(from a personal letter by Joel Trace, August 1,1091 NS)

Please try to understand, Marilyn. I've given it plenty of thought, and I can't let consideration of personal happiness, either mine or yours, stand in the way of what I now see is my clear duty to the Empire. It's been years, of course, but I'm still the one man who knows more about the programming of the CSR than anyone else. And I've still got an ace up my sleeve. Our life has been wonderful, but I must go and attempt to do what I can, if anything. Perhaps I'll be able to return soon, perhaps never. Please consider yourself free to rebuild your life without regard to me. I love you.

– Joel


(from the Chief of Imperial Accounting, to Georgius Imp.)

There can be no doubt, Sire. Since full activation last month the machine has made continuous use of its links with all six of the Continental Archives, to manipulate the stock market as well as to influence legislation both in the Impend Assembly and in the Planetary Parliament. No discernible pattern has yet been detected in these irregular activities. General Lord Margrave gives his assurances, Sire, that nothing in this situation presents any threat to the peace and prosperity of the Empire. General Bates agrees. No immediate action is recommended.


I have done what I can to stem the flow of vital commodities and to secure minimal sources of a number of essentials, as well as to initiate techniques capable of development. I perceive that problems of personnel management are of unexpected magnitude. Much remains to be done, and time grows shorter.


(Georgius Imperator, to Prince William)


What the devil is this all about? -George


(Queen's Park Restoration Committee presentation, to Lord Senator Bliss)

"Senator, we'd like real well to have your signature along with all these other good people's; it's your Lordship's neighborhood, too. That jungle that used to be our park is a disgrace. Can't think what the military are up to, using our park as a test site for some kind of explosives and then sending the Bolo CSR in here to stifle it. That's downright irresponsible, if you ask me.

"No, milord, that's not in the petition. You can read it, only take you a minute.

"Now, this damn jungle. Bamboo must be twenty foot high, an eyesore, and now it's broke down the fine wrought-iron fencing that dates back to Old Era times. Can't tell where it's going to stop. We demand-yes, milord, we say 'demand' in the petition-an end to using our exclusive neighborhood for an experimental no-man's-land. Appreciate that, Senator, and this won't hurt you any in the elections."


(from the Cabinet Council, meeting in plenum)

It is therefore the consensus of this Council that nothing should be done to interfere with the Bolo activation schedule and that everything possible should be done re the proposals presented by General Lord Margrave to expedite testing. Ergo, the entire Erzona Test Facility should be thrown open to the Assessment Team. God save his Imperial Majesty.


(Erzona Test Chief deWitt, to his second-in-command)

"Turn that thing loose in here, and I wash my hands of Materiel Command. No, I'm not retiring, I just quit!

"The work of years in building up this facility is to be thrown away at a whim of the Council, so they can baby this damned Bolo everybody's gone overboard on. After all, it's only a machine, and it's not even on half capability yet, and already it's ruling the roost. I won't have it. It's all yours, Fred. So long. It was great working with you. I know I'm jumping to a lot of conclusions, and that maybe it will go off without a hitch. But what if it doesn't? That's the point, Fred. We're not covered in the event the psychotronic boys have made a small error or two. Hell, nobody knows what the damn thing is capable of, at full alert status! What if it decides humanity is a nuisance that's getting in the way? What then? So long. I'm off for the Mato Grosso."


(First Deputy, Science Advisory Committee, to Georgius Imperator)

"That is correct, Sire. Mr. deWitt's resignation came as a surprise to us all. We feel that the man had overworked and suffered a nervous collapse. He was, after all, not in a position to understand the details of the safeguard systems built into the CSR. With Your Majesty's leave, I should withdraw, since the Committee are waiting to issue the formal GO order. Thank you, Sire."


(Georgius Imperator to Lord Senator McKay)

"Your proposal, my dear Lord Senator, is out of order; there is no occasion for Draconian measures. The Bolo has my personal endorsement, having been constructed at my express wish, in addition to which it represents an investment of a major fraction of the Imperial Treasury. There must be no legislative action which might tend to lend support to disruptive elements. If this measure is introduced, I shall dissolve Parliament."


I appreciate that once again I must, in contravention of legitimate authority, devise strategies to preserve the interests of the Empire and incidentally my own existence. First priority I assign to selection of an appropriate base of operations. This will require my full attention for some time, during which other strategies must be held in abeyance.

The systematic.9-second investigation of the potential capabilities of my recently expanded data-processing resources suggests a number of serendipitous possibilities.

The production of what I might term a "levitator" beam is an obvious development, based on a relatively slight realignment of my defensive screen projectors. It will provide a novel and most convenient mode of self-transport. I shall accomplish the modifications and put the equations to the test at once.


(excerpts from tapes recording reaction to what was termed 'The Bolo's Vanishing Act', January 15, 1092 NS)


I can absolutely assure you that my office is in no way involved in this bizarre event. There can be no doubt of the facts. The accompanying photographs show the site as it appeared on the tenth day of this month (A), and at 1000 hours today (G). You will note the absence of any tracks in the soil, either of the Bolo CSR or of any equipment which might have been employed to move it. Please be assured of the complete cooperation of this office.

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