Do you believe so?”

Narovchatov shook his head slowly. “No. These aliens, these — elephants I — are the real enemy. They will enslave us all

The Chairman’s face clouded. “And that we will not permit,” he said. His frown deepened, and he pounded his fist against the desk. “No one shall rule us! Russia shall always remain independent. The worst of the Czars knew that much Russia shall obey orders from no outsider! We must not allow that.”

Narovchatov sighed. “You are correct, as always, Anatoliy Vladimirovich. But I am afraid. The KGB is everywhere, and if they resist— What shall we do?”

“We will call your son-in-law, and order him to work with Marshal Shavyrin. Together they will develop a plan.”

Narovchatov nodded agreement. “Pavel Aleksandrovich will be loyal,” he said.

“1 have known Shavyrin almost as long as I have known you,” Petrovskiy said. “I can trust him. Within hours he can be with Bondarev at Baikonur. But he must be warned. When he joins Bondarev, he must take with him his loyal troops, his headquarters guards and his personal staff.”

It has come to this. “Da.” Narovchatov stood. “I will see to it.” He moved to the door, then turned. “When, Anatoliy? Will Russia ever have a government without fear?”

He did not wait for an answer.

An octuple of warriors came for them.

Gravity was next to nothing. The humans moved in a chaotic cloud, bounding from the corridor walls, Nikolai as agile as the rest. Warriors moved four ahead and four aft, keeping orderly pace, using slippers with surfaces like Velcro that interacted with the damp rugs.

Takpusseh and Tashayamp waited where a section of rugcovered wall had been pulled up, leaving a black hole.

“Greeting,” Takpusseh said cheerfully. “We must find a task for you until Number Six digit ship arrives. You will clean the air circulation system. Climbing is one thing you may do better than fithp. You will find it easy now that Thuktun Flishithy-chaytrif.”

What? Wes remembered that chaytr(f meantfoot. Now that the mother ship is mated to a foot?

Never mind. Tashayamp was distributing equipment. To each human was given a sponge, a bag like a plastic garbage bag, a smaller bag filled with soapy water, and a flashlight. All had handles, big metal loops suitable for a fi’s digits. They were strung on a loop of cord.

“The outer ducts need you most,” Takpusseh said. “Empty the collectors into the bag. Wipe the sides. For this day’s mission, circle this way, spinward.” His trunk described a clockwise arc. “Go as far as you can, prove your endurance, then come out at any grill. Summon the first warrior you see. Any warrior will escort you to your cells.”

Would the fithp really allow prisoners to explore their air duct system? Arvid and Dmitri seemed as bemused as Wes, but they were obeying, looping the line loosely around themselves.

Best to assume that he’d be watched. Even so, Wes would enjoy the chance to spy a little. Certainly the Soviets would… Nikolai was being urged into the hole. Arvid and Dmitri followed.

They’ll assume that we’ll want to stay together, but I don think we’ll have to. Wes moved toward the opening.

A branch of living hose looped around his ankle. “Pause a moment,” Takpusseh said. “Dawson, you are to be separated from the others. From this moment Raztupisp-minz is your teacher. When you see a warrior, tell him, ‘Raztupisp-minz.’ ”

Wes shrugged. The Soviets hadn’t been good company lately. “The cause, I attack you?’

“The cause, we decide this. Go.”

He moved through the air duets, cleaning as he went. The work was not difficult. Do what they want for now. Dmitri wants us docile. He may be right, for now.

He worked until he was too tired to go on: five or six hours, he thought.

There were wing nuts on the outsides of the grills. Fingers had to reach through the grills to turn them. That was easy enough:

the wings were five inches across, suited to fi’ digits. Wes was talking to himself before he realized that the screws turned the wrong way. Takpusseh must have wondered if the humans would be reduced to screaming for help through the grills.

He called to two passing warriors. “Take me to Raztupisp-minz.”

One stopped. “Wes-Dawson? You are to go to a restraint room.” Wes paused to refasten the grill, then moved away between the warriors.

Lorena brought the teapot. “More tea. Comrade Marshal?” she asked.

“Thank you, no,” Marshal Shavyrin said. He glanced at the clock on the wall, then at Lorena.

Pavel Bondarev saw, and made a tiny gesture of dismissal. Lorena left the room. Bondarev thought she closed the door heavily, but if so, Marshal Shavyrin did not notice it.

“It is fantastic,” Shavyrin said. A hastily assembled report with bright red coven lay on Bondarev’s desk next to Bondarev’s ancient brass telescope. Shavyrin lifted the report and idly thumbed through the pages. “Fantastic,” he repeated.

“I agree,” Bondarev said. “Yet we must believe—”

The telephone chirped. Bondarev touched a button to put the telephone on amplifier. “Bondarev.”

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