When they passed into some woods that were so dark she gave up trying to see anything in front of her, she tried once again to get some answers. "How come you won't tell me where we're going.

"When you say something that needs a reply, I will reply. Until then, my attention remains on the path, to assure it is safe."

Something that needs a reply? In other words, where they were going was none of her business?

"I don't know if I like the sound of that," she said with distinct unease.

"Your opinion was not requested, kerima."

She began to bristle indignantly. She couldn't help it. He was suddenly acting way too… too barbaric for her taste. It must be the clothes he was now wearing. Look primitive, become primitive?

"Martha was right. You-"

"Martha has been a hindrance," he cut in. "You may forget everything she has told you."

"Are we finally getting to the truth?"

"What truth would that be?"

"About where I am."

"Where you are is with me," he said simply

"O-kay, then where are you?"

"With you." His chin came to rest on her shoulder. "I will always be with you."

That had a nice, secure ring to it, enough to mollify her somewhat for the moment. She supposed that if she tried, she could read between the lines of what little he'd just said. Martha had only been interested in convincing her to believe the whole fantasy Dalden apparently had a different agenda. He was the fantasy, or at least, a very big part of it. And for him, it wasn't important that she accept where she was, only that she accept who she was with.

Martha had said she'd convinced him to be patient, which pretty much meant that he'd held back up until now from showing her what he was really like. Was that what this was about, then? They were going off to be alone somewhere so she could meet the real Dalden-the barbarian she'd only seen little glimpses of so far?

She suddenly felt a very real fear. What if she didn't like the barbarian side of him? What if, as the word barbarian implied, he was so insufferable that she simply couldn't tolerate living with him?

They continued to ride through the wooded region, seemingly without direction. If there was a path, she no longer saw it. Miles passed with nothing to see because of the intense dark. As they got close to a clearing, it actually appeared brightly lit by the starlight.

"We will make camp here," Dalden said, dismounting and then lifting her down to the ground next to him.

Brittany had been falling asleep, and hadn't noticed the small clearing they finally entered and stopped in. A stream was nearby. She could hear it, just didn't see it yet. And a moon had risen when she wasn't looking, a great yellow ball seen through the trees.

"Is this our final destination, or do we move on in the morning?" she asked.

"We will stay here."

"And the purpose?"

"We are here to learn."

"Let me guess. I'll be doing all the learning, you all the teaching."

He had moved to unload the other animal. He glanced her way now with a raised brow.

"Your tone suggests you have brought some of that mentioned disgruntlement along with you. Have you not stressed, more than once, that you would be happy as long as you are with me? Was that not the truth? Does the place then make a difference to you?"

She sighed. "You're right. I don't know why I'm on edge-actually, I do know, but I'll get over it now that we're communicating again. We are communicating again, right? No more of that ridiculous silent treatment?"

"There is always a reason for what I do," he told her. "Wild animals make their home in these woods. Hunters come here to hunt them. Travelers pass through them between towns, as do raiding parties. My full concentration was needed to keep our journey safe. It was also my intention to be assured that Martha could not follow us with her short-range scanning, which she could have done from our speech. You do not need her protection any longer. You are mine to protect. Lastly, you have learned that there Will be decisions that I will make that are not open to discussion."

"Wow, that was a great explanation-up to the end," she said drily.

He went back to the unpacking, but remarked in a tone without inflection, "You are determined to find fault with me. Why is that?

"Martha warned-"

"Martha again?" he cut in. "Did I not say you should forget what she has told you?"

"You know that isn't possible."

"When most of what she has told you, you do not believe anyway?"

She blushed clear to the roots of her hair. Fortunately, Dalden wasn't looking and probably wouldn't have noticed those hot cheeks in the dark if he was. She had been expecting the worst after Martha's warning, had been expecting all kinds of unacceptable traits from him now. He said they were there to learn, and that did go both ways. What was wrong with that? She wanted to know him better, to know every single thing there was to know about him, didn't she?

"I'm sorry," she offered. "I did bring along some preconceived notions, but I'm putting them to rest now. Would you like some help with that? I was a Girl Scout as a kid, so I know how to erect tents, get fires started, gather food, and otherwise survive in the wild."

That gained his complete attention for a moment, "Truly? Such things are taught the females in your world?"

"Well, not the whole world," she was forced to admit. "It's a program offered in my particular country, with similar programs in a few others. It's not mandatory, and actually, very few girls join it these days with so many other activities to interest them instead. That's a shame, since it teaches some really good qualities, as well as useful things to learn. Enjoying camping with my brothers, I personally found it very beneficial."

He nodded, even grinned at her. "I am pleased you enjoy camping. Most of our women would complain mightily at being taken away from the comfort of their homes. They fear the ‘wild’ as you call this."

She hoped their fear was without good reason, and at least he didn't say Your wilds are diffierent from our wilds. As to her suggestion, he seemed to be ignoring it, probably because the tent turned out to be too big and heavy for her to handle, no thin nylon or army canvas, but a seriously thick material designed to keep out whatever might come snooping around. There were a lot of things to carry inside, though, after it was erected, and he let her help with that.

When they were done, a large fur rug had been unrolled in the middle of the tent as their bed. Numerous sacks were brought in, as well as a gaali stone box that provided tons of light, making a campfire obsolete except for cooking. That wasn't needed tonight, since he'd brought along their dinner, already cooked.

They shared the meal. Dalden insisted on feeding it to her, which she didn't mind. Actually, he made it an erotic experience, whether intentional or not, that she thoroughly enjoyed. So she couldn't be faulted in thinking they were going to be making love soon after the meal.

"Come here."

Replete and mellow now, and having decided this camping trip just might turn out to be a lot of fun, Brittany didn't hesitate. She settled down on his lap, felt his strong arms come around her, and expected him to kiss her. He didn't.

He tilted her head in the right position for kissing, but there were other things on his mind. "Was that difficult, to obey me?"

It was the word obey that set off alarm signals really loudly this time. Brittany stiffened and tried to move off him to a distance more appropriate for a discussion she didn't think she was going to like. But she was held firmly in place. A subtle reminder that if someone refused to obey, she could be forced to?

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