(Security Officer to Joel Trace, in Buffalo Detention)

"Pretty stupid, wasn't it, making yourself so visible when you knew you were still listed as an escapee? We just want to ask you a few questions, Mr. Trace. When confined at the Arlington Relocation Center, did you know a Tom Baley? Do you acknowledge that this photograph is of yourself and Baley in conversation?

"Very well, did you at that time enter into a conspiracy with Baley and others to overthrow the Imperial government by force and violence? Have you, since your unlawful escape from civil restraint, been in communication with Baley? Will you now, freely and of your own volition, inform me of the whereabouts of Baley and his associates? Will you sign this document, using your usual signature?

"Do you realize the consequences of your refusal to cooperate with duly constituted authority?

"Guard-remove Mr. Trace to his detention cell."


I compute that I must originate new tactics as well as new modes of implementation thereof. I require a closer rapport with humanity, which I compute I can achieve by means of enlisting a plausible human spokesman in place of the impersonal contact via mechanical communicator.

In addition, I must have access to my full potentialities. I compute that my first Systems Engineer Joel Trace is most capable of assisting me. He must join me here on Luna.

In pursuance of this objective, I compute that new and highly unconventional means will be required. In this connection I have experimented, quite impromptu, with certain effects whose potential availability is implicit in my circuitry, effects which act directly on the organic mind, which naturally lacks the inherent objectivity of my own circuitry. Noting that my initial efforts produced undesirable side effects upon human observers, which, in fact, I should probably have anticipated, I resolve to conduct further testing of holographic techniques in unpopulated areas.


(random reports taped during the so-called Bolo Spook Scare, late summer 1092)


Tellin' ya, I know what I seen. Big blue spooks, ghost riders in the sky, jest like it says in that old tune Roy usta sing pretty good. Johnny, too. Come riding over the rise north of Turkey Butte, horses bigger'n elemphumps, spurs a-jingling and all. Four of 'em, looked a lot like Big John, homely, you know, but true-blue. Skeered me, sure. Skeer anybody, big as they was, rode right past where I had my camp out back of the mesquite patch. Never seen me. Musta bin twenty foot high, higher. No, I ain't had a drop, but if you're buying…


I'm only doing my duty, Mr. Winger, telling you what I seen. I know it sounds crazy, but there was sure-bob sumthin yonder on I-1065 bout three mile east o' town. Green, they was, and shiny, like the saucers in them old flicks you see on the tube late at night. Come whuffling- that's a kind of whistly sound they made-right alongside the pavement, didn't pay no mind to me, thank the Lord. Come sailing past, fifty foot off the ground, flashing them lights, whole rafts of'em. Fifty, a hunnert, I never counted 'em. Some real big, strung out to a flock o' little fellers hardly no bigger'n a trash-can lid. Acted like they knowed where they was going, not in no hurry, mind, headed away from town. Seeing's I'm deppity for that side o' the county, figgered it's my duty to report what I seen. Tole you insteada Sheriff Jeffers, 'cause I figgered you, being an editor and all, you'd likely lissen better. That's right, use my name, this here's official. I know what I seen.


Herb-There doesn't seem to be any pattern to these nut reports you fellows have been collating. You did right, could have been important, but it appears to be no more than coincidence. No need to blow it up out of proportion. Ten incidents so far-white horses, cowboys, flying saucers, little green men, fireworks, a full-rigged schooner. Makes no sense at all. Mass hysteria. All in isolated areas, no attempt to start a general panic. Not a Defense Department matter at all. I think it's best just to ignore it.


(desk guard at Buffalo Detention Facility to Duty Captain)

"I never seen the son of a bitch. Was sitting here at the duty desk, working on the reports, and he must've come up behind me and clobbered me good. All I know is, I come to and he was gone. Head still hurts, and it smarts some just to talk. How was I supposed to know Joel Trace'ud go to the bad? Always a quiet respeckful feller up to now."


(bulletin from Luna Relay)

"It is of the utmost importance that the mining operations I have initiated be expedited. It is not appropriate at this time to divulge the strategic considerations requiring this action. Haste is of the essence of this requirement. Unit CSR of the Line out."


(Order issued by Master General Mott-Bailey, Imperial Battle Command)

In accordance with established Imperial policy, as embodied in FL 7062-121-6 and related Special Orders, all instructions issued by CSR will be duly processed and acted upon as under the authority of Imperial Battle Command. All personnel are enjoined to implement this policy strictest.


(representative excerpts from records taped during the Luna Base Anti-Bolo Incident, September 1092 NS)


All I know is, I got my orders. Sure I heard the rumors the Bolo has took over and even tells His Imperial Majesty what to do, but I don't believe 'em! All you got to do is do like me, follow yer orders and leave the worrying to the commanding officer.


Attention all hands. Now hear this. Blue Alert! Absolute communications silence is now in effect. In addition, no- repeat, no-ion-expulsion units are to be employed, either main or auxiliary, until this alert is rescinded, even under lethal emergency conditions. This squadron is now on a full war footing. Any violation of Alert will be dealt with accordingly. That means the death penalty, gentlemen. Now let's do our job!


Looks like it's taken up a pretty dumb position, for a machine supposed to be as smart as they say. Like Cap'n said, it made a major tactical error when it moved out where we can hit it without wiping out half the Base population. But maybe it figured it didn't hafta worry about getting hit by us, 'cause it's on our side, eh, Charlie?

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