Too late Iphiginia recalled her carefully crafted tale of widowhood.

"Oh, no. No, indeed." Iphiginia licked her lips. "It's just that it's been a very long time since Mr. Bright passed on. And even when he was alive he was not what you'd call enthusiastic about his husbandly privileges. And he was not nearly so, ah, well-proportioned as yourself, my lord, if you take my meaning."

"You're a damned virgin. You lied to me."

With a sinking heart, Iphiginia realized that he was furious.

Despair shot through her. She was not sure what to say next. Obviously he had guessed the truth. She sought for a way to moderate his anger.

"But no one knows that except you, my lord. Surely it does not signify? In the eyes of the world I am a widow."

"How many roles are you playing, Iphiginia?"

Tears filled her eyes. "I am not playing any role at the moment."

"For God's sake, do not cry." He braced his elbows on either side of her and caught her face between his palms. "I will not tolerate tears. Not after what you have done.»

Anger and outrage stormed through her. "'I am not crying." She sniffed. "And if you are going to use that tone of voice with me, sir, you can bloody well get off and let me up. I do not have to lie here and listen to you make nasty, hateful comments."

"Iphiginia-" "I said, get off me." She braced her hands against his shoulders and shoved as hard as she could. It was like pushing against a mountain.

"The damage is done, you little fool." "I do not consider myself to have been damaged, my lord." She glowered up at him. "I wanted you to make love to me. At least, I thought I did."

"Why? Tell me why, damn it. Was this to he another of your grand adventures? Something akin to a tour of the ruins of Pompeii, perhaps?"

"Yes, it was," she flung back furiously. She tried once again to shove him off of her. "But you have ruined it."

"Why did you have to choose me?" Marcus's voice was raw. "Why didn't you pick Hoyt or Lartmore or someone else to take you on this particular tour for the first time?"

"Because I chose you, you great, half-witted idiot. Get off me."

Marcus looked thunderstruck. «Iphiginia-» "Off", I said."

He flinched as though she had struck him. In the moonlight, Iphiginia saw the sheen of sweat on his forehead. His dark hair was damp with it. His jaw was locked. Every muscle in his body was as hard as though it had been carved from marble.

Marcus gritted his teeth and slowly began to withdraw from her body. Iphiginia wriggled impatiently.

"Hold still," Marcus said urgently. "Damnation." He wrenched himself free of her with shocking suddenness.

"Ouch." Iphiginia yelped in dismay. "That hurt." Marcus did not pay any attention. His features were contorted in an expression of what appeared to be unbearable anguish. He sucked in his breath, shuddered heavily, and collapsed, facedown, alongside her. A terrible groan shuddered through him and then he lay absolutely still.

"Oh my God. Marcus, are you all right?" Iphiginia forgot about her own discomfort. She levered herself up onto her elbow, horrified by Marcus's sudden and mysterious collapse.

A terrible, soul-destroying fear shook her to the core. Marcus was dead and it was all her fault.

Iphiginia scrambled to her knees. Frantically she shook his shoulder. He did not stir.

She leaned over him to see his face, which was turned away from her. His eyes were closed.

She recalled the expression of agony that had twisted his features.

"Dear heaven, what have I done? My lord, are you alive? Speak to me, please speak to me."

She struggled to pull him into her lap. It was not easy. He was impossibly heavy. She managed to get his face onto her knee-. She stroked his hair back from his forehead.

"I am so very sorry, Marcus." Tears ran down her cheeks. "I never meant to hurt you. That is the last thing I would ever do. Please, Marcus, You must not die. Not now after I have finally found you. I could not bear it. I love you, Marcus."

Bloody hell.

He'd lost his self-control for the first time since his wedding night.

He'd spilled his seed like some clumsy, untried youth with his first woman, just as he had that first time with Nora. Somewhere in the darkest reaches of his memory he thought he heard her angry, jeering words.

You've got the bands of a farmer, you great oaf "Marcus, Marcus, please forgive me. Open your eyes.

You cannot die."

Marcus opened one eye.

"You're alive." Iphiginia's face glowed with hope and relief. "Thank God." She started to ease his head off of her lap. "Wait right here, my lord. Do not move. I shall go back to the house and fetch help."

Marcus opened his other eye, reached out, and caught her wrist. "No."

"But it is obvious that, you need a doctor. You have suffered some sort of seizure."

"For better or worse, I do believe that I am going to survive. My compliments, Miss Bright." Marcus grimaced with self-disgust. "You have the ability to make a thirty-six year old man feel like a young blade of twenty again."

She peered at him anxiously. Her fingertips were astonishingly gentle on his cheek. "Are you quite certain that you are not in need of a doctor?"

"Absolutely certain. I may, however, be requiring a new coat." He thought of how he had pumped himself ignominiously into the expensive superfine of one of his tailor's more expensive creations. "I do not know if my valet will he able to salvage this one."

"I shall pay for a new coat for you," Iphiginia said very earnestly. "This is all my fault. I am very much aware of that, my lord."

Marcus swallowed an oath. "I should have guessed that you would prove to he as much of an Original in the role of the outraged innocent as you were in the part of the notorious widow."

"But Marcus, I am not outraged. Nor am I a green chit fresh out of the schoolroom. I am quite old enough to make my own decisions."

"You were a virgin." Marcus sat up wearily. "I never get involved with virgins. I have a rule against it. I have never broken that rule until tonight."

"You must look on the positive side, my lord." Iphiginia smiled brightly. "I am no longer a virgin, therefore you are no longer in violation of your own rule."

Rage flickered through him. "Damnation, woman, this is not a jest. I vow, there are times when your mouth would drive any sane man to the edge. If I had not already just taken your virginity, I would be strongly tempted to put you over my knee for that stupid remark."

Iphiginia's smile vanished. "Sir, I comprehend that you are angry because you have broken one of your precious rides. But truly, you must not blame yourself."

Marcus concentrated on refastening the front of his breeches. "A virgin masquerading as a widow." He felt as if his fine intellect had turned to mush. "I should have known."

"That is ridiculous. How could you possibly have known?"

Marcus got to his feet and stood looking down at her. For a moment he was transfixed by the sight of Iphiginia sitting in the center of the ruin, bathed in moonlight. Her white skirts frothed around her as she clutched the bodice of her gown to her graceful breasts. Her hair was in disarray and one of her small white shoes had come off. The aura of innocence still enveloped her, just as it had done the very first time he had seen her.

"I think that I did know," he said quietly. "But I refused to acknowledge the truth because I did not want to see it."

Iphiginia scowled. "Are you always this hard on yourself when you break one of your own rules, sir?"

"I don't know." Marcus reached down to Pull her to her feet. "This is the first time that I have ever broken one. Come."

"Mere are we going?" "Back to the house." Marcus helped Iphiginia adjust the tapes of her dress. "We must take care that no one sees US.

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