The songs were fast and loud, the complete opposite of the tunes the musicians had played during the party. Lyrics spoke of love and loss, treachery and corruption, derided and mocked the Council. They were angry. They were sad. Music pounded Dybal's words home. Edeard and Kristabel danced wildly. They drank. He even took a drag on a couple of kestric pipes that were passed round. So did Kristabel, her mind radiating impious delight as she inhaled.

Dybal played for over an hour. Long enough for Edeard to be drenched in sweat. The theatre walls were running with condensation by the time he finished his second encore.

'That was fabulous, Kristabel said as she hugged Edeard. 1 can't believe the Council is still in power. Viva the revolution! She punched her fist in the air.

He hugged her back, and touched his nose to hers. 'That's your own father you're talking about.

'Who cares! She twirled around. 'Thank you for bringing me.

'I've been wanting to hear Dybal for a long time.

'Why didn't you?

Edeard shrugged. Around them, people were heading for the steps back up to the street, all of them tired and happy.

'I didn't want to come alone, he said.

The smile she answered with made the risk of such honesty worthwhile.

* * * * *

As soon as they came back out on to Doulon Lane, the squad went their various ways, calling goodnight to each other. There were very few people on the street at this late hour. Edeard buttoned up his cloak again before putting his arm around Kristabel. She leant in against him, her mind showing him complete contentment. They walked back towards the pool at the end of Garden Canal with the nebulas painting pale colours against the night sky. It might have been the residue of kestric but they seemed to have a lustrous sparkle as Edeard gazed up at them. Honious particularly tonight was beset by internal shimmering.

'You often do that, Kristabel said.


'Look at the nebulas.

'Do I? I suppose I just wonder how much we really do know about them.

'I can name most of them.

'Ah yes, but that's not knowing, is it? What are they really? Do you think our souls are destined to drift among them?

'The Lady says that's what befalls us if we don't lead a life that holds us true to ourselves.

'Yeah, he said grumpily as he thought back to those interminable Sunday mornings as a small boy at the back of Ashwell's church, with Mother Lorellan reading from the Lady's scriptures in a drab monotone. And who decides what true is?

Kristabel just pressed harder against him, humouring the strange doubts flecking his thoughts.

Her private gondola was moored at a platform on the edge of the pool, with a lamp swinging from the frame of the little canvas cabin. There wasn't much room inside. Edeard and Kristabel had to snuggle up close on the bench. She pulled a fur rug up round their legs. As the gondolier set off up Garden Canal, they began to kiss. He ran his hand through her abundant hair, tasting her lips, then her cheeks, her neck, returning to her mouth. She moaned excitably, her mind enraptured. Even their thoughts seemed to merge.

Eventually she pulled hack, giving him the most tender smile he'd ever seen on her delicate face.

'What? he asked. There was no way he could possibly have misunderstood her feelings. Few of the girls he'd know had ever been as open as Kristabel.

'I'm ready for this, she murmured sensually. 'And I know you are.

'Oh yes, he assured her.

'It's just—

'Your father?

'No, Daddy actually approves of you. He's not quite as traditional as he comes across.

Edeard couldn't help the grin of disbelief creeping across his face. 'I know.

'I think we both know this isn't going to be some casual affair.

'Yes. There was some echo of what she said that tickled at his subconscious, which he dismissed.

'So I want this to be right.

'It will be.

She kissed him lightly. 'It's very late. We've both been partying. You have patrol duty at seven tomorrow. None of that is good.


'I know you had a bad experience with Ranalee, but the family has a beach lodge outside the city. It's really lovely. I would like us to go there. Just you and me. For a week.

He was incredibly sensitive to the feel of her pressed up against him. Her whispered yearnings and the candid desire in her mind were affecting him with the same potency as any of the illicit fires Ranalee's dominance had kindled. 'Yes, he breathed harshly.

'Would you like that?

'Yes. His throat was so tight he could barely get the word out. 'Yes, I would like that.

'I don't want to pressure you into a week with me. I will go back to your maisonette with you now if you'd prefer.

'No. The beach lodge sounds wonderful.

'Really? Her cheek rubbed up against him. 'Thank you. Thank you for giving us this chance.

The gondola turned along Flight Canal, and headed down towards High Pool. They didn't even kiss any more. Their faces rested against each other while they smiled. Edeard looked straight into her eyes and mind, relishing everything he saw. The eagerness, the physical yearning, the excitement that twinned anticipation. The adoration. It was all mirrored, he knew; exactly what she could sense in his own mind. The openness was… sweet.

Homelt was standing on the ziggurat mansion's landing platform. He grinned as Kristabel climbed out of the gondolier.

'Good morning, Mistress. Did you have a nice time?

She flashed him a warm smile. 'Yes, thank you, a very nice time.

Homelt looked down at Edeard, who tried to keep a straight face and failed dismally. He nodded briskly.

'Is my father still up?

'No, Mistress, he went to bed several hours ago. There's only myself and the night-guards awake now.

'I see. Well, good night, Waterwalker.

'Goodnight, Mistress.

Homelt gave them a surprised look, then escorted Kristabel up the wooden stairs into the mansion.

'Can you be ready for next Tuesday? Kristabel's longtalk asked.

Edeard didn't even think of the mountain of work and schedules he'd have to reorganize. And a week from Tuesday was the graduation ceremony, which he could not miss. It would be tight. 'I will be. Whatever it takes.

'I'll hold you to that.

He caught one last glimpse of her atop the stairs. Smiling in expectation. It was, he reflected, an enchanting smile. Macsen had been right about her beauty after all.

The gondolier simply took him over to the other side of Flight Canal where he could walk home through Silvarum into Jeavons. There were two exceptionally bored and sleepy constables standing guard on the bridge over Arrival Canal. Both were startled to see Edeard at that time in the morning, but he stopped for a moment to speak with them. The correct thing to do politically, as Finitan had drilled him, create goodwill and support at every opportunity for you never know when you might need it.

Politics, as he had learned, could never be ignored in Makkathran, not at any level. It was Finitan's clever play which had exploited the kidnapping to get the result they needed in the Grand Council following the Festival of Guidance. It was also politics which had prevented the Gondoliers from going on strike as they'd threatened, for that would have made it look as if they were siding with the kidnappers. For now, the city remained on his side. He knew it wouldn't last, that there would be other attempts to subvert the Council, to turn his supporters away from the exclusion warrants. In all probability, those efforts would never end. He had to remain vigilant, which he was trying his hardest to do.

Kristabel, though, seemed to be filling his mind these days. He thought of her when he should be concentrating on duty rotas or meetings with District Masters or sniffing out the gang masters. He thought of her when he got up. He thought of her when he was out on patrol, remembering her laugh, the way she-looked, her scent, the trivial things of which they spoke. And when he finally did get a few free hours at the end of each day and could be with her, she simply filled his whole world.

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