Not unless he developed true trust, respect, and, yes, some degree of affection for her.

She did not think that she was asking for too much. After all, she was in love with the man. The least he could do was demonstrate some warmth of feeling.

Unfortunately, she did not think that Marcus recognized love when he saw it.

His experience of life had obviously made him too wary, too cynical, too self-controlled to enable him to surrender easily to love. He would be extremely cautious about opening himself to any emotion that he feared would render him vulnerable.

Thus far she had not discovered the precise events in his past which had influenced his temperament, but she could not deny the facts. Marcus had been badly scarred.

She was willing to be sympathetic and understanding up to a point. She was even willing to make a few allowances. But if he thought that she would accept him as a paramour when he had made it plain that he did not even trust her, let alone love her, he was very much mistaken.

Iphiginia wondered if he recognized her determination on that point. He was a very intelligent man, after all. Perhaps that was the reason he had not attempted to press his attentions on her since the other night.

He was the sort of man who would think matters through carefully before making his next move.

The library door opened. "Iphiginia?" Amelia, dressed in a gray high-necked gown that made her look considerably older than her twenty-six years, came into the room. "Mrs. Shaw is bringing tea."

"I could use a cup. I need to collect my thoughts before Mr. Manwaring arrives."

"He will be here shortly." Amelia glanced at the clock. "He is a punctual person. By the bye, I have made a preliminary list of widows and spinsters who might be interested in participating in our new venture."

"Are they all from the investment pool we formed for Morning Rose Square?"

"Most of them are, but two of them are new. A Miss Sanders and a Miss Crest. I met them at the museum last week. They are both paid companions who have managed to set aside a small amount to invest."

"Excellent." A thought struck Iphiginia. "That reminds me, I ran into Mrs. Osworth in Pall Mall the other day. She mentioned that she was interviewing a new companion. The woman was from the Wycherley Agency."

Amelia grimaced. "I'm not surprised. The Wycherly Agency caters to families such as the Osworths. Very exclusive."

"I thought the name rang a bell. That was the agency which employed you, was it not?"

"Yes." Amelia's mouth tightened. "It's been in business for years."

A discreet knock sounded on the library door. Iphiginia glanced at it. "Mat is it, Mrs. Shaw?"

Mrs. Shaw, as solidly built and very nearly as stately as a classical ruin, opened the door. "Mr. Manwaring to see you, Mrs. Bright."

"Please send him in." Mrs. Shaw stepped aside to usher the visitor into the library. Iphiginia and Amelia greeted him with welcoming smiles.

"I did not hear your carriage, Mr. Manwaring," Iphiginia said.

"It's such a fine day that I chose to walk." Adam Manwaring smiled at both women. His eyes lingered warmly on Amelia, who appeared to he oblivious.

Adam was an earnest, sober-minded man of twenty-seven years. He was the youngest son of a country squire who owned lands in the north. With no hope of inheriting his father's property, Adam had been obliged to forge a path for himself in the world. He had an excellent head for numbers and details and it had led him to his present career as a secretary and man of affairs.

Three years ago Iphiginia and Amelia had become his exclusive employers. He was devoted to them. His allegiance had been based initially on the fact that the two had hired him after he had begun to despair of ever finding a good position. His youth and lack of connections had made it difficult for him to secure clients.

Adam's unwavering loyalty 'to Iphiginia and Amelia was now cemented by considerably more than gratitude. It was also based on a solid financial interest. He had scraped together every penny he could put his hands on to join them in the Morning Rose Square venture. A year ago Adam had taken his hefty profits together with the widows and spinsters who had formed the investment pool.

Although Iphiginia had complete trust in Adam' she had not told him about her scheme to catch a blackmailer. He had been instructed to he absolutely discreet concerning her identity. Adam assumed she merely wished to remain anonymous and to keep her connection to the investment pool a secret so that she would not he pestered by interested parties.

Adam did not move in social circles and had little interest in gossip. He was very aware of who was who in the ton, however, and, more important, he knew a great deal concerning their financial affairs.

"Please have a scat, Mr. Manwaring." Iphiginia pretended not to notice the tinge of red in Adam's cheeks as he fixed his wistful attention on Amelia.

Iphiginia wanted to give her cousin a shake. Could not Amelia see that she and Adam were perfect for each other? she wondered.

Iphiginia had recognized instantly that the two were well suited a few weeks ago, directly after she and Amelia had met Adam in person for the first time. Until then, their transactions with him had been conducted through the post.

Adam's honest, open countenance made it easy to read his reactions. There was no doubt that he had developed a tendre for Amelia, although he had not yet worked up the courage to make an overture.

"How are things progressing with Bright Place?" Iphiginia asked as Adam sat down on the other side of her desk.

"I am happy to say that the initial plans are almost complete." Adam's expression became very intent. He leaned forward to spread out his neatly penned papers on Iphiginia's desk. "Final arrangements have been made to secure the property. I have also drawn up an agreement with the same builder that we used on Morning Rose Square. It remains only to complete our list of investors."

"I have drawn up a preliminary list of interested people," Amelia said.

"Excellent." Adam's cheeks became slightly more ruddy. "The usual names, I presume?"

"Yes, and two new ones." Adam glowed with admiration. "Very good. By the bye, rumors are abounding now that we have secured the property. I have had some inquiries from wealthy gentlemen who have heard about the profits that were made by the investors in Morning Rose Square. They have expressed an interest in our new venture."

Iphiginia gave him a sharp look. "They do not know that Miss Farley and I are the principals in the venture, do they?"

"No, no, of course not," Adam assured her swiftly. "You know that I would never abuse your confidence in that regard. Whenever I have had inquiries on the subject, I have always explained that the two people who organize the ventures prefer to remain anonymous."

Iphiginia relaxed. "Good. I do not want to he hounded by potential investors at various social affairs. Most unpleasant."

"I quite understand," Adam said. Amelia tapped a quill pen against the sheet of foolscap that she held. "Who are the gentlemen who wish to invest in our new project?"

"I have the names with me." Adam picked up a sheet of paper from the pole he had put down on Iphiginia's desk. "Let me see. Matthews, Conklin, Jenerette, Dodgson

Amelia froze. Iphiginia stared at Adam. "Dodgson, did you say?" Adam glanced up with a puzzled frown. "Yes. Mr. Anthony Dodgson. Rumor has it that he's got his finances in something of a muddle and is anxious to repair them through some profitable investments. Do you know him?"

"No." Iphiginia was careful not to look at Amelia's white face. "I have never met him. But I have heard of him. He is not the sort of person with whom we wish to associate ourselves, is he, Miss Farley?"

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