'Talk to him, Edeard said. 'This cannot be allowed to happen.

'I will do what I can. Argian turned and headed off along the street.

'With me, Edeard told the others. 'We have to get to High Moat and stop this. He started running back to the concourse, his farsight ranging out. 'Lady curse it, where are all the gondolas, why are they never about when you need one?

'You planning to give the militia a good soaking? Dinlay asked keenly.

'Whatever it takes. The nearest gondola Edeard could sense was in Lilac Canal, heading away from Great Major Canal. It would take far too long. He stood in the middle of the Mid Pool concourse, twisting about, wracked by indecision. His support of Boyd had left him aching and enervated, he knew he didn't have the strength to pull many more stunts like the water cascade, especially not if he had to first run the entire length of Sampalok to reach the High Moat bridge. 'Lady damn it. He sent his farsight straight into the Orchard Palace, finding the Mayor in the Upper Council chamber. 'Sir, please, I have to talk to you.

'Waterwalker, the Mayor's timbre was frigid. 'The only reason you're still in this city is so you can give evidence before the commission I'm setting up to examine today's events and determine who is to blame. Alter that I have no doubt the Grand

Council will pass a very specific act of banishment, with you as the sole name listed.

'Sir, please, you have to call back the militia.

'What Lady-damned choice have you left me? Makkathran has not seen the like of this disorder for over a thousand years. And it was all your idea. Arresting these Hundred troublemakers was supposed to put an end to chaos. All you have done is provoked outrage and horror. People, decent people in Sampalok, and there are many, contrary to your propaganda, are suffering untold brutality at the hands of a wild mob. A mob you provoked. I am the Mayor, and I will not let that stand. It must be stopped.

'Let me stop it, sir. I can use water on them again; however many times it takes, a dozen if I have to. Please, you cannot let the militia shoot people.

'Since you are so obviously very hard of understanding I will say this in simple terms. You are to leave Sampalok at once. The officers of the militia are not savages, they will deal with this in a fast and professional manner. Do you understand? If you do not comply this instant, I will have Walsfol issue an order for your arrest. Not even you can withstand a hundred constables at once.

'Yes sir, Edeard said. His throat was strangely hard, making it difficult to swallow.

'So what are we doing? Dinlay asked.

Edeard stared round. The squad were still waiting for his word. And look where my ideas have got us. But I know what I am doing is right. I know it is. The politicians and families are twisting everything. He smiled grimly at his friends. 'We're doing exactly what Boyd told me: being bold. Are you with me?

Macsen put on a pained expression. 'Why are you asking that?

Several constables were heading towards them, led by a very uncomfortable-looking sergeant. Edeard waved insolently al them. 'I think we just stopped being constables.

'Oh Honious, Kanseen groaned.

'You'll really need to hold my hands for this, Edeard said, suddenly relishing what he was about to do. His friends sensed his new mood, and grinned. So they held hands, the four of them standing together in the middle of the concourse. In broad daylight, with a hundred constables looking on, and thousands of farsight gazes playing over them, they sank down through the solid surface laughing defiantly all the way.

* * * * *

It was Macsen who screamed the loudest while they tore through the bright tunnel as if they were falling to Querencia from the very nebulas themselves.

* * * * *

'Edeard, what are you doing? Finitan's longtalk asked when they surfaced in a deserted alley not far from the central bridge over Cloud Canal.

'I have to stop the militia, sir, Edeard replied, impressed by how fast the Grand Master had found them. Then he saw a ge-dog at the other end of the alley.

'Listen to me, Edeard, do not use force against the militia. You do not have universal approval among their officers. And Owain has given them a free hand to deal with the rioters.

'Why? Edeard asked. 'Why is he doing this?

'As the city sees it, he is clearing up the mess you have created, Finitan said with infinite weariness. 'In doing so he usurps you as the force of law and order within Makkathran, and breaks the gangs at the same time. When people are killed in any number, this city will blame you. And because of that, they'll vote for him at every election for the next hundred years.

'All this is about votes,

'No, Edeard, as I told you right at the beginning, it is about politics. Always. Those in power are not easily dislodged. Certainly not by good intentions.

'But what about Bise? He's offering people sanctuary in his mansion while the rioters defy the militia. He's making things worse.

'Bise is a sacrifice Owain is prepared to make. They were allies in Council until this morning. Each wanted to claim credit for defeating you. Bise underestimated Owain's resolve. It is a split which Owain has played perfectly. He is already talking of the Council putting Bise on trial for complicity; and there are enough of Bise's relatives who will leap at the chance of taking his District Mastership should he be disbarred. All Bise can do is make his gesture of resistance in the hope it makes things worse for Owain.

'Do you think it will?

'I have no idea. They may yet reach an accord before the point of no return is reached. Whether they do or not, nobody is going to vote for me, not after today, probably not even me. I'm seriously considering offering Owain my allegiance, that way I might salvage some of my political influence. Possibly if I work with him I can be a moderating voice.

'No, you can't do that.

'We all have to face reality, Edeard; he is consolidating the city behind him just as we hoped to do.

'By causing people to die! There are family agents positioned among the crowd ready to escalate this conflict with the militia.

'Then we will need the Lady to grant us a miracle, for 1 see no other way out of this. We are pressured on every side. And you, my brave friend, you will have lost all you have achieved.

'This can't happen.

'It already has. I will protect you as best I can, but I doubt that will be of much use tomorrow.

Edeard bowed his head as he ended his longtalk with the Grand Master.

'What's the matter? Dinlay asked.

'We're completely on our own, Edeard told them. 'Owain has won. He's just swept the rest of us aside as if we didn't exist.

'But we do exist, Macsen said urgently. 'I am here with you to help stop the militia killing people. Let us go and do that.

Edeard's farsight observed the first rank of the militia marching over the bridge from High Moat. 'All right, he said with no real conviction. 'One last try.

They were spotted as soon as they started walking towards the bridge. Thousands of farsight glances settled on them. More and more people became attuned to their position as the word spread across every district. The weight of attention was like the muggy air of a summer's day pressing down on the four friends as they walked onward. Nothing else was happening in the city, everyone was watching the events in Sampalok. A vast barrage of longtalked jeers and remarks fell on them. Edeard blocked them all out, trying to think what to do.

A miracle from the Lady, that's what Finitan said we needed. And he's right. But The Lady only ever performed one real miracle here in the city: her church. I wonder… That would be bold beyond even Boyd's imaginings.

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