Master Gachet was waiting there, along with two court officials.

'Waterwalker, Master Gachet said. 'I convey the compliments of my colleague Master Cherix, who says he will enjoy seeing you at the Courts of Justice where he will prosecute this case. He would be here himself, but there is the matter of an exclusion warrant against him.

'What's going on? Kanseen demanded.

'Master Gachet has a civil warrant, Captain Ronark said in disgust. 'It is genuine.

'Say nothing, Dinlay instructed. Macsen shrugged, keeping his counterfeit face perfectly composed.

'I'd like to see it, please. Dinlay held his hand out.

'You? Gachet asked in surprise.

'I am considering a career in law, Dinlay said. 'I will serve as Corporal Edeard's adviser until a registered lawyer can be appointed.

A hugely amused Gachet handed the warrant over.

'You've been named by Buate as an assailant, Dinlay read. 'You are also accused of arson against the House of Blue Petals.

'And are required to pay compensation to its owners for loss of business, Gachet mocked. 'Here's hoping your fiance is understanding, else you will be handing over your pay for the next hundred years.

'We'll get Master Solarin to deal with this, Dinlay said. 'He'll have the warrant invalidated within five minutes.

'Perhaps, Master Gachet said. 'Until then: officers, he gestured at the two court officials who looked dreadfully uncomfortable, 'attend to your duties.

'Go with them, Dinlay said.

The court officers stood nervously on either side of the Waterwalker, and escorted him out of the station, with Dinlay, Kanseen and Master Gachet accompanying them. Constables appeared along the corridor, to glower at the procession. Master Gachet did his best to ignore them, but the anger directed at him was intense.

It was a long walk across Jeavons to the Outer Circle Canal. Word was soon out that the Waterwalker had been arrested on Buate's connivance. People hurried out into the streets to sec Edeard being taken to the Courts of Justice. He smiled in that way he always did, but never spoke.

* * * * *

Edeard slid up through the floor of the house in Padua and cast off his concealment. His third hand was only holding one barrel of jamolar oil. It wasn't a big house. Edsing gasped in surprise as he appeared. Mirayse, his wife stiffened, rushing to their three children and clutching them protectively.

Edeard crushed the barrel. Oil sprayed out, streamers looping across the room to soak furniture. A long cascade rushed out of the door and split into three, with each strand washing through a bedroom.

Edeard stared unflinchingly at Edsing, hardening himself against the distressed whimpering of the children. 'You will leave this place, Edeard ordered. 'You will take those you command with you, or I will burn them out of their homes. Tell them that. Now go. The fire will start in half a minute.

Edsing lined a finger up on Edeard, his features wound up in a snarl. 'You—

'Twenty seconds.

'This is our life! Mirayse shouted.

'And it is now over, Edeard informed her. 'Fifteen seconds. He glanced pointedly at the children.

'Out out, she shrieked, and jostled them along.

Edsing let out a howl of frustration and anger before running after his family.

Edeard held his hand above his head, and sank away. Just before his fingers disappeared beneath the floor, a single spark spat out.

* * * * *

'There is a twofold error here my lords, Master Solarin said to the three judges hearing the application to dismiss. 'Firstly, I draw your attention to the malicious suit bill, with reference to its application for those employed by the city authority. The Waterwalker, as we know, is most prominent in the effort of ridding the city of actively violent criminals. Now, this campaign has caused a great deal of personal conflict between the Waterwalker and Buate, which my learned colleague knows full well.

'Objection! Master Cherix shouted.

Master Solarin chortled. 'Dear me, I hope I don't have to mention a recently dismissed case of aggravated psychic assault between my client and the prosecution.


* * * * *

Edeard flew along the brightly lit deep tunnel, his arms held wide as if they were wings. Air drove against his face, whipping his hair about. His mouth was open to whoop ecstatically.

* * * * *

'Furthermore, in the case of Barclay versus Polio it was deemed that nominated evidence must be independently verified in order for a warrant to be validated.

'My lords I must protest that the defence is procrastinating, Master Cherix said. 'The evidence is fully verified. I gathered the confirming testimony myself.

'I have no doubt of that my lords. However, as my learned council is also fully aware, and has chosen to overlook, tin-testimony in this case is invalid. Master Solarin bowed benevolently at the two girls from the House of Blue Petals who war sitting behind the prosecution bench. They giggled back at him. 'These quite delightful ladies upon whose testimony the prosecution's entire case is based on are themselves employed by the establishment owned by the plaintiff. Impartiality in these circumstances must be discounted, as established by Rupart versus Vaxill, and with it, validation. I would ask for your immediate ruling on this.

* * * * *

Hallwith's home was on the fifth floor of a bridge in Cobara. Two barrels hung in the air beside Edeard as he fixed the glowering gang lord with a relentless stare.

'Leave this place, the Waterwalker commanded.

Oil poured out horizontally as the barrels splintered, forming a sheet of glistening liquid poised half way between floor and ceiling.

* * * * *

'They were not employed by the House of Blue Petals, Master Cherix said, radiating great weariness, as if he were sad to point out such an obvious flaw. 'They are free agents who pay a percentage of their earnings to the house. As such Rupart versus Vaxill does not apply.

* * * * *

Side tunnels flashed past at bewildering speed. Edeard had his hands gripped together in front of him, as if he were diving off a bridge into a deep pool of water. He rolled exuberantly as he hurtled onwards, wondering idly where all the branches led to.

* * * * *

'Which leads us to positive identification. Buate's testimony clearly states that the intruder was illuminated from behind. Contention is that, under such circumstances, a visual identification is impossible.

'My lords, the honourable gentleman is making a poor joke. The Waterwalker is perhaps the most readily identifiable man in all of Makkathran. Master Cherix frowned in annoyance as several people at the back of the court began whispering. A mental bustle of excitement spilled out. Edeard, Kanseen and Dinlay did their best not to smile and turn round. Boyd crept in at the rear of the chamber, carrying a canvas bag. He sat behind his squadmates and leant forward to whisper to Dinlay. Everyone sitting on the prosecution bench did their best to ignore him. The murmurs of surprise at the back of the chamber were getting louder.

The senior judge banged his gavel for order.

'I believe my learned colleague has just answered his own question, my lords, Master Solarin said. 'Yes the Waterwalker is renown, which makes such allegations all the easier to perpetrate. Which I believe brings us right back to the malicious suit bill.

Dinlay rose to whisper into Master Solarin's ear. On the other side of the judges, Master Cherix was receiving an equally urgent message from a junior lawyer on his team.

'My lords, I beg your indulgence for a slight recess, Master Solarin said. 'It would appear there is some evidence forthcoming that will completely exonerate my client.

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