“True, true,” agreed Taliesin. “Still, men would Believe more readily if the One God showed himself more openly, would they not?”

“Perhaps,” said Dafyd. “Once he walked in the world as a man, and though many Believed, many others did not. Belief is not always born of sight. Therefore, it is the Savior’s striving to bring faith into the world. We Believe by faith, and by faith we are saved from sin and death. What kind of faith is it that Believes only what can be seen with the eyes or touched with the hands?”

“Faith is so important then?”

“Oh, aye, it is. So very important,” remarked Dafyd. “There is no other way to come to the True God but through faith.”

Taliesin mused on this and at last said, “Why should he choose me? And why choose this place to reveal himself?”

Collen, who had been following the conversation as well as he could, piped up then. “He is bringing all together in his good time,” he said and smiled triumphantly. “You are here. We are here. We are together.”

“Well said, Collen,” Dafyd praised him. Collen smiled sheepishly and stooped to stir the fire with a stick. “It is true.” The priest turned to Taliesin, his face eager in the firelight. “We have been brought together for this purpose. Very well, I will teach you, Taliesin. And together we will raise a fortress-a fortress of faith which the darkness will not overcome!”

They talked long into the night. As Dafyd expected, Taliesin proved a most astute pupil. The quickness of his mind was rivaled only by the keenness of his insight and his remarkable memory.

Dafyd talked until he became hoarse. He described the land of Israel and the old, old prophecies concerning the Messiah; talked about Jesu’s birth, his life, and the miracles he performed; explained the meaning of the cruel crucifixion and the miraculous resurrection when Jesus came forth triumphant from the grave, and would have gone on talking- for Taliesin would have gone on listening-had the fire not died and the night chill stolen in upon them. But Dafyd rubbed his eyes and peered at the smoldering ashes and at Brother Collen curled sound asleep. A deep quiet lay on the hill and the night was dark, for the moon had set some time ago.

“I have talked enough for one night,” said Dafyd wearily. “Ah,” he sighed, “listen… The sound of the world at peace.”

“The night itself calms the world’s strivings,” replied Taliesin, “in honor of the Lord of Peace.”

“So be it,” Dafyd replied, yawning. “Let us enjoy some of that peace now while we may.”

In all, Taliesin spent four days with Dafyd and Collen. At the end of it, Dafyd shook his head wearily and exclaimed, “I have told you everything I know! Only the Holy Brothers in Tours could tell you more.” He looked up sharply. “Why, you should go there, Taliesin. Sit at their feet-wring them dry, as you have wrung me! At least their knowledge would not be exhausted so quickly.”

“You have done well, Brother Dafyd. Better than you know,” said Taliesin. “And I thank you. I would reward you, had I anything of value to give. Still, if I possess anything which you desire, you have but to name it.”

“Freely you have received, Taliesin, now freely give. We are not to put a price on our knowledge or make learning a wall between us and the people. Besides, do not feel you have to reward a friend for a small thing done out of friendship.”

Taliesin embraced the priest. “My friend,” he said, and then set about saddling his horse.

“Go to Tours, Taliesin. Martin is there-a truly remarkable man. He can teach you much that I cannot. He is a scholar and most learned in the faith. He would welcome a pupil like you.”

“I will consider it,” promised Taliesin. “But first I must return to Avallach’s palace. I will come back when I can. Until then, farewell!”


Taliesin rode through the little valley between the two hills and around the Tor, skirting the marsh and water. He reached the causeway that connected the Tor with dry land beyond and continued to the palace. Hafgan was waiting for him when he reached the courtyard.

“Four days, Taliesin,” Hafgan told him. “Your father has been asking for you-and King Avallach as well.”

“Has it been four days? It seems only a moment.”

They began walking into the palace. “Where were you?”

“With the priest Dafyd. I have been busy learning the ways of the True God.”

“And with rolling in the mud by the look of you.”

“We worked while we talked. The time took wings.” He stopped walking and turned to the Chief Druid, gripping him by the arm. “He is the One, Hafgan. I am certain of it. The Most High. He lived as a man among men, away in the east. Jesu was his name, but he called himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Think of it, Hafgan!”

“Ah, yes,” replied the druid. “I remember Cormach telling me about this Jesu. The signs of his coming were very great, Cormach said. But there are many gods, after all. Would it not be better to worship this one along with the others?”

“He is Love and Light. And he must be worshiped in all truth. The other gods are as grass before him and are not to be worshiped beside him. It would not do. Besides, why honor the creature when the Creator is present?”

“There is something in what you say,” considered Hafgan. “But no other god demands such allegiance. There are many who will not abide such stricture.”

“Truth is all truth, Hafgan. You taught me that. There cannot be even the smallest grain of falsehood in it or it is not truth. I have discovered the source of all truth; how can I deny what I know?”

“Do not deny it, Taliesin. I would never ask that of you.” He made to move on, but Taliesin held him fast. “The gods of our people: Gofannon the Smith; Clota, Death Goddess; Taranis, the Thunderer; Epona, maiden of the Horses; Ma-bon, the Golden Youth, Brighid of the Silver Spindle; Cer-nunnos, Forest Lord… even Lieu of the Long Hand himself-all point to the One, the Nameless Good God. You know this, Hafgan. He is the one the derwydd have always sought. He is the reason the learned have walked the paths of the Otherworld from times beyond remembering. It was the Christ we were looking for, Hafgan. And now he is revealed.”

The Chief Druid mulled this over for a long time. At last, glancing into Taliesin’s eyes and the bright light burning there, he said, “I am satisfied that it is as you say. But turning away from the gods of our fathers”

“Think not of turning away, Hafgan. Consider only turning from image to object, stepping from shadow into light, exchanging slavery for freedom.”

Hafgan smiled. “You are a most formidable opponent, Tal-iesin. Already your words are weapons for the Good God’s cause.”

“Every warrior is sworn to bear arms for his lord and to fight when-need arises. The enemy gathers round about, Hafgan. The alarm is sounded; the foe is at the gates; the battle must be joined.”

“Oh, aye, but do not expect everyone to follow you into battle.”

They walked into the palace and entered the great hall. Bright sunlight shone in from the high windows, scattering white gold from the polished stone surfaces of the walls. Tal-iesin glanced around quickly. “Where has everyone gone?”

“They grew restless in the hall, so Cuall has taken them to a camp not far away. However, your father and King Aval-lach await us in the king’s chamber.”

They crossed the bright expanse of the hall, their reflections wavering over the glasslike surface of the floor like men walking on water, and came to the curtain at the far end. At their approach a seneschal pulled back the curtain and they passed through.

As they entered the chamber, Avallach was saying, “-an alliance between our two peoples would be advantageous to us both. My brother and I have discussed this at length and we agree that…”

Sitting on either side of the Fisher King were two men of appearance similar to Avallach: long dark hair in heavy curls, thick black beards, rich clothing, jeweled daggers in wide Belts of gilded leather. They possessed the same extravagant stature and manly grace; there could be no question but that they were Faery and Avallach’s kin as well.

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