"I do not intend to defy Wylde in this," Phoebe said.

"Thank heaven." Meredith sagged with relief.

"What I intend to do," Phoebe continued smoothly, "is help Wylde solve the puzzle of who is behind these strange occurrences."

"Oh, my God," Meredith murmured.

Lydia gazed intently at Phoebe. "Just how do you plan to solve this puzzle?"

"First," Phoebe said as she poured more tea, "we must discover the truth about Neil. I wish to know for certain if he is truly a villain or merely the victim of unfortunate misunderstandings and circumstances."

"How do you propose to learn the truth?" Lydia's eyes were alight with curiosity behind the lenses of her spectacles.

"I believe you are in a very good position to help, Mama." Phoebe smiled. "I want you to question your card-playing friends very carefully and with great subtlety. They are always a wonderful source of gossip. Let us see if they know anything about Neil and a woman named Alice."

"That," Lydia exclaimed, "is not a bad notion."

"I suppose there would be no harm done," Meredith agreed slowly.

"And as for you, Meredith," Phoebe said, "1 believe you are in a position to make inquiries, also."

Meredith's eyes widened. "You mean because of the amount of entertaining I do?"

"Precisely. And because people talk to you freely. When they look at you, they see only a demure paragon of womanhood."

"You needn't go into details," Meredith said. "I am well aware that most people do not believe I have a brain in my head. And I will admit that perception is useful at times. 1 have had some experience picking up bits and pieces of information that Trowbridgc has found helpful in his business affairs."

"You know very well your husband relies on you as an equal partner in his business affairs because of your skills. Will you help me?"

"Of course," Meredith said.

Lydia beamed with pleasure. "I really did a rather fine job of raising you two, if I do say so."

The drawing room door crashed open at that moment and everyone turned in surprise as Anthony and Gabriel stalked into the room.

Gabriel's eyes went first to Phoebe. She saw intense relief mingled with a great deal of masculine satisfaction reflected there. She arched one brow in a silent question.

"Told you she'd be here," Gabriel said to Anthony.

"Well, I'll be damned." Anthony chuckled. "So she is. My compliments, Wylde. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Good afternoon, ladies."

"Good afternoon, my lords," Phoebe said politely. "We were not expecting you. Would you care for tea?"

Gabriel grinned as he went toward her. "That sounds delightful, my dear. I see you have summoned some visitors to keep you company while you pine away here in prison."

"Yes, Mama and Meredith were kind enough to visit today." Phoebe handed him his cup of tea. She was about to explain her brilliant plan when she heard a familiar footstep in the hall. It was accompanied by an equally familiar voice.

"Where the hell is my daughter?"

"That will be Clarington," Lydia murmured. "It's about time he got here."

Gabriel frowned. "What the devil does he want?"

The door burst open again and Clarington stomped into the room. He gave Phoebe a quick assessing glance and then rounded on Gabriel.

"I understand you have been beating my daughter, sir."

"Not yet," Gabriel said dryly. "I admit the temptation has been there on a couple of occasions, but thus far I have resisted."

"Damnation, what is this about, locking her up inside her own house, then?" Clarington demanded.

"Phoebe has become extremely interested in domestic matters of late and has developed a preference for home and hearth," Gabriel said. He gave Phoebe a challenging smile. "Is that not right, my dear?"

"That is certainly one way of putting it," Phoebe said demurely. "Will you have a cup of tea, Papa?"

"No, thank you. On my way to a meeting of the Analytical Society." Clarington shot a sharp, questioning glance at each of the members of his family. "Everything all right, then?"

Lydia smiled sweetly. "Everything is just fine between Phoebe and Wylde, dear. But there appears to be a slight problem with that odious Neil Baxter."

Clarington glowered at Gabriel. "Damnation, man, why don't you do something about Baxter?"

"I intend to," Gabriel said.

"Excellent. I shall leave Baxter to you, then. You seem quite capable of dealing with that sort of problem. If you need my assistance, feel free to call on me. In the meantime, I must be off." Clarington nodded at his wife and walked out of the drawing room.

Phoebe waited until her father had left and then she smiled very brightly at Gabriel. "I have some wonderful news, Wylde. Mama and Meredith are going to help me track down the truth about Neil Baxter. Never fear, we shall get to the bottom of this."

"Bloody hell." Gabriel choked on the tea he had just swallowed. Anthony walked across the room and pounded him helpfully between the shoulders.

"Don't look so stunned, Wylde," Anthony said as Gabriel coughed and sputtered. "You should know by now that there is rarely a dull moment around Phoebe."

Chapter 19

Gabriel managed to restrain himself until his in-laws had finally departed. The moment the last of the clan was out the door, he confronted Phoebe.

"You will put this insane notion of investigating Baxter out of your brain immediately," he said. "I will not have you getting involved in this."

"I am already involved," Phoebe pointed out. "And in any event, it will be Mama and Meredith who do the investigating. I have been forbidden to leave the house, if you will recall."

He wanted to shake her. "You don't understand how dangerous Baxter is."

"Mama and Meredith are not going to take any risks," Phoebe said soothingly. "They are merely going to make a few inquiries. Mama will bring up Neil's name over a hand of whist and Meredith will mention it to some doddering old peer who is in his cups at one of her soirees."

"I don't like it." Gabriel started to pace the drawing room. "I already have Stinton working on the matter."

"Stinton cannot move about in Society the way Mama and Meredith can."

"Your brother and I will deal with Society."

Phoebe shook her head. "You and Anthony will not be able to get gossip out of Mama's card-playing cronies. And Meredith can talk to people at her parties in a way you and Anthony could not. Admit it, Gabriel. My plan to investigate Neil is extremely clever."

Gabriel ran a hand through his hair and gazed at Phoebe in frustration. The worst of it was he knew she was right. Lady Clarington and Meredith could probe in ways that he and Anthony could not. "I still don't like it."

"I know you don't, Gabriel. It is because you are worried about me. It is very sweet of you."


"Yes. But I am perfectly safe here in the house and Mama and Meredith will not be in any danger so long as they merely ask a few discreet questions. Admit it."

"Perhaps," he said reluctantly. "But the thought of your family getting involved in all this makes me extremely uneasy."

Phoebe got to her feet and walked across the room to stand looking up at him. A gentle, rather wistful smile played about her soft mouth. "Do you know what your problem is, Gabriel?"

He eyed her warily. "What?"

"You are not accustomed to being part of a family. You have been on your own for so long you don't understand what it means to have others around who care about you. You don't know what it is to have people about who are always on your side, regardless of the circumstances."

"This is your family we are talking about, not mine," he muttered. "They arc rallying around you, not me."

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