The first snorted in disbelief. "We just finished searching this place from top to bottom at the orders of the circle! What's a cleric going to find that the guard hasn't?"

"We may find nothing, my son. But then again, we may," replied a third voice. "It is not for us to question the wise actions of His Holiness."

"My-my apologies! I didn't mean-"

Kaz and the others looked at one another. One of Jopfer's acolytes? With a new band to search the cells?

They obviously had not discovered Delbin or someone would have mentioned it already. That was some relief to Kaz.

"I am Brother Merriq. You shall assist us in any way necessary. Those orders come from both your superiors and the office of the high priest."

"Yes, Brother Merriq."

"Search there and there," the prisoners heard the cleric command. "You search over there."

"That's done it, Boys," Ganth commented sourly. "They aren't leaving anytime soon. It's to the arena with us. At least we'll show them how a true warrior fights!"

Kaz shook his head. "I've got a plan for that, too. Riskier, but the only choice we've got, it seems."

"Lad, what could you possibly hope to do in the arena? Is this something to do with that kender?"

He had momentarily forgotten Delbin's plan. possibly because he did not want to think about what sort of wild notion had been at the core of it. "No, nothing to do with him. We can't talk about it now, though."

His words were truer than he thought. A new face suddenly thrust itself into the barred window. Calculating eyes studied the three forms. "This is them, then?"

"Yes, Brother Merriq."

The representative sniffed. "Not much to look at… and even less to look at come the day. Their combats are scheduled?"

"Aye. Molus has the proper list, but I think the one who's been here longer goes first, then the old one, and then the one called Kaz."

"Change that." Merriq's eyes focused on Kaz, who stared back, determined not to lose this small but crucial test of willpower. "His Holiness would prefer that Kazi-ganthi of the clan Orilg be the first of the three to face combat. Here are his orders."

The sooner I'm out of the way, the better? Or is it that you still think to scare me into renouncing my life and becoming your symbol to the masses?

Clearly Merriq awaited some reaction from Kaz, but when the prisoner did not satisfy his desires, the robed figure turned from the door. "I trust there will be no trouble seeing to it that the change in schedule is made."

"No, Brother Merriq! I'll alert the Master of Combat even now if you like."

"Simply tell him when he arrives. That should prove sufficient, don't you think? He will not argue with it much, will he?"

"As you say, Brother Merriq."

"Open the cell door."

"Yes, Brother Merriq." The door rattled, then swung wide enough to admit both the high priest's man and one of the sentries.

As he entered, Merriq looked around. "This cell was searched from rafter to floor? All corners?"

"Aye, Brother."

"Then it should be secure, I suppose." The tall, robed figure strode over to the captives and stared down at Kaz. "You are Kaziganthi de-Orilg."

"Since you were there when I was brought to your master, that should come as no surprise, even to you."

"A flippant tongue, typical of a heretic and traitor. Also typical of a fool. One would think you might start pleading for clemency by this time."

Kaz snorted. "Now what good would that do? Your master would never grant it, and we both know that."

"True, but you could try anyway." Merriq squatted, the better to stare Kaz in the eye. "Things could be made easier for you and your friends if you would change your mind. His Holiness has offered you such as most warriors only dream of achieving. Only a fool or a lunatic would reject such glories."

"I can only give you the same answer I'd give your master again. I'm no one's puppet. It would go against my honor… which might be something you'd never understand, Brother Merriq."

The cleric glared, but did not respond to the slight. "It would also be wise to tell us where the kender is. He will only come to worse if he is not placed safely in custody."

"Hopefully, he's far from Nethosak and far from your reach."

"He is still in the city," Merriq returned. "We are certain of that. You would do him a great favor by telling us where to find him. There are many ways to die."

"I think the man must be deaf, Kaz." Ganth shook his head. "He asks a question, gets an answer, then asks the question again."

Kaz grunted. To his inquisitor he said, "As if your master cares about a kender's safety."

"The high priest cares about all the children of Sargas, even those of the lesser races."

The high priest wanted Delbin alive… alive to use as a threat against Kaz. More and more, Kaz wondered what sort of game Jopfer was playing. Even the emperor and the Supreme Circle might not know Jopfer's agenda.

"I can see there is nothing to be gained in trying to talk sense to you," Merriq remarked. "Very well. Then, by the will of Sargas, I pray you fight well tomorrow and, by doing so, redeem your lost honor in the eyes of your fellows. Fight well and your memory may still be honored."

Merriq departed without a second glance. The warrior who had let him in gave Kaz and the others an almost sympathetic glance before quickly following.

"We must search down this hallway again. If the kender shows up, he will have to make use of one of these exits," Merriq said to someone. His voice dwindled as he moved off. However, guards still continued to move through the corridor and Kaz could make out the horns of a sentry on duty across from his cell door. He suspected it was one of the temple soldiers and not one of the State Guard's men.

"That's it, then, Lads. It's the arena for certain now."

"What can we do?" asked Hecar. "Kaz goes first. You heard that robed serpent. They want him first so he's out of the way as swiftly as possible. Why don't they just kill us in here?"

"Now that wouldn't be sporting, Hecar! Must keep up illusions, our high priest. Besides, I think you, Kaz, are supposed to live. Hecar and I, we are more likely to be the object lessons. Still, I could be wrong. I'm certain that more than a few will remember my son and the last time he was out there. Maybe this is also an attempt to prove that no one can defy the emperor and the others." Ganth shook his head. "I don't know what to think."

"The emperor? No real need to defy him." Hecar grunted. "Polik's the high priest's puppet. That's obvious."

"Worse than that," Kaz responded, finally stirring from his thoughts. "Jopfer's got the Supreme Circle in the palm of his hand, too, I'd say. Which doesn't matter for the moment, I suppose. What matters is us getting out." He forced a smile that he hoped looked cunning. "You two be prepared to act tomorrow. Watch me. As soon as I move, you've got to head down a certain tunnel across the field that I'll point out. It's the quickest and easiest way out. They keep the animals they use in the circus in that area. There'll be fewer sentries on duty there. In a situation of great chaos, it won't be that hard for you to slip free."

"What about you, Lad?"

"I'm the great chaos," he said. "And I'll be right behind you," he added, lying.

Hecar's brow was furrowed. "What sort of situation could cause enough chaos to make them ignore us?"

"You'll be better off not knowing. Just trust me. It'll work." He had his doubts, but did not voice them.

"What about Delbin, though, Kaz? He said he had something in mind. What happens if he puts whatever mad idea he has to work just as you're about to put your own plan into play?"

Kaz did not want to consider that particular problem. Hopefully, Delbin would follow his wishes and leave Nethosak. If not…

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