'So it's just hearsay?

Dinlay shrugged. 'Yes.

'And this is what you managed to discover while I was away?

'As my soon-to-be-father says, everyone's a critic, Macsen said with mock dismay. 'No, actually, we have been doing difficult observation work under dangerous conditions for little pay and scant thanks from our corporal and station captain.

'For the love of the Lady, will you tell me what is going on?

'We followed several gang members who are covered by exclusion warrants — with good reason. One of them was a member of an enforcer crew, Dinlay said, grinning broadly. 'They've just told a merchant called Charyau in Neph that they want a third of his business. He imports salsponge.

'What the heck is salsponge? Edeard demanded. 'And I swear on the Lady if just one of you gives me that pitying look over this I will dump the lot of you headfirst in Birmingham Pool and hold you under.

Boyd opened his mouth ready to explain. A frown creased his forehead, and he turned to Macsen. Macsen pursed his lips and gave Kanseen inquisitive stare.

'Well don't ask me, she said. 'I've never heard of it before.

'It must be valuable, Dinlay mused. 'Charyau has a big family, who dress in fine clothes and carouse all over the city; and there's also two mistresses he covers in jewellery.

'Did he agree to their terms? Edeard asked.

'No, Boyd said. 'The Lady blessed him with a backbone and a lot of pompous bluster. He refused.

'So we followed the enforcer crew home to Sampalok.

'You went into Sampalok? Edeard asked in surprise.

'Like I said: difficult and dangerous, Macsen announced portentously. 'Which is why we know that they're going to kick the crap out of Rapsail, Charyau's firstborn, as the first warning. And they're going to do it tonight.

'Where? Edeard asked eagerly.

* * * * *

Riorn Street was a sinuous pathway on the northernmost corner of Abad, linking the Roseway Canal to the Great Major Canal. The buildings which made up its walls were all tall and imposing, though one of them did incline outwards, allowing broad strands of unkempt gurkvine to dangle down from the eves like a living partition along the street. It was the building next to the overhanging vegetation which housed the Reckless Colonel, a restaurant and theatre of good repute, where the wealthier sons of the city's gentlemen congregated for a pleasurable night among their own.

Good, expensive food was to be found on the starched white linen cloths of its hexagonal tables; the cellar was stocked with an enviable selection of vintage wines from across Querencia. The lounge area offered deep and cosy chairs and settees, while the dancers who graced the stage performed their elegant moves with amazing agility to the pitch-perfect house band. Five large doormen stood outside the glossy wooden doors, physically and telekinetically strong, their presence alone enough to deter anyone foolish enough to be born beneath a certain status in life.

It was after two o'clock in the morning when one of them tipped his tall peaked hat to Rapsail who tottered unsteadily down the three awkward steps to the pavement. A heavy rain was lashing the street, dimming the orange lights shining down from the building walls. Rapsail tightened his leather cloak around his long blue and scarlet jacket as he grunted his inebriated 'goodnight' to the doormen, and began to weave an unsteady route towards the Great Major Canal.

Alcohol suppressed his farsight as much as it did his optical focus. He had no awareness of the five men lurking in the deeper shadows and alleys off Riorn Street. Nor did he notice as they emerged from their secluded refuges to walk both behind and alongside him. It was only as they started to close in that he frowned with intoxicated confusion.

'I say, hello you fellows, he slurred.

A third hand closed around his ankles. For a moment his legs moved sluggishly, then he peered down at his immobile feet. Rapsail blinked down at his polished leather shoes with their fashionable brass and silver buckles. They didn't seem to be doing what he wanted, which was to get him far far away from this place.

'I say, that's off.

One of his assailants laughed. They circled him now, dark spectres with hoods pulled over their heads, faces shadowed and wreathed with a seclusion haze. Rain pattered heavily on their oilskin cloaks to form quick rivulets over the fabric.

'What do you want? Rapsail's instinctive self-preservation was starting to get through his alcohol-saturated brain. He tried to longshout, but that required too much concentration.

A hand tugged his hood away from his head.

'I warn you, I have friends in this city. Powerful friends.

'This is a message for your father, Medath, the enforcer crew's leader said.

'What message? Rapsail asked as the rain slicked down his hair.

'He'll understand.

A fist slammed into Rapsail's podgy stomach. The young man doubled up immediately, falling to his knees. Tears of pain mingled with the rain on his cheeks. 'Oh sweet Lady, no. I have money. Please.

'It's not your cash we want, Medath explained patiently. 'It's your inheritance.

Two of the men pulled leather-weighted coshes from under their cloaks, while two more used their third hands to pinion Rapsail in his cowed position.

'After all, Medath said reasonably. 'You won't be needing it. Cripples don't have anything to spend it on.

Rapsail whimpered piteously.

'Damage him, Medath ordered. 'Badly.

Two coshes were raised into the air, slick with water. They kept on rising, pulled out of grasping fingers to whirl away into the night. Both men grunted in surprise. Medath fell into a crouch, long blades sliding into his hands. He scanned round with his farsight, probing every doorway and alcove along the street as his telekinetic shield hardened. One of the other enforcers aimed a kick at Rapsail's head. His boot was yanked backwards, sending him crashing down. There was a sickening slap as his face smacked flat on to the pavement. He yelled, 'Help me, through the blood pouring out of his mouth and nose. Then froze in terror as he was tugged violently across the pavement. He slid away from his comrades at frightening speed, hands scrabbling at the wet surface to no effect. His shrieks were cut off as he vanished round the corner.

'Dear Lady! another gasped. He started to run. His feet left the ground, and he was propelled through the air to crash into the nearest wall. He crumpled to the ground, stunned.

The remaining three enforcers closed together. Medath kept his blades held ready; the others drew pistols. Laughter echoed down the street. It was too much for one. He fired at a clutch of shadows. The bullet stopped a mere couple of feet from the pistol muzzle, hanging in mid-air. Raindrops curved neatly around it.

'Waterwalker, Medath breathed.

'Good evening. Edeard walked forward, his body becoming visible amid the wavering shadows and unceasing rain as he reached the middle of the street. The rain avoided him, parting above his head to leave his splendid new tunic perfectly dry. Behind him, Kanseen and Dinlay emerged from nowhere.

'You're under arrest, Edeard said. He extended a hand, and the two pistols were wrenched out of their owner's fingers. 'Cuff them, he told Dinlay. He turned to Kanseen. 'Get the knives.

Medath watched her approach. He rotated the blades skilfully, and proffered the handles towards her. Edeard was walking towards the enforcer who'd been flung against the wall, bending over as the man groaned weakly.

'I'll take those, Kanseen said, and held out a hand for the knives.

It was Medath's one chance, he sent them flying towards her with a vigorous flick of his wrists. At the same time he shoved his third hand against Edeard with his full strength. 'Fight them, he bellowed at his two accomplices. Kanseen stumbled as she warded off the knives, tumbling on to the pavement. Dinlay was grappling with one of the enforcers, while Edeard came to his aid, swiftly restraining the second with a resolute telekinetic grip. By the time they'd got them both subdued and cuffed, Medath had sprinted away. Edeard's farsight followed him charging over the iron bridge just above Mid Pool.

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