Every petal of blossom in the plaza took to the air, a solid pink cloud that mushroomed over the nearby rooftops. The twister touched the pile of blazing furniture blocking Burfol Street. Flaming wreckage lifted effortlessly into the sky, swirling round and round the howling column. Two hundred feet above the city the chunks broke free, slung out sideways from the expanding wind. Militiamen and rioters alike ran for their lives as heavy burning chairs and benches and tables began their fast drop back to the ground.

Two soldiers jumped on Kanseen. She pivoted as they carried her along, sending herself and one of them over the edge of the canal to plunge beneath the water.

Edeard shifted the tip of the twister along the ground and steered it into the barricade at the bottom of Jankal Lane. As one collection of burning debris descended, so another fountained upwards.

Lieutenant Eustace scrambled up out of the scrum that had Dinlay pinned down. Macsen faced him, his smile turning feral. 'Don't know what you're so upset over. Our whole dormitory agreed she's crap in bed.

Eustace roared in fury as he rushed Macsen.

Edeard let go of the air he'd shaped just before his strength gave out. In front of him, the three remaining soldiers from the platoon were gathering together as Macsen and Eustace grappled like wrestling serpents on the slippery path.

'Go, Macsen yelled.

Edeard walked forward, his cloak undulating behind him. The trembling soldiers got off a couple of shots, which the Water-walker never even seemed to notice. They flattened themselves against the wall of the canalside houses as he passed them, rigid in fearful expectation.

When Edeard reached the plaza the regiment was starting to regroup. Several officers yelled a challenge to him, which he ignored. Orders were shouted and longtalked, trying to get the ranks reformed and take aim on the figure in the black billowing cloak. A shower of tiny petals fell softly back to earth.

Edeard stood at the head of Burfol Street, seeing people peer timidly out of the doorways and alleys where they'd dodged the rain of furniture. 'Move! he bellowed at them. 'If you stay hero the militia will kill you, and if I catch you it'll go even worse on your soul.

They started to run. Just a few at first. Then the Waterwalker advanced down the street. He raised his arm and lightning streamed from his fingers to claw at the denuded espalier trees. The stampede began. Dozens were pelting for safety ahead of the terrible figure they feared the most. His farsight showed him people on the move all across Sampalok. The crowds who minutes before had been secure in their domination of the streets were heading for the last refuge: Bise's mansion.

Edeard almost faltered as he drew level with the first body. It was a woman who'd taken three bullets; tiny petals drifted down to settle on her bloody clothes. His farsight examined the area around her, to find her soul hovering above the corpse. 'I'm so sorry, he told her. 'I should have been quicker.

Her spectral face was despondent as she looked at him. 'My boys, what about my boys? They're so young.

'They will be taken care of, I promise.

'I will see them before I go, she said, and began to drift towards a nearby alley. 'I can feel them close. One last look, to be sure.

Edeard grimaced, and carried on. In total he counted fifteen dead, with over twenty hobbling along in front of him, clutching at their wounds, blood dripping onto the pavement. He directed his longtalk at them, whispering that they should turn down side alleys where doctors would come. Some obeyed, eight didn't.

Owain's longtalk found him as he was halfway down Burfol Street. 'I don't know what you think you can achieve by this. Stand aside, and let the militia deal with this scum. I'll see to it that the commission is sympathetic to the part you played today.

'The Lady's miracle, Edeard replied, not caring that the rest of the city could sense his longtalk.

'Excuse me?

'The Lady performed a miracle in Makkathran once, and I'm going to repeat it today.

'You are beyond salvation, Waterwalker.

'Then let me be.

'I can't do that.

Echoing down the street came the command: 'Regiment, forward march.

'Want to bet, Edeard muttered under his breath, then: 'Boyd, I hope you're watching this. It's your Lady-damned idea.

He slowed his walk slightly; making sure that those fleeing into the mansion would have time to reach it before he did. Behind him, the regiment pressed on down the street. They matched his own pace, maintaining the distance perfectly. That caused him to grin.

'Edeard, Salrana's unnervingly accurate longtalk said to him alone. 'What have you become?

this is something

'I am what I have always been.

'The strength yes, but this arrogance new.

'They gave me no choice.

'Edeard, you are acting against the wishes of the whole city. Stop this.

'Today has to end with the gangs destroyed and banished. Nothing else matters any more.

'What you are doing is wrong. You are claiming all responsibility. You are abusing your gifts to defy the Council itself.

'Long ago, Rah used his strength to gift people sanctuary from chaos. I can do nothing less with my gift, my strength. To fail now would be to betray everything he founded, all that he gave this world.

'Don't you dare invoke Rah. You are not Rah.

'I know. But I will not let his wonderful legacy wither and die. That is who I am. Accept that.

'I will pray to the Lady for the light that was once your beautiful soul.

Edeard ground his teeth together. He wrenched his attention away from his childhood friend. / cannot let this distract me. She will not! And not everyone doubt me.

As if seeking a counter to Salrana's dreadful mistrust, Edeard's directed longtalk sought out Felax, who was still on the Mid Pool concourse. 'I could do with some help.

'Yes, sir, Felax said proudly. 'Of course I'll help.

The boy's unswerving trust was humbling. 'I need you and others you can rely on to run to the senior sergeants at each bridge. Tell them the Waterwalker needs the farsight teams to keep tracking the Hundred, and in addition to find as many of those named on the exclusion warrants as they can. Also, if this goes our way, I'll need the arrest teams to reform; they'll In wanted for escort duties.

'Yes, sir I'll do that right away. But sir, I want to help you, I want to be there with you.

'This is truly what I need. If you do this for me, we can still turn this day around.

'I knew you would, sir; I knew it.

Edeard was a hundred yards from the end of Burfol Street. He could see the big open square surrounding Bise's mansion. Fountains still played in the pools, providing the only movement in the whole expanse. Behind them, the iron-bound gates in the high wall were swinging shut.

He walked out into the square, and looked up at the circular mansion. Over a hundred people were standing along the top of the battlements on the external wall, as far as his farsight could tell they were all armed. Every revolver was lined up on him.

Behind them, the seven-storey tower formed a proud silhouette against a sky stained by pyres of smoke. Its walls were a mottle of green and yellow, with each level a shade lighter than the last. The top floor was almost white. Bise stood on the roof, his splendid robes of office waving in the gentle wind. His longtalk washed out, strong enough to reach over half the city.

'You have no authority here, Waterwalker. The District Master has full dominion within his own walls. Leave this place.

Edeard was immensely tempted to reply with a single hand gesture. Instead he said: 'Wait there, please. I have to deal with militia first. He turned his back on the mansion. A couple of shots were fired. He deflected the bullets easily. Heated orders flowed along the battlements. And nobody fired again.

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