'The politicians in this city are a lot smarter and devious than you give them credit for. You'll see.

Edeard didn't believe him, he knew Finitan would win. They reached Arrival Canal and went along to the first mooring platform to hail a gondola.

'At least we get to see Rapsail's hangover, Macsen said.

* * * * *

The meeting with Rapsail and Charyau was awkward and stilted. Charyau was torn between gratitude to the constables, and fury at himself and Rapsail. Rapsail especially came off badly. Waster. Parasite. Worthless. Were some of the more frequently used words. But Edeard was now quite accomplished at talking round reluctant citizens, especially important ones — or those who considered themselves important.

It wasn't Charyau's self-directed fury Edeard manipulated. It was the anger and fear the merchant felt towards the gangs who had come so close to taking his life's accomplishments away from him. In the end there wasn't that much to exploit. The whole experience meant that Charyau had undergone an almost evangelical conversion. Neph was going to get its first merchants association, of that he swore on the Lady's life. He was going to compel his friends and rivals; there were old favours he would call in, he promised, social ties he could use, even financial debts. Together Neph's merchants would stand against the gangs and this insidious new strategy. Everything he learned would immediately be delivered to the constables — by Rapsail.

* * * * *

Edeard walked into the small hall at the Jeavons station in an exceptionally fine mood. Several probationary constables had delivered names that their station captains wanted adding to the exclusion lists, which he passed on to Urarl's team for checking. They did that as a matter of course now, making sure the names were genuine. Several traders and shopkeepers had also forwarded people they suspected. Edeard sent runners to the relevant constable stations, asking that the new suspects be observed. Three new warrants needed drawing up by the Lawyers Guild, producing nine copies each. Which he'd then have to humbly ask the District Masters and Representatives to sign.

'I wish we could just have one warrant to cover all the districts, Boyd complained.

'After Finitan gets elected, Edeard promised. 'But I did have one idea after I saw Buate last night. If the gangs are taking shares in legitimate businesses, it'll entail a lot of paperwork. Droal, how do we get the Guild of Tax Clerks to investigate someone we suspect of cheating on taxes?

'Get an inspector appointed to review the case.

'Dinlay, can you organize that?

Dinlay smiled. 'My pleasure.

'Talk to the Myco station captain as well. The inspector should be given a constables escort while he's in Buate's office, I don't want them intimidated.

'Leave it with me.

'That should leave Buate with a large annoyance, Edeard said in satisfaction.

'If he's as smart as you say, he'll have accountants who can face up to a tax inspector, Macsen said.

'Yes, but it will cost him time and money. I want to open up as many angles of attack as we can.

Edeard turned to his own paperwork that was piled up on a couple of the benches. There were actually more sheets and scrolls than he'd seen in Buate's office. He hadn't realized how clerk-like this battle was going to become. All he truly wanted was to be out on the streets arresting criminals.

'Any gang activities we can smack down today? he asked hopefully.

'Some interesting talk coming out of the Ilongo stallholders association, Macsen said. 'I'm going to follow that up this afternoon.

'Good, Edeard said. He wondered if Kristabel was having lunch right now. If so it would be on the hortus on their mansion's tenth level. A long table with a white awning fluttering idly overhead. Family and friends gathered to chatter and laugh with Makkathran as their backdrop, wine to drink, tasty food to eat. Then an afternoon spent shopping, or at a spa bath, where they would prepare for this evening's parties.

He picked up a piece of paper from the newest pile. It was a report from the Lillylight station about attempts by gang members named in the exclusion warrants to infiltrate the district and menace their old haunts again. Their methods were becoming quite sophisticated, distracting bridge guards, disguising themselves…

The small hall's doors shut as the squad went out to lunch. Edeard looked up, realizing just he and Kanseen were left. She was giving him a concerned look, which worried him.

'Do you want to talk about it? she asked.

'Er, look, I asked you to tackle Medath because he'd believe he could overcome you. I knew he can't.

Her lips came together reproachfully. 'I'm talking about your week with Kristabel.

'What about it? He suddenly realized that being here alone with her wasn't an accident.

'Edeard, please, the two of us… She gave him a compassionate smile. 'There's a way we are closer than the others. I still almost think it's a shame you and I didn't happen, but well, now—

'I know. And I'm happy for the two of you. He needs someone like you. It's a perfect match, and I haven't told anyone.

'Edeard! This isn't about me. I'm here as a friend asking if I can help. Why didn't it work out? I mean, be honest, it's not that you lack experience as a lover, now is it? There have been enough girls these last months.

'I— he knew he was blushing. Yes, Kanseen was a friend, a very good one, especially after… well, anyway, he wasn't used to talking about such things with her. The others, yes. That was boys' talk. Not that they ever went into real detail. 'Nothing was wrong. Thank you, he said stiffly. 'Not in any way.

Kanseen stared at him,is if she was trying to figure out a major puzzle. It was almost as if she was angry with him. Then her expression suddenly changed to one of surprise, then dismay. Her hand went to her mouth. 'Oh no. No! It was as if she was beseeching him to say anything else.

'What? he asked apprehensively.

'Edeard, she stood in front of him, and took both his hands in hers. 'You do understand what last week was, don't you?

'Yes. If you must know, I had the most wonderful time of my life. It was a miracle I ever came back to Makkathran. Satisfied now.

'A week and the day, she said it as if it were some kind of test.

'Which day?

'Oh Lady, you really don't know.


Kanseen tightened her grip. 'Edeard, a Makkathran girl of good family, particularly one in Kristabel's position, invites a man to spend one week outside the city with her for one reason, so they can both find out if they are compatible in bed. If you are going to spend the next two hundred years together you really, seriously, need to know that before you start.

'Two hundred years? Edeard's legs were somehow unsteady. The feeling of dread that was creeping over his entire body was horrifyingly similar to that time when he'd woken in Ashwell to discover the bandits. 'What two hundred years?

'Marriage! You nincompoop. Oh, Edeard, Kanseen was mortified. She let go of him and crammed her hands against her forehead. 'If your week worked out that way you are supposed to ask her father for her hand in marriage the day you return. That's the custom. A week and the day.

'Oh dear Lady, this isn't happening.

'There was nothing wrong, was there? You just didn't know.

'Kristabel thinks we're getting married? He sat down heavily.

'She was expecting you to ask. Everyone was. We were all worried for you that it had gone wrong.

'Oh Lady. Wait! Who else knows? Because this is Makkathran, and everything is in public.

Now Kanseen looked really upset. 'Well, there have been a few people speculating who was the one with the problem.

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