'The families can throw light like that, Edeard said defensively. 'I just have greater strength.

'No, it's more than just strength. Can anyone else see souls? Can they talk to the city itself? Nobody can. You stand above us, Waterwalker. A long way above.

'So? Dinlay said. 'We've always known Edeard is far more talented than the rest of us put together.

'This goes way beyond psychic talent. Macsen gave Edeard a level stare. 'You frighten people, Waterwalker. Even I'm nervous of you, and I know you better than most in this city. I don't think you'll abuse the power you have. But, face it, what's to stop you? That's why you're drawing this kind of attention.

'I would never… Edeard broke off, appealing to his friends. 1 want the city to work, to be a home we can all depend on, a place where everyone can be safe. You know that; that's why you're helping me. Isn't it? he asked, aghast that they might not share his ambition.

'Yes, Kanseen assured him. 'But you have to admit, Macsen has a point. Not only have you got your talent, but you're popular as well. I bet if you stood for Mayor, you'd get a sizeable amount of the votes.

'I don't want to, I support Finitan.

'I know that, she told him. 'The point is, the Grand Families see how much support you have, and they know you want to instigate change. Change for them, a return to more democratic rule, the introduction of accountability, will diminish their power, and Lady help them, their wealth, too. That's what the city's entire political structure is geared around: preserving and expanding their estates. If you wipe out the gangs, you'll go after them next, and the way they've distorted and abused Rah's constitution. That's inevitable.

'Some people say you are Rah, Boyd said. He shrugged. 'It's true. I'm often asked. They think you've come back from the Heart to restore the city to the haven it was in the beginning. The gangs and the bandits we're plagued with right now, that's the kind of chaos Rah led his followers away from.

'Oh Dear Lady, Edeard gave Dinlay a desperate look.

'People have asked me, too, Dinlay said apologetically. 'But I know you're not going to declare yourself emperor. That's stupid. They'd never say that if they knew you properly.

Edeard felt incredibly weary. After everything he'd done, all he'd endured, to find he had created a huge source of mistrust and suspicion was a hideous revelation. 'I just want people to be safe, he cried. 'I want the killing to stop. I want the fear to end. I want people to know their leaders and constables will protect them.

Kanseen put her arm around his shoulder, 'I think that's what disturbs the families most of all; they can't believe someone with your strength can be honest. But you are, and I will stand by you to the end because of that.

'Me too, Dinlay said.

'I trust you, Edeard, Boyd said.

They all turned to Macsen.

'Hey! Goes without saying.

'Say it anyway, Kanseen said.

'I'm with you.

'Thank you.

'But you've got to admit, everything you can do, it's way beyond anything Querencia has seen before; and I include Rah in that. Blasphemy or not.

'Yeah, Edeard admitted sheepishly.

'So… Dinlay queried. 'Are you Rah?


'So why you? Macsen asked. 'You must be something special.

'Really, I'm not.

'You were chosen, Kanseen said. 'We know everything the Lady says in her Scriptures is true. You showed us Chae's soul — and haven't you got to love the irony in that? Him of all people. So if we have souls, and Odin's Sea is the path to the Heart, there's a lot more to this universe that we know.

'Chosen? Edeard repeated dumbly.

'I don't know by who, or by what, but there's no way you with all your abilities came forth at a time like this purely by chance. The Heart, or our ancestors, are speaking to us through you.

'Maybe not them, Edeard said, thinking of his dreams. 'But I can hardly deny what I can do, whoever gave me the gift. And I promise you, I'll do what I think is right with it. And if any of you disagree, then for the Lady's sake tell me. He looked down at their unconscious captive. 'Which brings us back to him. Who is he?

'The families have their own methods of maintaining order in the city, Macsen said. 'After all, they could hardly rely on the constables, now could they? Not before the Waterwalker came along.

Dinlay bridled. 'The constables have always brought law and order to Makkathran. We were established by Rah himself.

'Rah allowed District Masters to police their districts, Macsen replied equitably. 'Independent citywide constables weren't introduced until a lot later.

Edeard held a hand up to silence a glowering Dinlay. 'You're saying there's another police force in Makkathran?

Macsen shook his head. 'That's too strong a word. The true Grand Families are as old as the city; as soon as they established themselves they sought methods of consolidating their interests. Families have their own guards, for instance, they also have clerks, lawyers, doctors; a long list of employees to cover every requirement. Well there are also people who look after political interests, too, which is a very broad-ranging term. You've seen the grandest families are not subject to intimidation by the gangs. There estates are immune. Why is that?

'Because they work with them? Edeard asked.

'No no, you're thinking too literally. There is an understanding, nothing formal, nobody ever sat round a table and thrashed out boundaries. But the families take care of themselves at every level. If a gang was ever stupid or arrogant enough to overstep the mark, then certain members of the family would put a stop to the violation straight away, and in a fashion the gangs would comprehend.

'But… Mirnatha, Edeard said.

'Yeah. The biggest shock to hit this city since our day.n Birmingham Pool. I hate to say it, but: cause and effect.

'Are you one of them? Dinlay asked. 'One of these family agents?


'You seem to know a lot about them.

'Actually, I don't. One of my father's cousins hinted a couple of times that there was a group of relatives that might be interested in welcoming me as an associate. That was as far as it ever got. Father died, and well, you all know how my family treated mother and myself after that.

'It makes a lot of sense, Edeard said. 'Except I think it's mow than a vague accord as far as some families are concerned. I know from personal experience that the Gilmorns are heavily involved with Buate's organization.

Macsen nodded down at the man Edeard's third hand was still holding. 'There have been two well-executed attempts to get rid of you. They won't stop now, especially as your abilities still seem to be growing.

Edeard thought back to that last conversation with Ivarl. 'You may be right. In which case we're not leading events the way we thought we were.

'Welcome to Makkathran, Macsen said.

'Where it's always about politics.

'Good, you're starting to understand.

Edeard inhaled through his nostrils. 'So what do we do about our friend here?

'The ge-eagles have shown the family agents that you possess their lightning trick, Kanseen said. 'And you can plainly see through concealment now. The next time they come after you, it's going to be with everything they've got.

'That didn't answer my question.

'Why, what were you planning on doing with him?

'I don't know. I just disabled him because I had to.

'He won't crack under interrogation, Macsen said. 'He has too much faith in his own kind. That doesn't leave us with a lot of options.

'There's a place I can put him where there is no way out, Edeard said, wondering if Macsen was testing him. 'That will serve until we can decide what to do.

'Sounds good.

* * * * *

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