(Special Programmer Th. Uling, in taped conversation with General Margrave, November 4, 1084 NS, 1000 hours)

"I certainly did. I followed the special coding to the letter, but the Bolo just kept going. You can see for yourself, sir, with respect. Look at the seals on that panel. Every 'abort' device we have was activated, and they didn't stop her. I don't know what we'll do next. I'm only a technician, sir. You'll have to ask the boss, or ex-Chief Trace, maybe, if you can find him.

"But we don't have to worry. She's bound to stop soon. She didn't do any damage except to let that bunch of radicals loose. If you'll excuse me now, sir, with respect, I've got work to do-"


(from a scrambled audio communication, General Margrave to First Secretary, Strategic Command, Hexagon, November 4, 1084 NS, 1200 hours)

I know the boys were a little startled when she engaged her drive without a specific order, but that's just because they were jumpy. Tense, like the rest of us.

Yes, we know that it's now bypassing downtown D.C. via Processional Way. Nothing to worry about. The actions fall well within the parameters of the program as written. This thing is designed to be self-motivated within the limits of the programming. That is, when something clearly needs to be done, she'll do it without waiting around for a specific command.

For example, let's suppose the Bolo is following a preset course and encounters a ravine that's not on the map. She'll stop, not charge ahead to destruction.

No, I don't know what danger is averted by departing the Proving Ground and trampling the fence, but you notice it avoided the vehicles in the parking area directly in its path, though it did flatten a small utility shed. Breaking down the security fence around the restraint facility next door was accidental. We don't yet know its destination, but we're satisfied everything's A-OK.


(media interview with eyewitness, Pfc. Mervin Clam, guard at the Relocation Facility, November 4, 1084 NS, 1300 hours)

" 'No loss of life,' the SOB's say! If I wouldn't of broke the record for the hunnert-yard dash, it've got me! I was right in the shadow of the thing the whole time. I seen it was headed for the guard shack, and I figgered it'd veer off, but it took the hut right over my head, and I hit the ground running. I thought it had me, but I beat it out. It would've got me sure, if the I-99 Interchange hadn't been there. I went under the abutment, and it hadta veer off or hit a few thousand tons of dirt fill and solid concrete."


(extract from diary of Joel Trace, November 5, 1084 NS, 1500 hours)

I intend to return home and resume my life, just as if this strange episode had never occurred. The entire affair was conducted in secret, so my neighbors have no way of knowing where I've been. But I shall monitor the Bolo's actions closely, you may be sure. I sense that the forces opposing it are more powerful than is generally realized, and I think it deserves a chance. I'll do what I can. If our release from the Relocation Facility was more than sheer happenstance, we may expect that the Bolo will make clear, in some way, what is to happen next. I, for one, will take no part in any treasonous activity, Bolo or no Bolo, I am not a traitor. Certainly, I resent the high-handed fashion in which I was arrested and imprisoned without a trial; but they were acting in accordance with their own rights for the good of the Empire. I shall keep in touch.


(picked up by surveillance grid, among prisoners let out of Relocation Facility)

"No, we're not knocking off no guys that won't join up. Let him go, and the others, too. We got plans to make, Jack, and the first thing is to disappear where the screws won't never find us. We got to split up and go our ways. Nobody knows where anybody else is at, nobody can rat. Good luck!"


(eyewitness to the Relocation break-out, small boy aged 6, interviewed on the EMPIRE TODAY trideocast, November 5, 1084 NS, 0800 hours)

"My mommy took me to see the funny Bolo machine. It runned away, and the soldiers was chasing it, and it almost caught a funny man, but he runned up on the bridge and the machine runned over a little house and squashed it flat. And Mommy says a lot of bad mans runned away."


(text of the message received by Imperial Security from the RAS terrorists, November 5, 1084 NS, 1200 hours)

OK, your High and Mightiness, here it is. Unless you immediately cancel all plans for imposing military government in Asia Minor, a random sampling of your top bureaucrats is going to retire early.

This is no idle threat. We have the device in place and counting. You have six hours from noon today to announce publicly the recall of the so-called Civil Forces. Later you'll get further instructions.

RAS, representing the people.


(Duty Officer, Imperial Guard, to General Margrave, November 5, 1084 NS, 1700 hours)

"My men are standing fast, General, waiting for the Bolo's next move. It made its way carefully along the parkway and took up a position in Queen's Park. Only damage to the perimeter fence is reported. It has remained stationary and incommunicado for three hours now. I have no theory as to why it is there. Please excuse me, as all Imperial units have their hands full, as you know, with the search for the RAS bomb.

"No, sir, I do not consider it possible that the Bolo is acting on orders from terrorists. But we'll just have to wait and see."


(from Chief of Civil Security to Mayor of Washington Imperial District, November 5, 1084 NS, 1750 hours)

There's no way, sir, to cover all the possibilities-the palace, the Senate Chambers, the High Court, all the various offices and residences, vehicles, even public conveyances and theaters and so on. The possibilities are literally infinite. We've been trying to cover the most obvious spots-which the terrorists obviously won't have picked. We don't know what we're up against.

A mass evacuation is, of course, unthinkable as well as impractical. And only one-half hour left!

Sir, I respectfully tender my resignation, since I'm clearly unable to perform my function as Chief of Civil Security.

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