"Oh, yes. I am glad it is back." Augusta watched as the ruby necklace spilled onto the quilt. The brilliant red stones burned with a fiery light in the morning sun. She smiled, clearly pleased. "They did an excellent job indeed. It looks lovely." Then she frowned.

"Is something wrong, sweetheart?"

Augusta picked up the gleaming necklace. "There is something different about my necklace, Harry." She sucked in her breath. "Good heavens, my lord, I believe we have been cheated."

Harry narrowed his eyes. "Cheated?"

"Yes." Augusta cradled her son in one arm and examined the necklace very closely. "These are not my mother's rubies. They are darker. More brilliant." She looked up with a grim expression. "Harry, the jeweler has switched stones."

"Calm yourself, Augusta."

"No, I am certain of it," she said. "I have heard of this sort of thing happening."


"One sends a perfectly good necklace out to be cleaned or repaired and the jeweler replaces the genuine stones with cut glass. Harry, you must go back to the jeweler's at once. You must make him return our rubies."

Harry started to laugh. He could not help it. The whole thing was too ludicrous for words.

Augusta scowled at him. "Pray tell, what is so amusing, my lord?"

"Augusta, I assure you those rubies are quite real."

"Impossible. I shall go to the jeweler myself and demand he return my mother's rubies."

Harry laughed harder. "I would like to see the look on his face when you complain that he switched the stones. He will think you have gone mad, my love."

Augusta eyed him uncertainly. "Harry, are you trying to tell me something?"

"I wasn't going to tell you anything at all, but since you are determined to make an issue of this matter, you had better know the truth. One of your illustrious ancestors pawned the Northumberland Ballinger rubies years ago, my love. It was Sally who realized your rubies were actually nicely cut glass."

Augusta 's eyes widened in shock. "Are you certain?"

"Positive. Just to be sure, I had the necklace appraised before I did anything rash. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I thought I could carry off the switch, but obviously you have found me out."

Augusta stared at him in wonder. "Harry, if you replaced all of the rubies in my necklace, you must have spent a fortune."

"Mmmm, yes, one could say that." He grinned. "But it was worth it, my dear. After all, I have got myself a most virtuous wife and her value is infinitely far above rubies. Indeed, there is no way I could ever put a price on her. But the least I can do is see that when she wears rubies, she wears the real thing."

Augusta started to smile. "Oh, Harry, I do love you so."

"I know, my sweet." He kissed her gently. "Just as you must know that you are my heart and soul."

She held his hand very tightly. "Harry, I want you to know that with you I have found my home and my heart."

"And I am the luckiest of men," he told her softly. "I have found that treasure beyond price that I was seeking."

"A virtuous woman?"

"No, my darling. It turns out that was not quite what I was searching for, after all, although I have most certainly got myself a virtuous wife."

She regarded him curiously. "Then what was it you were seeking, my lord?"

"I did not know it in the beginning, but what I really wanted was a loving wife."

"Oh, yes, Harry." She smiled up at him with a lifetime of love in her eyes. "You most definitely have got yourself a loving wife."

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