“Good afternoon, sir,” it said.

Norman clapped his hands together and danced one of his favourite silly dances. “Wonderful,” he said with glee. “Wonderful.”

The robot smiled crookedly. “I am happy that you find all to your satisfaction,” said he.

“Oh, indeed, indeed. How are you then, Norman? Are you well?”

“A bit stiff, sir, as it happens, but I expect that I will wear in. Is there anything in particular you would like doing?”

Norman clapping his hands, “How about a cup of tea, what do you think?”

“Certainly, sir.” The robot rose unsteadily to its feet, stretched himself again and waggled each foot in turn.

Norman watched in sheer exaltation as his other self performed its first task. The tea was exactly as he would have made it himself. “You will pardon me if I don’t join you, sir,” said the pseudo-shopkeeper, “but I do not feel at all thirsty.”

At a little after three p.m., Pooley and Omally left the Flying Swan. As the two friends strode off down the Ealing Road, Neville the part-time barman shot home the brass bolts and padded away to his quarters. The floor boards groaned suspiciously beneath his tread but Neville, now buoyed up with a half-bottle of Bells, closed his ears to them.

“Right then,” said Omally, “to business, it is yet three p.m. and we have not earned a penny.”

“I have missed the bookies,” said Jim. “I am a hundred thousand pounds down already.”

“The day may yet be saved, positive thinking is your man. To work then.”

Pooley shook his head and departed gloomily down Albany Road, en route for the allotment. Omally squared up his shoulders and entered Norman’s corner shop. Behind the counter stood Norman, idly thumbing through a copy of Wet Girls In The Raw. Beneath the counter crouched another Norman, chuckling silently into his hands.

“Afternoon, Norman,” said Omally. “Packet of reds if you please, and a half-ounce of Golden.”

The mechanical confectioner cleared his throat with a curiously mechanical coughing sound. “Certainly, sir,” said he, turning away to seek out these articles from their niches. Below the counter Norman clicked his tongue in silent displeasure. Above the counter Omally’s hand had snaked into the peppermint rack and drew a packet away to his trouser pocket. Norman would have to chalk that one up to experience and punch a few more defence mechanisms into the machine’s computer banks. He scribbled a hurried note on to a discarded ice-cream wrapper and awaited developments. He did not have to wait long.

“Stick them on my slate please, Norm,” said Omally.

“Pardon me, sir?”

“On my slate, I’ll settle up with you later.”

“I regret, sir, that I cannot allow you to leave the premises without having first paid for the goods. Such is the way with commerce, you understand.” Below the counter, Norman chewed upon his knuckles. This was much better. He patted his creation upon the trouser knee and gave it the old thumbs up. “Please do not ask for credit, sir,” said the robot, “as a smack in the mouth so often offends.”

“What?” Omally surveyed the shopkeeper with open horror, this was not the way business was done. Not the way it had been done for the last fifteen years. He did not expect to actually leave the shop without paying, unless, of course, he caught Norman on one of those occasions when he had been testing his home-made sprout beer. But this? Omally pushed back his flat cap and tugged at his curly forelock.

Was this simply some new ploy perhaps? Maybe Norman had been reading some American magazine about self-assertion or the like? He would play it along. “My knees ache something wicked,” he said, changing the subject.

A mystified look appeared upon the robot-Norman’s face. “I am sorry to hear that, sir,” said he, sympathetically.

“It is the cycling I believe,” John continued, “constantly forcing the pedals round and around and around. I would be lost without the bike of course, as it is my only means of transport, but I do believe that the physical effort required by the cycling is slowly crippling me.”

The robot-Norman shook his head sadly. “That is a pity,” he sighed.

“Yes, if only there was some alternative to be had for the eternal pedalling. Around and around and around.” Omally’s hand made the appropriate movements in the air. “If you know what I mean.”

The sub-counter Norman nodded, he was already way ahead of him. The duplicate, however, seemed not to have grasped it as yet. “Could you not possibly trade in the bike for a car or something?” he suggested.

“A car?” Omally looked askance at the shopkeeper. “A car? How long have you known me, Norman?”

The Irishman did not hear the purring of cogs and the meshing of computer mechanisms as the robot sought out the answer to this question.

“Precisely fifteen years two months and nine days, he said. “You were, if I recall, wearing the same cap and trousers.”

“And do you suppose that a man who is still wearing this cap and trousers is the sort of man who could afford to buy a car?”

“I have not given the matter any thought as yet, sir,” said the robot. “But if you like I will apply myself to it whilst you are paying for your purchases.”

Omally chewed upon his lip; he did not like the smell of this one little bit. “So how goes the work then?” he asked, changing the subject yet again.

“Business is slack, as ever. The monthly returns are down again.”

“No, not the shop, I mean, your work,” Omally gestured towards the kitchenette door. “What wonders are germinating in your little den?”

“If you will pardon me, sir,” said the robot, reaching forward, “it is becoming apparent to me that you have no intention of paying for your purchases, would you kindly hand them back?”

“Norman, are you all right?”

The robot suddenly lunged forward across the counter and grasped Omally by a tweedy lapel.

“Be warned,” said the Irishman. “I know Dimac.”

Beneath the counter, a sudden terror gripped the heart of the hidden shopkeeper. He had programmed the entirety of Count Dante’s Dimac Manual of Marital Arts into his creation as a precaution against it being attacked. Omally’s statement he knew well enough to be pure bravado, but he doubted that the robot would take it as such.

“Thus and so,” said the duplicate, drawing Omally from his feet, “and hence.”

With a deft flick of an automated wrist, which the legendary Count catalogued as Move thirty-two A, The Curl of the Dark Dragon’s Tail, Omally found himself catapulted through the air in a flailing backward somersault which ended in sprawling confusion amidst a tangle of magazine racks and out of date chocolate-boxes.

“You bastard,” said John, spitting and drawing back his sleeves. Norman cowered in the darkness, covering his ears. The robot climbed nimbly across the counter and stood over the fallen Irishman. “The tobacco and papers,” said he, extending a hand.

“Come now,” said John, “be reasonable, what is all this about? You cannot go attacking people over a packet of baccy. Have you gone mad?” Whilst the robot was considering an answer to this question, Omally struck out with a devastating blow to the shopkeeper’s groin. There was a sharp metallic clang and a sickening bone-splintering report. “My God,” groaned John, falling back and gripping at his knee. “What are you wearing, a bloody cast-iron codpiece?”

The robot was on him in a flash and, whilst Norman cowered in the darkness saying the rosary and praying desperately for the little brass wheel he had so recently set in motion to irrevocably break down, the martial duplicate lifted his struggling prize high above his head and cast him once more across the shop. This time, however, there was little to cushion Omally’s fall. He struck the shop’s aged front door, carrying it from its hinges, and flew out into the Ealing Road to land across the bonnet of a parked Morris Minor. It is certain that a lesser man would not possibly have survived such an assault, but Omally, momentarily numbed, merely slid down the driver’s side of the car bonnet and prepared once more to come up fighting. “Nuts and noses” his Da always told him, and it was obvious that nuts were at present out of the question.

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