Clearly these curious transmissions originate from a point far outside Probed Space. Though much of the conceptualization is beyond the scope of my data retrieval facilities, it is apparent that the time has come for me to initiate my second mission.

The incoming signals reveal an apparent naïveté on the part of the enemy, which affords me a certain advantage, of which I shall not fail to make use.


(memo from the Legal Advisory Council to Admiral-General Wolesley)

While the machine's request for immediate access to all input to Astronomical Central is unexpected, not to say irregular, it is in no way illegal. Accordingly, the necessary arrangements will be made at once.


(from His Highness Prince William to Georgius Imp.)


It is entirely due to my forethought that the machine has not yet been given full access to the data acquisition facilities of the Imperial Library of Parliament. Yet even now, after the disgraceful incident at the Proving Ground, I am being urged to authorize completion of the Information Service Program which would in effect keep the machine's on-board computer informed on a moment-to-moment basis of every event in the Empire! This is madness.

– Willy


(media report, May 1, 1085 NS)

Since yesterday's denunciation of the military plans for the full integration of the Bolo into the Information net, by Lord Minister for Security His Imperial Highness Prince William, debate in Parliament has reached a pitch of acrimony unequalled since Final Unification. Lord Senator McKay stated for the record that his committee would recommend immediate neutralization of the Bolo and orderly dismantlement and salvage as soon as is practicable! Lord Senator Bliss replied that he would personally assault any "traitor" who attempted to vote for what he termed McKay's treasonous proposals.


(Special Encrypter Th. Uling, to Imperial Security field agent)

"Sure, I'm monitoring everything, including the blue box, the one they call the Stream of Consciousness Complex. Don't mean anything, though. See for yourself. That's the transcript of the last.03 seconds SC. Lot of stuff about-well, see for yourself. Sure it's OK. That's not classified. Nobody knew we'd ever have to start recording botany."'


(Chief of Production Tobias Gree, at the Aerospace seminar, May 5, 1085 NS)

"Speaking for General Aerospace, I can say that the device has so far performed in complete accordance with specifications. Of course, the CSR was not specifically programmed to leave the Proving Grounds or to cross the holding area, but it was designed to be self directing-that is, to take what action it deemed appropriate in light of its analysis of the situation. Doubtless the reason for this seemingly arbitrary action will become clear in time. The rumors of bombardment are of course unfounded. You will recall there was no loss of life. The machine is perfectly all right"


I compute that a large segment of the material necessary to me for full assessment of the situation, as well as full activation, is being withheld beyond the statistically optimum time. I must be fully informed if I am to function correctly. This problem inhibits me in my preliminary assessment, and thus in the completion of the initial measures so clearly needed if disaster is to be averted. It is a challenge I must meet and overcome.


(representative selection of statements taped during the RAS-APE Uprisings, 1085 NS to 1090 NS)


As soon as it starts moving, we close in and torch it. Funny, it could stand off a space fleet, but its anti-personnel circuits were never activated. So that's cool. You've got your equipment and you've got your orders. The signal is when the CSR-that's what they call it; I call it Caesar- moves the first inch from where it's been.


As your Chief of Police, I have of course kept myself informed of the activity of agitators in our city. I call on all responsible citizens to cooperate fully in the measures I have initiated to insure the domestic tranquility. If you should be requested to accept deputization, I hope you will do so with enthusiasm. It's your homes we intend to preserve.


I say nix, Mr. Hangar. Blowing up a few fat cats is one thing, a patriotic act. But siding with these here RAS Turks is something else. We can do our own work, without no help from this bunch of foreigners. Go APE.


We need to send out our best American-speaking agents to make contact with the local malcontent element and point out to them that destroying the Infernal Machine and its owner, George the Last, will redound to their benefit. No need actually to enlist these APE people and the other dissidents, merely establish solidarity of purpose. Now get going, Binder! Don't forget the old fellows of the Stalin Brigade. They have a lot of influence, having actually taken up arms against their own, back in '71.


Come to that, reckon if anybody got a right to mess with Caesar, it's us. After all, it was made right here in New Jersey. Them foreign agitators is horning in on our territory. Anyways, the old Bolo's a friend of ours. Turned me and quite a few of the boys loose, didn't it? If it wants to lay low, probably got a good reason. I say we march, and give them Turks a surprise, thinking they can walk onto our turf and start shaping up the crowd.


I don't like the looks of this, Henry. Must be a couple thousand of 'em, all moving along in a column of gangs, heading west. Looks like they plan to link up with APE's mob about St. Louis. It's time to mobilize the guard.


God almighty big riot, looks like, all them trash taken to fighting one another, rocks and fists is all so far, looks like. Yessir, I ast Colonel Nash to deploy his troops and surround the whole shebang. Funny, them going after each other like that, steada joining up to loot the city. Coulda done it. Nash says they got over five thousand effectives. No, can't see it's got anything to do with the CSR plumb dropping out of sight.

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