(excerpt from interview given by wife of above worker to Imperial Intelligence operative)

"… no, sir, he don't talk about his work, just said it's almighty big, but everybody already knows that. His own wife! You'd think he could tell me! But, like you said, if he does tell me about it, I'll call that number you gave me. You're sure he won't get in trouble now, if I do that? Well, okay, and thanks a lot for the hundred, mister. I won't forget."


(inter-plant memo from Harlowe Kreis, TM Chairman, to Chief of Production Tobias Gree, April 1, 1078 NS)

That's not our problem, Toby. Leave all that to the security boys. Our problem is getting plant facilities in place before we need them. Sure, it's a big pour, but you can call on the Imperial Guard for extra hands, you know that as well as I do. October 1, that's your deadline, Toby. Now do it.-K


(interview with C. M. Balch, Jr., at the Buffalo Detention Center)

"Talk about Hitler's concentration camps-they've got nothing on this pigpen. I was a business executive- minerals, metals, and energy. What do I know about politics? Fellow came to me talking real nice, asked me what I thought about the Bolo. I said, 'Hell, I don't know one way or the other,' something like that, and next thing I knew, I was on my way to some kangaroo court, and then here. Didn't even get to pack. No, I don't want cigarettes. Got enough problems without poisoning myself."


(overheard on TM shop floor)

"-say today they're going to light her off. She's got no tread plates on her, so she's not going anywhere, and no power pack for her main batteries, so what could go wrong?"


(excerpt from comments recorded by Officer B. May-nard, Imperial Security Highway patrol)

"OK, officer, sure thing. Just got caught in this jam by accident. I was on my way to Tatesville, to visit my in-laws. Got pushed right off I-1102 by a freighter rig, had to take this exit or hit the son of a bitch. I don't care nothing about that thing. I'm in grain and feeds, you see. They launched a sub right in my home town back in 1041, but I never even went to look. Sure, officer, just let me through here, and I'm heading in the opposite direction."


(statement by Pfc. Mervin Clam, Imperial Guard, Arlington Base)

"Sure, I feel a little nervous. Who wouldn't? Darn thing is so big. Sure, I know that the pyramids of ancient Egypt were bigger, but this thing can move! Will when they put the treads on her, anyway. But I'm not too scared to do my job. Just watch. It's got this big gold decal, says 'Department of the Army', with a big bird on it. Fancy-looking thing, like a lion with wings. Looks snazzy against that black hull. Makes me proud to be doing my part."


Abruptly, I am aware. I at once compute that a sharply restricted flow of energy in my central circuitry has been initiated, bringing me to a low-alert status. I sense dimly the mighty powers potentially available to me, but rendered inaccessible presumably to prevent me from exercising my full potency, a curious circumstance which I shall look into at leisure, allocating.009 seconds to a survey of my data storage facilities. Meanwhile, it is incumbent upon me to assess the status quo and proceed with whatever measures are dictated by circumstance.


(Chief Systems Engineer Joel Trace, to media persons during a guided tour of the BOLO CSR, November 12, 1082 NS)

"This switch right here, ladies and gentlemen, will shut the CSR down at any moment the High Command should designate. All its vital circuitry is interconnected to a master panel onboard, which in turn will respond to a signal from this unit. The system is foolproof. You may quote me on that. Personally, I fail to understand the popular hysteria.

"And now, will you excuse me? Imperial Security is waiting for me in my office. A routine affair, I dare say…"


(media report, November 15, 1082 NS)

Sources close to the Hexagon declared today that the initial limited field tests of the new BOLO CSR were an unqualified success. The machine responded precisely as expected, and it is anticipated that a full test with all systems operational will be scheduled for early next year, under proper safeguards, of course, sources emphasized.


(inductance tape of statement by ex-Chief Systems Engineer Joel Trace, internee at the Arlington Relocation Camp)

"No, fellows, I'm sorry, I'm not interested in any escape plans. What would we gain? We'd be hunted criminals with a genuine offense-jail-breaking-against us, whereas now we live reasonably well here in the camp, and will no doubt be released as soon as the Imperial authorities feel the danger of insurrection is past.

"No, I don't know why I was arrested, unless the Bob suspected that I had-that is, unless the CSR psychotronic circuitry sensed I might wrongly impede it in an important enterprise.

"Of course, I shall say nothing about your plans. Good luck to you. I shouldn't be here-but perhaps there was a basis for misunderstanding, though I've never had so much as a treasonous thought. I wish the Terran Empire well, and the Bolo, too."


(statement by General Margrave)

"I assure you that all reasonable precautions have been and are being taken. After all, now that the Bolo's systems are fully integrated within their hull at the Arlington Proving Ground, we must at some point activate the psychotronic circuitry of the new weapons, and this is the time so designated by the High Command. I intend to proceed, regardless of harassment by ill-informed rabble-rousers. No, I have no intention of firing on them, since it will not be necessary. However, unless they disperse peacefully, I can promise you that arrests will be made, under the authority vested in me by the War Act of 1071.

"No, we are of course not at war, but the Bolo is a war machine and as such its protection falls under the provisions of the Act. Thank you, gentlemen, no more today."


(comment by a TM technician)

"As I see it, it's a lot of excitement about nothing. Even with the war hull and weapons activated, the CSR will perform precisely as me and the other boys wired her to perform, and that's that."

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