We had availed ourselves of the opportunity to walk through the pleasant port and market town of Limasol while the ships took on fresh water and supplies. 'You know as well as I that we cannot just stand by and do nothing.'

'Have I said we should do nothing?'

'What then?' Before he could answer, I said, 'Just remember that hundreds, perhaps thousands of lives are at risk whatever we do. Not to mention -'

Padraig held up his hands. 'Peace, brother! Leave off your pissing and moaning a moment, and let me speak.'

'Speak then!'

'As it happens,' he began, 'you are not the only one to have struggled with this problem. I also have bethought myself what can be done.'

'Yes, yes, get on with it, man!'

'Very well. It comes to this: we must seek out Prince Bohemond at first opportunity and demand that he repent of his decision to attack the Armenians.'

I stared at the priest with envy at his sublime innocence. 'You are a wonder,' I told him. 'Even knowing what you know of princes and their insatiable appetites for wealth and power, you still suggest this? Tell me, what do you think will happen?'

'I expect God will move in Bohemond's heart and the young prince will recognize his error and turn aside before it is too late.'

'Your faith is remarkable, priest,' I told him, 'if you believe the prince will even listen to a single word you say, let alone heed your counsel.'

'That will be his decision,' Padraig replied. 'Our way remains clear: we must do what God would have us do.'

I glared at the monk and knew he meant just what he said; we would have to go before this Prince Bohemond and deliver the judgement: turn aside from your wicked ways, O Mighty Ruler! Repent and seek forgiveness, or suffer divine retribution for your sins.

Yes, and I could just about imagine the reception our call to repentance would receive.

'He will have us flayed alive for our impertinence, and our heads adorning pikes above the city gates,' I grumbled. 'That is what will happen.'

'Perhaps,' granted Padraig with a shrug. 'We cannot refuse what is right and just merely because it may prove painful to us.'

'It will be more than painful,^ I countered, 'be assured of that. But supposing-merely for the sake of our discussion-that we escape with our skins intact. What then?'

'Then, if he will not embrace the peace of God, we are free to take a warning to Roupen's people.'

I stared at him. 'And how did you come to that?'

'By reason of the fact that once we have declared our concerns before the prince, his actions will be open for all men to judge. He will repent, or he will not. If Bohemond proceeds with his nefarious plan, he does so in spite of our call to honour God's peace. Thus, there will no longer remain any obstacle to a full and forthright profession of the prince's intentions to any and all concerned.'

I turned this over in my mind for a time. It did seem the only way out of the dilemma Renaud had forced upon us. 'Then it is agreed,' I decided, 'we will make entreaty to the prince the moment we enter the city. But allow me to put the case to Bohemond. I will appeal to his honour, not his sin. If de Bracineaux is of the same mind in this matter – and I believe he is, for all his reasons may be his own-then he will support us in our attempt. If the three of us speak with one voice, we may have some chance of escaping the full force of the prince's displeasure.'

'Well said,' concluded Padraig. 'However it falls out with the prince, we must observe the utmost caution. For if Bohemond was to learn the son of his enemy was within his grasp, he would seize the boy and hold him to ransom, or worse. Roupen will have to be told what we intend. His life will be at risk the moment we set foot in Antioch. We cannot keep him in ignorance any longer.'

The next day, when the ships departed on the last leg of the journey to Outremer, we summoned the young lord onto the top deck where we strolled along the rail and watched the rugged brown hills of Cyprus dwindle into the wide, blue distance. When I was certain we would not be overheard by others going about their chores on deck, I informed Roupen of Prince Bohemond's plans to attack the Armenian stronghold at Anazarbus.

'I thank you for telling me,' he said, sinking into himself. 'I know now that you are my true friends. I will impose on you only so far as to see me safely off the ship. Once we make landfall at Saint Symeon, I will leave the company and continue home on my own.'

Although he spoke with a firm resolve, I could tell he was more than a little daunted by the prospect tjefore him. He looked to Padraig as he finished, as if to plead the priest's blessing on his plan.

'Your determination is understandable,' I suggested, 'but there is another way. Come with us to Antioch.'

'Antioch!' he gasped. 'Go among my enemies? I never will.'

'Calm yourself, and listen to me. Padraig and I plan to confront Bohemond and demand that he turn away from his foolish -' I caught Padraig's glance, 'foolish and sinful plan to attack your people. I have every confidence that Commander de Bracineaux will support us in this.

'Now then, if Bohemond listens to reason, you will have no need to fear him, and you can carry a good report home to your people.'

'And if he does not?' grumbled Roupen dubiously.

'Then you will hasten home with a warning, and we will help you. I cannot speak for the Templars, but I believe we can count on their aid as well.'

'Can we trust them?' he wondered.

'We can,' I told him. 'Renaud knows who you are, and has known since you first came on board this ship. If he had intended ill for you, we would certainly have seen evidence of it by now. He is constrained by his priestly vows, yet I believe he is trying to help you in the only way he can.'

'So we proceed to Antioch-and hide beneath Prince Bohemond's very nose,' Roupen said, little warming to the notion. 'What then?'

'Once we have spoken to Bohemond, we will know how things stand,' Padraig said. 'But understand, whatever comes of this, we will see you safely home.'

Needless to say, our entrance into Antioch a few days later was fraught and uncomfortable with the dread of discovery hanging over us as we passed through the enormous gates and along the palm-lined streets of the great city. How I wish it had been otherwise, for truly, Antioch is a very marvel of a city.

Rising from its rocky roots on the slow Orontes River, the splendid white walls soar upward to a height unequalled by any fortress I have ever seen. Magnificent in the golden sunrise, the city glows like amber. From the water gate at the river's edge to the high citadel nested in the cradling rocks of the stronghold mound, it is a sight to stir the heart with awe.

With our escort of Templars-two hundred strong, on horseback, their red emblems ablaze on white surcoats, spears and helmets gleaming – we descended the low hills and crossed the Orontes valley to join the road leading to the city. We passed over the bridge and in through the central gate, entering the long wide, tree-lined road which formed the city's main thoroughfare. Great houses of wealthy families lined the street, along with ancient basilicas, markets, and churches large and small.

I knew the Iron Lance had been discovered in one of these selfsame churches, and as we rode slowly along I kept turning my head this way and that in the forlorn hope that I might somehow see and recognize the place. If I found it, however, I never learned. For, although I saw several churches, none of them seemed in any way remarkable, and I felt slightly disappointed.

Nor did I have a chance to ask anyone about it, for no sooner had we arrived at the garrison in the lower city, but Prince Bohemond demanded audience of Commander Renaud. The higher-ranking Templars had been given quarters in the citadel itself, and Renaud, having arrived in the city, was evidently expected to go at once to join the prince.

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