Edeard's nerves built with every step up to the second floor where the private rooms were. Macsen was playing along for now, but how he'd react to this… Without Macsen, the squad would be seriously weakened, and he was going to need their full strength if he was to have any hope of success over the gangs.

'Ready? Edeard asked outside the door.

'Yeah, Dinlay whispered.

Then Edeard heard a metallic click — a pistol's safety catch pulled back. 'Is one of you armed?

'Yes, Boyd said.

'Well, actually, all of us are, Dinlay said defensively. 'We thought we were going to be raiding a gang hideout.

'Oh Lady, no, no, this isn't a raid. It's not actually dangerous, we just have to catch them in the act. So put the pistols away, please.

Several grumbles rolled along the apparently empty corridor. Fumbling sounds followed.

'Ready? Edeard asked again, reflecting on the impossibility of acting as a team when you couldn't actually see each other. 'Go!

As one they dissolved their concealment. Edeard used his third hand to smash the lock, and flung the door open. The squad charged in.

Vilby's face was a mask of astonishment and fright; his head lifted off the pillows to stare at the squad. He couldn't move any further, his own handcuffs fastened his wrists to the odd metal hoops driven into the wall above the bed. Nanitte, who was straddling his chest holding a jar of honey in one hand, turned round and let out a soft gasp of shock. Then she saw one of the intruders was Macsen, and her face registered real concern. 'Ladycrapit.

Edeard could sense the longtalk yell she was directing out towards the other end of the city. It wasn't much: 'They've caught me with Vilby. I never sensed them coming, they were bloody invisible. His own face was part of the accompanying gift she sent. No one replied to her.

'Don't come back to the station, Edeard told Vilby. 'And get you and your family out of the tenement by tomorrow evening. Only constables live there.


Edeard closed his third hand round the man's chest. Honey squelched out around the edges of his grip. 'Don't, he growled in warning.

Vilby sagged in defeat.

Kanseen lifted an eyebrow as she gazed at the tacky mess covering the man's groin. 'Well, thanks a whole lot, Vilby, I'll never be able eat a meringue again.

Boyd sneered down. 'You know, you really need to leave them in the oven longer, a proper meringue is never that sticky in the middle.

'Is that right? an interested Dinlay asked as they turned and walked out of the door.

'Oh yes. Any half-wit baker's apprentice knows that.

Macsen hadn't said a word. He was staring at Nanitte, who returned the look unflinchingly.

'Come on, Kanseen said. She put her hand on Macsen's shoulder, and gently propelled him out of the room.

Edeard gave Vilby a derisory wink and closed the door as he left.

* * * * *

The waitress in the Olivan's Eagle was puzzled by the squad's lack of good humour as they clustered together in the corner booth. Edeard tipped her a brass farthing, and scooped the beer glasses off her tray with his third hand. He put the first one down in front of Macsen. 'Sorry, he said cautiously.

Macsen shook his head and put his hand round the glass. He stared intensely into the dark amber liquid with its thick head.

'It's a war of who knows most, Edeard said.

'Lady, Kanseen grunted heavily. 'I think we get that now, Edeard. She took a long drink of beer. 'Was anyone I've…?


'That's lucky. For them. I would have ripped their balls off and stuffed them where the sun doesn't shine.

'Urn, Boyd ventured. 'About Saria?

'A lovely girl. Don't worry.

'So it's just me, then is it? Macsen said bitterly. He was still glaring at his beer. He hadn't managed to look at Dinlay since they'd left the Black Horse.

'Not exactly, Edeard cringed as he gave Dinlay an awkward glance. 'Chiaran.

'No! Dinlay squawked in horror. 'She's a constable.

Boyd turned his head slowly to give Dinlay a fascinated look. 'Who's Chiaran?

'Her father is in debt to one of Ivarl's lieutenants in Fiacre. She's helping to pay it off.

'She can't be.

'You never said anything about a Chiaran to me, Boyd said with a rising smile. 'You sly old thing.

'Sorry, Edeard said.

'Oh Lady!

'Well, aren't you the clever one? Macsen said, still not looking up.

'Actually, no, Edeard said. He took a breath. 'I'm sure you all remember Ranalee.

Kanseen actually spilt some of her beer. 'What?

Edeard's shoulders slumped. 'The Gilmorn family has strong ties with Ivarl. It's all part of the way the port works — I discovered afterwards. Too late afterwards, unfortunately. I think that's how Ivarl found out I knew about Vilby. He couldn't quite bring himself to tell them about that night.

'Wait, he knows you knew?


'But… Oh, Lady be damned. She took another gulp of beer.

'So, Boyd said with a frown. 'If he knew that you knew he… I don't get it.

Why would he go ahead with the Chemistry Guild robbery if you both knew what was happening?

'I told you it's a war of who knows the most, and then how you apply it.

Macsen finally looked up, fixing Boyd with an icy glare. 'Get it now? All of this is a giant pissing contest between Ivarl and Edeard, which of them can outsmart the other.

'Which is why you have to understand, Edeard said firmly. 'Fully understand.

'Well I understand now, Macsen said bitterly. He faced up to Dinlay. 'I'm the idiot who got you shot. Me!

'Hardly, Dinlay said with a nervous guffaw.

'I told her. I said we were going to do undercover work after we talked about watching Boltan Street.

'When did we say that? Edeard asked.

'Day we caught Arminel in the store room, Kanseen supplied.

'Oh yeah.

'Arminel used it, didn't he? Macsen said. 'He used that to mount the ambush at Birmingham Pool.

'We don't know anything for certain, Edeard said. 'What I was trying to show you tonight is just how smart and organized Ivarl is. Not only that, his organization is big, it reaches right across the city.

'You've made your point, Kanseen said. 'We were naive. That'll stop now.

'I'm sorry, Macsen said. He was pleading with Dinlay now.

'You didn't shoot me.

'It was my fault.

'No it wasn't, Edeard said. 'You all know Arminel, what he's like. If they hadn't come after us that day, it would've been another. You don't send people like Nanitte to spy on us unless you're making a real effort to eliminate us.

'And Chiaran, Dinlay said forlornly.

'And Chiaran, Edeard conceded. 'That means he's still out to get us, even more since the warehouse. It's going to get ugly.

'She was beautiful, Dinlay said. He took off his glasses and polished the lenses intently.

'We're all good, though, aren't we, Waterwalker? Boyd said cautiously. 'Tell us that at least. Tell us nobody here tonight belongs to Ivarl.

'We're all good, Edeard promised them.

'Nanitte, Macsen moaned, and slumped back into his seat. 'What about the others? Have any more girls belonged to Ivarl?

Edeard grinned. 'I don't have the time to keep track of that list.

'Nor your own, it would seem, Kanseen observed archly.

'Nor mine, he conceded.

'Lady, this is wonderful, she muttered. 'We have to seek your consent for our lovers now. It's like I'm living at home again and getting my mother's approval.

'What were her criteria? Boyd asked eagerly.

'Well, she wouldn't have let you through the front door, that's for sure.

Edeard laughed. 'It's not that bad.

Kanseen gave him a level gaze. 'Yes it is.

'You don't have to tell me who you're with every night. And as of now, I'm not going to farsight. Just…

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