"I seduced you, sir," she whispered into his coat. "No, you did not. I seduced you. I wanted to make love to you." His voice roughened. "God help me, even if I had known the truth, I do not think that I could have stopped myself. My only regret was that you did not enjoy my lovemaking."

"But I did." Her words were muffled against his shoulder. "At least, I did up until the very last bit. As I told you that night, I did not calculate certain factors correctly. But that was entirely my own fault, not yours."

Marcus groaned. Incredible as it seemed Iphiginia did not blame him for his clumsy lovemaking. She insisted on taking full responsibility for the debacle in the Temple of Vesta.

Perhaps another man would have been amused by her naiveté. Marcus was both awed and deeply moved by it.

"Listen to me, Iphiginia. You are a very well educated woman and I will allow that you have no doubt studied a great many classical statues of nude men, but you do not know all there is to know of such calculations."

"But I have studied the original statues, my lord. Not just copies."

He framed her face between his palms and forced her to meet his eyes. "It will he much more pleasurable the next time, Iphiginia. I swear it."

She fixed him with a sober, searching gaze. "Do you really think so?"

"You must trust me." He brushed his mouth lightly across hers.

"I do, Marcus. Oh, I do trust you." She stood on tiptoe, threw her arms around him, and kissed him with the same joyful enthusiasm she had demonstrated since the' start of their relationship.

Her mouth was soft and warm and exciting beneath Marcus's. Her breasts were crushed against his chest. He could feel the delightful curves of her thighs pressing against his legs. No other woman had ever felt so good in his arms.

More important, it was obvious that her passion for him still sparkled within her, a crystal prism that glowed with warmth and light. He had not shattered it the other night.

Relief surged through him. She still wanted him. His clumsy lovemaking had not dampened her sweet ardor or lessened her desire for his touch. Everything was going to he all right.

He raised his head reluctantly after a moment and looked down at her. "Then that settles the matter, does it not?"

She gave him a tremulous smile. "I am not opposed to making another attempt at lovemaking, if you truly believe it will work."

"It will." Silently he vowed to make it perfect for her. "Does this mean that you wig allow our liaison to

continue?" she asked with a hopeful look. "It means," he said deliberately, "that we will he married as soon as possible."

She stiffened. "I told you, it is not possible." "And I told you that anything is possible."

Her mouth tightened into a stubborn line. "Marcus, will you give me an honest answer to a question I must ask you?"

"I will never lie to you, Iphiginia." Her mouth curved wistfully. "Another one of your rules?"

"Yes." "Very well, then, I shall ask my question. Would you be standing here today insisting that I marry you if you had discovered the other night that I actually was a widow with some experience of the marital embrace?"

He told himself he ought to have seen that trap early on, but he had not. The snare caught him unawares and he stumbled badly. "Devil take it, Iphiginia, that is completely irrelevant."

"No, Marcus, it's very relevant." He saw the hidden pit that had opened beneath his feet. He made a desperate bid to recover his footing. "Who knows what would have happened had you been who you claimed to be? I have never met anyone like you, Iphiginia. I do not know how I would have reacted."

"If you had found me to he exactly who and what I purported to be, you would have been content to let me continue on as your mistress. Is that not so?"

"Damn it, Iphiginia, how can I answer that? I am a man of science. I deal in facts, not fancies or conjecture or what-might-have-beens."

"Please, answer me, Marcus. It's very important." "The answer to your purely conjectural question is that I do not know the answer."

"Well, I do," she said gently. "And the answer is no. Therefore my answer to you now must also he no."

"Bloody bee, woman, don't you comprehend the situation? You have no choice."

"If I were eighteen, unable to support myself, and concerned with the opinion of others, that might be true. But I am twenty-seven, financially independent, and I do not give a fig for Society's rules."


She hugged herself. "I spent too many years abiding by the dictates of a small village. I do not intend to be governed by those of the ton. " She shuddered. "Sometimes I still awake in the middle of the night and remember how I had to bite my tongue whenever the vicar stopped by to lecture me on proper behavior."

A rush of empathy went through Marcus. "I, too, was reared in a small village. I know how it must have been for in Deepford."

"It never ended," Iphiginia whispered. "There were eyes everywhere. No one really approved of Mama or Papa. They were possessed of artistic temperaments, you see."

"I know." "My parents always said that I could ignore the rude, interfering ways of others, but I was not able to do that after they were gone. I had to make a living for myself and my sister. And then Amelia showed up on my doorstep, penniless and alone."

"So there were three of you to, support." "Yes. And in order to do so, I had to submit to all the bloody petty little rules of the good folk of Deepford. " Iphiginia looked out the window into the street. "Squire Hampton and his wife were always giving me advice on my conduct. Mrs. Calder, who had the cottage next to my academy, prattled on endlessly about how an instructor of young ladies must be a paragon of propriety. The vicar and his wife were forever hovering, waiting for me to trip and fall in the muck of what they considered improper behavior."

Marcus walked around the desk, reached out, and pulled her back into his arms. "I understand."

"There were eyes everywhere. I had to be so careful. All three of us depended on the income from the academy. Add the academy's existence depended on the goodwill of the Hamptons and the vicar and all the other people in Deepford who made the rules by which the rest of us were forced to abide."

Marcus tightened his arms around her and breathed in the flowery scent of the soap she used to wash her hair. He realized with an odd sense of awareness that in that moment he felt closer to her than he had ever felt to anyone else in his life.

"I know what it is to be trapped by one's responsibilities," Marcus said into Iphiginia's hair. "And by other people's rules.»

"A year ago, I left Deepford forever. I do not intend to ever go back except very occasionally to visit my sister. I am determined to follow your example, Marcus. If I must have rides, they will be of my own making."

Marcus moved one hand soothingly down her proud, tense spine. "I comprehend your feelings better than you know, but I cannot allow you to continue to masquerade as my mistress." "Why not?" He sought for a sound, unemotional argument. "It is too dangerous."

"No, it is not." Iphiginia lifted her head from his shoulder. "We are both equally concerned with identifying the blackmailer and we have both agreed that we must combine our forces in order to do so. What better way to go about the task than to allow our pretense to stand?"

He studied her pensively. He had known he would have a battle on his hands, but he had not understood just how obstinate his opponent would be until now. "One of the problems which you continue to overlook, Iphiginia, is that the pretense is no longer, strictly speaking, a pretense."

She flushed. "For heaven's sake, Marcus., if the thought of making love to me alarms you to such a degree, we shall simply refrain from such activity."

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