Then the cause of the quake burst through the floor, rising swiftly and pulling itself free. Its silver head gleamed, and wings as smooth as ice stretched for the first time ever. Despite the physical similarities between the two reptilian visages, there was something noble in the face of the second dragon, a sense of honor. That alone was the great contrast between the two behemoths.

The silver dragon looked around, finally locating Kaz, who could only stare in awe. "Kaaazzz! I couldn't let him hurt you!"

"Ty… Tiberia."

"So the hatchling has found herself!" mocked Infernus, righting his massive form. "Not the most opportune time, but I will make do. This means I may start your education even sooner."

"No!" Tiberia whirled about to face her counterpart. "No! You don't care about anyone but yourself! You hurt others and expect everyone to obey you!" The silver dragon raised her head so she could almost look Infernus in the eyes. "I don't have to! I don't have to, and I'm going to make sure no one else will ever have to, either!"

As powerful as the young dragon was, Kaz doubted that Tiberia alone was a match for Infernus. She might have the raw power, but she lacked the red's guile and experience. Infernus would deal with her swiftly unless someone could direct the hatchling, someone with more experience in combat involving dragons. Why always me? Kaz silently grumbled. Why always me?

Infernus leaned back as he spoke, possibly due to his injured forepaws. "You challenge me, do you, Little One? You think you have the might? My kills, especially of your kind, number high. I've not had a good struggle in many years. I won't kill you, of course, since I have need of you, put you will not fly for decades and you will always move with a limp, perhaps because one of your limbs will have been bitten off."

His words were having an effect on the silver dragon, who had never fought before. Kaz saw uncertainty grow in Tiberia's eyes, and the glittering wings began to twitch nervously.

Infernus was not paying any mind to the minotaur, the red considering the other dragon a more serious threat. Kaz waited until the larger creature's head swayed away from him, then ran as fast as he could.

"Give up now, Little One," Infernus was saying. "There is a place for you, too, if only you will see the way. There is-"

It was at that moment that Kaz leapt onto Tiberia's, back. The silver dragon jerked, but, fortunately, did not whip around to remove the sudden weight. What she did do, however, was back away abruptly from Infernus, the spell of fear broken by the minotaur's action.

"Tiberia… Ty… back away farther, but let me get to your neck so I can sit there!"

The dragon obeyed, albeit a bit awkwardly.

"A dragon rider are we?" Infernus unleashed a throaty chuckle. "And where is your dragonlance, minotaur?"

"The axe and my friend will do just as well, Infernus!" Kaz's words were meant more to instill some degree of confidence in his companion than to frighten the red dragon.

As he expected, Infernus did not take his threat seriously. "I will remember your sense of humor after you are gone, gnat!" •

A whirlwind filled the chamber, tossing loose rubble directly at Kaz and Tiberia. The dragon managed to bash away the first few large pieces, but several easily flew past her guard. Kaz pulled himself behind Tiberia's head and neck as much as he could, but stone after stone pelted him, marking his arms and legs with small nicks and cuts. Tiberia roared as stones struck her with considerable force.

"Surrender him, hatchling, and I will cease!"

"I won't!" cried the silver dragon in a small voice. "I won't!"

Kaz struggled upward. He needed to be high enough for Tiberia, and only Tiberia, to hear him. "A fireball! If you can make a fireball, aim at his-"

Tiberia unleashed a fireball, a good-sized one, at Infernus's chest. The flames licked at the red dragon for several seconds, but the monstrous creature seemed barely affected by it.

"Fire? You send fire against me? I am a red dragon! Fire is my element more than yours!"

A ring of flame burst to life around the pair, causing the silver dragon to back up. The ring was so tight that Tiberia could move only a few steps. Infernus laughed.

Again he spoke so that only the silver could hear. "Listen to everything I say first, Tiberia! I want you to make another fireball! I-"

"It won't hurt him!"

"Don't worry about hurting him that way! Listen! I want a fireball in his eyes! The biggest and strongest fireball you can create! Do it now!"

Kaz held his breath, hoping Tiberia would do as he said. They needed to reverse the course of battle.

He felt the silver leviathan shudder. A sphere of flame larger than the red dragon's head flew unerringly into Infernus's visage. The smile of mockery twisted into astonishment.

"Now, Tiberia! While he can't see! Jump and attack! It's our best hope!"

The massive silver form leapt forward, crossing over the flames without hesitation. The young dragon trusted Kaz that much. Smaller than Infernus, Tiberia was still an enormous projectile. Infernus, still fighting to restore his vision, was unprepared for the force of a half-grown dragon falling upon him. The injured paws scratched at Tiberia, but there was no stopping the silver's descent. The two leviathans crashed together, Kaz desperately hanging on and hoping Tiberia would not be forced onto her back.

"Again, in his eyes!" the minotaur cried.

To her credit, Tiberia managed a third, though smaller, fireball even while tangled up with the red dragon. Infernus roared as he sought again to protect his eyes.

"Hold him fast!" Kaz leaned to one side and, using his better arm, swung his battle-axe in the direction of the red dragon's neck. Infernus twisted, however, and instead of the neck, the axe bit into his shoulder.

The red roared, throwing Kaz and Tiberia to one side. The silver's great form crashed through the wall dividing the room from the audience chamber. Tiberia's momentum was such that she ended up almost on top of the raised dais Infernus used when acting as high priest.

Kaz was astonished to find himself still holding on to his companion. Tiberia's body had knocked a clean hole. The warrior felt as if he had just survived the hailstorm of all hailstorms unprotected.

"I will chew you slowly, minotaur!" Infernus barged through the hole without pause, causing still more masonry to fly and creating huge cracks that ran up to the ceiling. "I will shred your wings, hatchling!"

Kaz wondered just how much more damage this part of the temple could take before the ceiling caved in. While both Tiberia and Infernus were likely to survive such an incident with little more than a few bruises, Kaz was not so well armored.

The silver dragon stared at her foe. Another fireball formed before Infernus, but this time the red dragon reacted quickly enough to disperse it.

"No more of that trick, hatchling," snarled the crimson terror. "No more tricks at all."

Infernus charged. Tiberia tried to back up, but fell over the desk and the dais. The collision between the dragon and the dais was enough to shake Kaz loose. He fell over the front end of the dais and rolled down the steps just as the two dragons met.

The minotaur took one look at the two gigantic forms descending in his direction and scurried away toward the barred doorway as fast as he could. He had no plans to abandon Tiberia, but he would be little good to his friend if he were crushed.

Under the combined mass of the two dragons, the desk and dais were quickly reduced to rubble. Kaz gave thanks that the red dragon had seen fit to have the audience chamber built so vast; as it was, he was only a few yards away when the dragons' heads finally struck the floor.

The pair fought with tooth and claw now, Infernus trying to tear out Tiberia's throat with his talons, and the younger dragon simply trying to shield herself. There was no good target for Kaz, not yet, but he did have an idea.

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