"I shall expect to see you at dawn," Adam said. "Or all of London will know you for the coward you clearly are.

"If you have not already chosen your own seconds, Manwaring," Marcus said calmly from the doorway, "I would he honored to act as one of them."

"Marcus." Iphiginia turned quickly. A rush of relief went through her at the sight of him.

Marcus Idled the doorway. His broad shoulders nearly brushed the sides. He was so tall that he'd been obliged to remove his gray, curly-brimmed hat.

He studied the scene in the office with his usual unruffled air, but there was an ominous gleam in his amber eyes.

Adam inclined his head brusquely in Marcus's direction. "Thank you, sir. I shall take you up on your offer to act as a second."

"Masters?" Dodgson stared first at Marcus and then at Adam. "Have you both gone mad?"

"No," Marcus said. "But we are in danger of becoming quite bored. I suggest that you take your leave."

"An excellent notion," Amelia said. "My friends and I have some matters of business to discuss."

Dodgson turned to her with a desperate look. "Amelia, for God's sake, you cannot do this to me. There is too much at stake. Please, my dear, you must allow bygones to he bygones."

"Get out of here," Adam said.

Amelia looked at Dodgson. "You heard Mr. Manwaring. Remove yourself from these premises immediately. The very sight of you makes me ill."

"Amelia." Dodgson went toward her as though to take her hands in his. "I cannot believe you would he so hardhearted. You were once such a sweet creature."

"Do not touch me." Amelia stepped back quickly. "Do not ever touch me, Dodgson."

"You heard Miss Farley." Adam came up behind Dodgson, grabbed him by the collar, and propelled him toward the door.

Marcus politely got out of the way.

Adam shoved Dodgson out into the hall and slammed the door.

He turned and looked straight at Amelia. "I regret that you were obliged to come face-to-face with the bastard, Miss Farley. I assure you, it will be the last time."

Amelia stared at him. "Mr. Manwaring, you must not meet him tomorrow at dawn. I forbid it."

Adam gave her a crooked smile. "Think nothing of it. As it happens, I am a rather good shot. Hobby of mine, you know."

"But you might he injured. Even killed. Dodgson is a liar and no doubt a cheat. There is no telling what he might do in a duel. You cannot trust him."

Marcus stirred. "Do not concern yourself, Miss Farley. As Manwaring's second, it will be my privilege to keep an eye on Dodgson. There will be no cheating."

"No," Amelia blurted. "You must not do this, Mr. Manwaring." She dropped her parasol and ran toward him. "You cannot risk your life."

She hurled herself into Adam's arms. "It's all right, my dear," Adam said. He held her close. "I do not mind in the least."

"If it's any comfort to you, Miss Farley," Marcus said, "I believe that I can say with some certainty that Dodgson is highly unlikely to appear for-his dawn appointment. I expect he will be halfway to Scotland by then."

Amelia raised her head from Adam's shoulder. "Do you really think so?"

"Yes." Marcus smiled. "I really think so."

"I'd rather he showed himself," Adam said. "I quite relish the notion of lodging a bullet in, him."

"That is very gallant of you, sir." Amelia blotted tears from her eyes. "But I fear I would be devastated if anything were to happen to you."

"Do you truly mean that?" Adam asked.

"Yes." Amelia gave him a tremulous smile.

The two gazed deeply into each other's eyes, obvious of Iphiginia and Marcus.

Iphiginia smiled to herself. She glanced at Marcus. I told you so, she mouthed silently. Made for each other.

He raised one brow in silent acknowledgment.

It suddenly occurred to Iphiginia that he had no business being there.

"What are you doing here, sir?" she asked in a low tone.

"What do you think? I came to request that I be allowed to purchase shares in the investment pool that is being formed to finance Bright Place."

She gazed at him in amazement. "You know about the pool?"

He gave her a smile of superiority. "Of course." "You know that Amelia and I are the principals?" "Naturally."

"You think you know everything, don't you?" Marcus's eyes were brilliant with amusement. "I believe in keeping myself informed on a wide variety of topics."

"He thinks he is so very clever," Iphiginia grumbled an hour later as she and Amelia got out of the white and gilt carriage. "Quite arrogant about it, in fact."

"Who?" Amelia cast her a distracted glance as they went up the steps of the town house. "Masters?"


"Well, he is quite clever. What do you expect him to do? Conceal his intelligence? You rarely bother to hide yours."

"He could practice being a bit more discreet about it."

Amelia nibbled uneasily on her lower lip. "Personally, I pray that he is correct in his belief that Dodgson will flee rather than confront Mr. Manwaring at dawn."

Guilt swept through Iphiginia. Here she was complaining about a minor annoyance while poor Amelia was burdened with a very genuine fear. It struck her that if she were in her cousin's shoes, she would have been hysterical.

"I'm sure Masters has the right of it," Iphiginia said soothingly as Mrs. Shaw opened the front door. "As I was just telling you, he is always right."

"Yes, I know." Amelia seemed to take heart from that. Her face brightened a bit.

Iphiginia smiled at her housekeeper. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Shaw. All is well?"

"Aye, Mrs. Bright. Oh, that very nice Mr. Hoyt called in while you were out. He returned a book he said you had lent to him."

"Grayson's Illustrations of Classical Antiquities, yes, " Iphiginia untied her bonnet and handed it to of course. Mrs. Shaw. "Anything else of import?"

"No, madam. Everything has been very quiet." "Excellent. Would you please send a tray of tea into the library?"

"Immediately, Mrs. Bright."

"Thank you." Iphiginia paused at the door of the library. "By the bye, you may expect both Mr. Manwaring and his lordship, the Earl of Masters, shortly before five o'clock. They will be calling to take Amelia and myself driving in the park."

"Very. good, Mrs. Bright." Mrs. Shaw smiled and went down the hall toward the kitchen.

Iphiginia followed Amelia into the library. She glanced at the copy of Illustrations of Classical Antiquities on her desk as she sat down. Then she turned her attention to Amelia.

"Try not to worry too much, Amelia. I trust Masters to know about these things. If he feels there will be no duel, then there very likely will not he one."

Amelia clasped her hands in front of her and stared out the window into the street. "I cannot believe that Mr. Manwaring actually challenged Dodgson because of me."

"I can. I have known for some time that Mr. Manwaring was quite enamored of you, Amelia."

Amelia slanted her a wryly amused glance. "As I noted a moment ago, you can be just as arrogant in your conclusions as you say Masters is."

Iphiginia chuckled. "Masters and I do have a great deal in common, do we not?"

"Yes." Amelia's smile faded. "What are you going to do about him, Iphiginia? You know very well that you cannot go on forever as his mistress."

"I know."

The clatter of carriage wheels interrupted Amelia's reply. The vehicle came to a halt in front of the town house.

"I wonder who that could be," Iphiginia said. "It is only three o'clock. Masters said he and Mr. Manwaring would not come by until five."

Amelia peered out the window. "I do not recognize the carriage. I cannot see who is getting out."

Iphiginia and Amelia waited expectantly as Mrs. Shaw responded to the knock on the front door. There was a murmur of voices in the hall.

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