Just as his jaws were about to snap around her, Faeril shouted a command. Brilliant sunlight streamed from her staff. The dracolich howled as the pure rays eclipsed the unholy fire in his own eyes. The cleric thrust the weapon into his jaws, wedging them open. Thus disabled, the dracolich could neither bite nor speak-nor cast spells.

Pelendralaar's whole body thrashed as he tried to shake loose the staff. He tossed his head wildly. Tendrils of foul-smelling smoke curled up from patches on his body where his undead flesh smoldered in the sunlight

An evocation from Ghleanna draped an enormous, sticky web over Pelendralaar's forelegs. Each time he raised his claws they became more enmeshed in the webbing. Unable to bring his forelegs up to his jaws, he tried lowering his head to meet the limited range of his claws and mired his snout in cobwebs. He flapped and twisted at the edge of the Pool of Radiance.

Kestrel, now safely on the ground with Corran, dashed out of harm's way as Pelendralaar's flailing brought him near the ledge where Athan yet stood. The dracolich beat his wings, scraping the ledge with the leathery appendages. Before Kestrel realized his intent, Athan leaped forward and grabbed hold of one of the wings.

Pelendralaar buffeted with new violence, now trying to throw off Athan. Somehow, the fighter held on. He gripped the wing with one hand while hacking at it with his sword in the other. Kestrel marveled at the feat of strength. Perhaps the gauntlets lent him magical aid- they and the spell Ghleanna had just uttered.

Durwyn backed away from the web ensnaring Pelendralaar's claws and switched to his bow. He sank several bolts into the creature's writhing neck, while Faeril struck him in the head with her spiritual hammer. Kestrel added one of her daggers to the assault, hurling a perfect strike in the dracolich's underbelly. Corran attacked the beast's tail, dodging its whiplike snaps.

In desperation, the dracolich breathed his fire once more-this time at his own limbs. The web fell apart, freeing Pelendralaar's head. Though the flames had billowed against the dracolich's skin, he'd suffered no damage from them.

The Staff of Sunlight, however, had. The inferno that blasted from the creature's lungs burned hot enough to melt metal. The staff bent into a U as Pelendralaar slowly clamped his mouth shut. Its light faded away, then disappeared altogether as he swallowed the precious weapon.

Though the dracolich triumphed over the staff, the flickering flames did not return to his eye sockets. The holy rays had rendered him sightless.

Nonetheless he could still feel the sturdy warrior clinging to his wing. Pelendralaar twisted his long neck, trying to catch Athan in his sharp teeth. The fighter braced his sword arm. When the dracolich darted his head toward Athan, the warrior used the beast's own momentum to drive his blade into Pelendralaar's snout.

With a roar of pain and rage, the creature jerked back its head.

The fighter, still gripping his sword, was torn from Pelendralaar's wing and now dangled from the beast's snout. He clung to the hilt with both hands as the dracolich thrashed his head from side to side, but could not maintain his hold against such violent force. He went sailing through the air, straight toward the Pool of Radiance.

"Athan!" Ghleanna screamed.

Faeril sent her ghostly hammer racing toward Athan with lightning speed. The weapon struck him just hard enough to alter his course. He landed in a heap at the edge of the pool.

Immediately, light burst from the mouths of the gauntlets. The beams arched forth to strike the pool, infusing its depths with a pure white glow. As the blessed light met the pool's tainted amber radiance, the water churned and roiled.

"The pool is dying, Pelendralaar!" Corran cried. "You shall soon follow!"

Athan, too? Kestrel gazed at the brave fighter. He had not moved since crashing to the ground. With the dracolich standing between him and the rest of the party, Faeril could not reach him with her healing magic.

"I have no intention of falling to a pathetic handful of mortals," the dracolich rumbled. Though still fierce, his speech had lost some of its strength. The blinded creature swiped his claws toward the sound of Corran's voice. His talons whistled past the paladin but struck another target-Durwyn.

The force of Pelendralaar's blow knocked the burly warrior to the ground. Despite the lacerations oozing blood down his entire right side, Durwyn tried to rise. He struggled, then sank back to the floor, his arms going limp. "I can't feel my legs," he gasped. "I can't-"

Move, Kestrel finished silently. Apparently, Pelendralaar shared Mordrayn's paralytic touch. Or vice versa. While Faeril dodged her way to Durwyn's side, Kestrel sent her last dagger soaring toward the beast. The trusty blade scored another strike to his underbelly.

He hissed and lunged toward her with open jaws, but they met only the acid-edged heads of a volley of magical arrows-courtesy of Ghleanna. "That's for my brother," she spat.

In response, the dracolich spewed another gout of flames. The sorceress held forth her spellstaff, drawing the heat and fire into the enchanted wood. The staff glowed red with the intensity of the attack it had absorbed. White smoke wisped from its runes. Ghleanna tapped the staff twice on the floor.

The flames spilled out and raced toward the dracolich. The great beast raised his head and laughed. "You think my own fire can harm me? Foolish hatchlings!" He swept his tail in a wide arc.

Kestrel ducked, letting the tail breeze over her head. Corran and Ghleanna did likewise. She noted that for all the creature's bluster, the swing had less energy than before. They-and Anorrweyn, working from afar?-were wearing Pelendralaar down.

The gauntlets, meanwhile, weakened the pool. The whole lake was infused with white light now, bubbling and rolling like a pot set to boil. Steam rose in the cavern, lending the air a humid thickness. The cavern smelled of sweat, fire, and blood.

Kestrel pushed damp locks off her forehead and reached for her club. She'd no desire to employ such a close-range weapon against the dracolich, but it was the only tool she had left.

Pelendralaar, however, would not give her the opportunity to use it. The dracolich beat his wings rapidly, trying to take flight. Did he seek to escape or attack from above?

As the creature rose in the air, his tail snaked down behind him. Corran dropped his shield and ran to the tail. He grabbed it just as its end was about to slip from reach. The paladin dangled one-handed for a moment, then sheathed his sword and began to climb the tail as if it were a rope.

Pelendralaar swung his tail like a pendulum, trying to dislodge Corran, but each sway threatened his equilibrium as he struggled to hover in the cavern's close quarters. He didn't have room to properly spread his wings, and Athan had significantly damaged one of them before being flung aside. Corran climbed higher, using the tail's spikes as a ladder.

"Hang on, Corran. Hang on," Kestrel whispered. Ghleanna sent another barrage of acid arrows to distract the creature. Durwyn, now restored by Faeril, also launched bolts at the beast The missiles struck Pelendralaar in the neck and upper body. Faeril dashed to Athan's side now that the path was clear.

Though Kestrel could smell the acid burning through what was left of the dracolich's skin, the beast ignored it. He kicked with his hindlegs, but could not quite reach the paladin. Furious, he shot a series of magical bursts at Corran. Those hit but did not deter Tyr's knight.

Corran scaled farther up the dracolich's body. Kestrel held her breath each time he touched another spike-one scratch and the paladin would become paralyzed and tumble helpless to the ground. As Ghleanna released a third volley of arrows upon the creature's head, Pelendralaar awkwardly maneuvered himself until he was directly over the Pool of Radiance.

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