Dafyd walked to a rocky rise and stood with his hands raised in benediction and prayed aloud while the Cymry, some in the water and some standing on the hillside, sang a song of parting, in this way sending their kinsman and friend to his rest.

Thus, in the time between times, with the water bright like a glowing ember and Celtic song falling like melodic rain from a fireshot sky, Taliesin set off on his last journey.

We watched, the prayer and song continuing until the boat was lost on the horizon and it became too dark to see. Then we remounted the horses and started back, the new moon lighting our way. I paused on a high hilltop above the water to look over the great silver sweep of Mor Hafren, al) flecked and glimmering in the moonlight like a jewel -encrusted blade.

Farewell, Taliesin! Farewell, my soul.

When I turned my horse to the track, the Cymry began to sing again. And I heard Taliesin ‘s voice among them just the way it would have sounded, high and fine and strong. I sang too and my heart felt lighter.

That night, impossibly bright and clear, the night air soft as silk, the tall grasses ringing with cricket song and the trees soughing in the breeze, the stars wheeling through wide heaven and the moon swinging along its course, I rode, cradling my baby to my breast, aware- as I was aware of all else- of an enormous calming peace that enfolded and surrounded me, a love deep and undisturbed… and ever present.

It was there in the humble gift of jade from an unknown friend; it was there in the arena with me the day the Sun Bull should have taken my lite; and this love was there in the merlin, at once a parable and gentle reproof for my lack of trust.

This peace has always been with me had I but known it.

I knew it then, and my heart quickened within me. Love was truly awakened on that moonbright night as we returned to Ynys Witrin on wings of song.

It was several days later that I realized Morgian and Annubi were missing. I did not remember seeing them at all since my return, and when I asked my father he nodded and said,

“Yes, it is strange. But they left in the night-one day before you came home.”

“The night Taliesin was killed,” I said, and a chill touched my bones.

“So it must have been. It is very strange. They said nothing; there was no word of farewell.”

“Father,” I said, my voice shaking, “did you send the feather? The raven’s feather?”

“A raven’s feather? Why?”

“The man who brought it-the traveler-said it was from you. He gave me a black feather as your message to me. I thought it odd, but Taliesin said it was your way of telling me that you wished me home.”

Avallach shook his head gravely. “I sent word by one of our own the very day your message came. There was no traveler, Charis. And no feather.”

So Morgian is gone and Annubi with her. I wonder at the hate that conceived such a plan, and I wonder at the power behind it. And I wonder if the arrow that took Taliesin was meant for me.

Oh, Morgian, what have you done? Was your life such misery and love so elusive that you turned against both?

Hear me, Morgian: I have walked the path you have chosen. I have known the darkness and despair of living death, and I have known the joy of rebirth into light. I will not join you on that path, Morgian; I will not go down that way again.

Dafyd’s shrine is finished and he teaches there now. I go to listen and to pray. I always feel that Taliesin is nearer to me there than anywhere else.

And it is often that I remember him telling me, “I will never leave you, Charis,” and I know he never will. He is with me now and forever, and as long as I live I will love him and he will live in my love. What is more, I am certain we will be together again one day.

Until that time, I am content: I have a son to raise-a son who many, including Hafgan and Blaise, Believe will be greater than his father.

As to that, I know nothing. Rumors flourish like weeds when a great man dies. I do not deny Taliesin’s rarity among men-and many’s the night that I wonder who and what he was. But this I know as I know my own reflection: in him God found fuel for the spark he puts in all men. Taliesin was a man fully awake and alive; he burned with the vision of a world he meant to create.

That vision must not die.

I, Charis, Princess of Lost Atlantis, Lady of the Lake, will keep the vision alive.

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