'A ship will anchor in Cauley cove this evening, Edeard told the ex-District Master. 'It has provisions for you; all of you.

Bise glared at him. 'Where are we supposed to go?

'There are fresh lands in the provinces. You can begin again if you wish.

'I am a District Master, Bise yelled furiously. Over fifty members of the Diroal family were gathered behind him, all of them wearing clothes appropriate to their status, and completely wrong to be wearing for a march through the countryside. Hems on the fanciful skirts of the older women were already ragged and filthy as they dragged along High Moat's dusty track. The men were carrying their fur-lined robes, and sweating in their gaudy shirts and trousers. Two of the younger wives were carrying crying babes. Not one of them had footwear that would last more than a couple of days on the road.

Edeard did his best not to feel guilt or sorrow at the misery arrayed in front of him. 'If you had lived up to your responsibilities you still would be, he said. 'Now leave while I'm still feeling generous.

'You won't live past midnight, Bise spat.

Edeard smiled without humour. 'I hope you're not relying on Warpal or Motluk to make that a reality.

Bise paled. He glanced up at the archway, and marched through with his head held high. His family trudged after him.

'He'll be in some friend's Iguru pavilion by nightfall, Captain Ronark declared. 'Dressed in fresh clothes, sipping wine, and plotting revenge while the rest of these unfortunates are shivering on the side of the road.

'I know, Edeard said as those named on the exclusion warrants began to file past, calling names and swearing vengeance. 'The important thing is the banishment itself. Without the most active gang members, we can achieve order in the city. Besides, how long do you think Bise will be welcome in that pavilion? A fortnight? A month? How long would you feed and clothe his whole family? He'll be moved on eventually; further and further away from us.

'I hope so.

'Thank you for your support, sir, Edeard said.

'You would have it a thousand times over, Waterwalker. I've given my life to the constables, and achieved so little. You have restored the city's faith in us, in the law. That means a lot to me, and probably to more people than you realize.

'I was hoping you could talk to Walsfol for me.

'I will have words. It might be easier than you expect. The Mayor's actions today left a lot of people shocked and disturbed.

'I need to remain a constable.

'There's a position that I believe would serve very well.

'What position?

'Captain of Jeavons station.

Edeard gave the old man a startled look. 'But sir—

'I'm almost at retirement age anyway, and there are posts in the Chief Constable's office where I can sit out my time. Look at me, I'm here watching the worst bastards in the city march into banishment; people I've spent decades trying to stop. It doesn't get better than this. You taking charge of Jeavons is fitting, and it will put you in a good position to achieve Chief Constable in a few years. Walsfol is my age, you know.

'That is… enormously generous, sir.

'It's good politics. And I think you've learned what's most important in this city now.

'Yes sir!

Eight constables escorted Buate to the North Gate. Edeard gave the man a dismissive glance, and told the constables to let him go.

'I don't know what you are, Waterwalker, Buate said, 'but you'll never last.

'You're probably right. But while I'm here, you're not. And that gives everyone a chance at a better life.

Buate turned away, and walked through the North Gate.

'Now that's a sight I never thought I'd see, Kanseen said as Buate gave the grassland outside a disgusted look. He strode away, keeping himself apart from the other exiles tramping along.

'Worth remembering, though, Macsen said. 'So what's next, mighty Waterwalker?

'Sampalok, and then a wedding, Edeard told them. 'And if you ever call me that again, you'll find yourself living with Buate in a hut in the furthest province I can find.

'Ohooo touchy!

'What do you mean a wedding? Kanseen asked.

'I need to talk to yo— Edeard broke off. His arm suddenly shot out, pointing at the last few stragglers in the column going through North Gate. 'Not you! He beckoned. 'Come here.

The teenage lad gave a guilty start, looking round to try and see who the Waterwalker was pointing at.

'Yes, you, Edeard said.

The lad certainly looked like he should be exiled; curly brown hair that hadn't seen soap for weeks, a scratchy beard just starting, bad outbreak of spots on both cheeks. His clothes were clearly tailored for someone else, with a belt holding up trousers whose legs were crudely cut to size — because he wasn't particularly tall for his age. He wore a patched jacket with bulging pockets, filled with food and some small silver items looted from Sampalok shops. His only expression was sullen, and he wouldn't meet anyone's gaze.

His parents came with him, clinging defensively. Edeard remembered the father, a gang member working rackets out of Abad.

'What's your name? Edeard asked.

'You leave him alone, the woman cried. 'We're going, what more do you bastards want from us?

The lad gave Edeard the kind of surly stare that only a Sampalok youth could manage. 'What do they call you? he asked benignly.

'Marcol. What's it to you?

'And your father is Arcton, I know, and your mother…?

'Janeel, she said uncertainly. 'What is this?

'Marcol here has a very strong third hand.

Marcol reddened. 'I don't!

'There aren't many in this city who can pull a ge-eagle out of the sky from such a height.

'Wasn't me.

'You're loyal to your parents, aren't you? Edeard mused. 'You'd have to be if you're leaving with them. You're old enough to stay and look after yourself if you really want; after all, you're not named in any warrant.

'You let him be, Janeel said, her arms went protectively round her son.

'I ain't staying here, Marcol said defiantly.

'I'll make you an offer, Edeard said. 'I'll cancel your father's banishment, if you sign on as a probationary constable at Jeavons station.

'What? Arcton and Janeel gave each other a disbelieving look.

'Edeard? a puzzled Kanseen queried.

'Two conditions, Edeard said. 'Marcol has to complete his probation and graduate; and you, Arcton, get a job and keep out of trouble.

'Are you serious? Arcton asked.

'I'm the Waterwalker.

'He doesn't do funny, Macsen informed them curtly.

'Yes, Janeel said, she looked ready to burst into tears. 'Yes we'll do it.

'Marcol? Edeard asked. 'What do you say? It won't be easy.

'Why are you doing this? It was more like a grunt than a sentence.

Edeard put his arm round Marcol's shoulder, and drew him aside. 'Have you got a girlfriend?

'Yeah! Hundreds.

'Hundreds, eh? You're lucky. I didn't, not before I joined the constables. Do you know how many I had after I became the Waterwalker? Did you hear about that part of my life?

Marcol came perilously close to smiling. 'Sort of.

'Girls, especially fancy family girls, like men in uniform, particularly those of us who are stronger than everyone else. They really like that.


'It's never easy being a probationary constable, but can it be harder than trying to be a farm boy on the other side of the Iguru? Is that what you want to be?


'So will you give it a try? For your mum's sake if nothing else. Look at her; she doesn't want to be thrown out of the city. But I don't have a choice: your dad did wrong, except now you've got a chance to put it all right.

'Okay. I'll do it.

'Thank you. Edeard turned to Arcton and Janeel. 'You can go home. Have him at Jeavons station seven o'clock tomorrow morning; washed and looking respectable.

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