I’ve never been a firm believer in the adage “write what you know.” What’s the fun in that? Still, as a veterinarian, I also always wanted to feature a book with a veterinarian in the lead. Still, even in this case, that old adage doesn’t hold true. I had to lean on many people to bring this story to life. First and always, I must acknowledge my critique group: Penny Hill, Judy Prey, Dave Murray, Caroline Williams, Chris Crowe, Lee Garrett, Jane O’Riva, Sally Barnes, Denny Grayson, Leonard Little, Kathy L’Ecluse, Scott Smith, Chris Smith, and Will Murray. And an extra big thanks to Steve Prey for all his great help with the maps. Beyond the group, Carolyn McCray and David Sylvian keep life out of my way so I can write. Dr. Scott Brown was instrumental with some of the medical details, and Cherie McCarter continues to be a wellspring of information (including an article about a snake born with a clawed leg… love that!). And a special thanks to Steve and Elizabeth Berry for their great friendship (and for Liz, since it’s missing from this book, I thought I’d put it here: “sluiced”). Lastly, a special acknowledgment to the four people instrumental to all levels of production: my editor, Lyssa Keusch, and her colleague Wendy Lee; and my agents, Russ Galen and Danny Baror. They’ve truly been the foundation under this author. And as always, I must stress that any and all errors of fact or detail in this book fall squarely on my own shoulders.

About the Author

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New York Times bestselling author JAMES ROLLINS holds a doctorate in veterinary medicine and resides in the Sierra Nevada mountains. An avid spelunker and certified scuba enthusiast, he can often be found underground or underwater.

Find James Rollins on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and at

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