In which case Vezzarn, in his terror, had overrated the Spider’s pace. It should be close to fifteen minutes, rather than five or six, before it approached again, striding with mechanical smoothness along their trail. Even so, it was reducing the distance between them much too quickly to make it possible to get back to the Venture before it caught up.

“There is something else we can do,” he said. “And I guess we’ll have to try it now. I was hoping we wouldn’t. It’ll be a risky thing.”

“What isn’t, here?” Hulik said reasonably. “And anything’s better than running and looking back to see if that Sheem horror is about to tap us on the shoulder!”

“Let’s move on while I tell you, then,” the captain said. “Vezzarn’s right, of course, about Yango not caring too much about you two. He wants Dani. And he wants what I’ve got here.” He tapped the pocket containing the package of small but indispensable items they’d removed from the Venture just before leaving. “He can’t use the ship without it. And he’ll figure I’m hanging on to that. And to Dani.”

“Right,” Hulik nodded. The captain pulled the package from his pocket.

“So if the trail splits again here,” he said, “I’m the one the Spider will follow.”

Hulik looked down at the package. “And what will I do?”

“You’ll get down to the ship with this. There are a few separate pieces I’ll give you — you’ll need them all. Get them fitted back in and get the ship aloft. We’ll have Yango pinned then. With the nova guns—”

Something occurred to him. “Uh, you can handle spaceguns, can’t you?”

“Unfortunately,” Hulik said, “I can not handle spaceguns. Neither can I get a ship like that aloft, much less maneuver it in atmosphere. I doubt I could even fit all those little pieces you’re offering me back in where they belong.”

The captain was silent.

“Too bad Vezzarn panicked,” she told him. “He probably could do all that. But, of course, the Spider would kill you, and Yango would have Dani, anyway, before Vezzarn even reached the ship.”

“No, not necessarily,” the captain said. “I’ve got something in mind there, too… Miss do Eldel, you could at least get into the ship and close it up until—”

“Until Yango and the robot come back and burn out the lock? No, thanks! And it isn’t just those two. You know something else has followed us up here, don’t you?”

The captain grunted. He’d known the slopes had remained unquiet throughout, and in a very odd way. After the first few encounters, nothing much seemed astir immediately around them. But, beginning perhaps a hundred yards off — above, below, on both sides — there’d been, as they climbed higher and threaded their way along the ravines, almost constant indications of covert activity. A suggestion of muted animal voices, the brief clattering of a dislodged stone, momentary shadowy motion. Not knowing whether his companions were aware of it or not, he’d kept quiet. A Sheem Spider seemed enough for anyone to be worrying about…

“Little noises?” he asked. “Things in the thickets?”

“Little noises,” Hulik nodded. “Things in the thickets. This and that. We’re being followed and watched. So is Yango. He’s had more than one reason, I think, for staying on the back of his Assassin most of the time.”

“Whatever those creatures are, they’ve kept their distance,” the captain said. “They don’t seem to have been bothering Yango either.”

“Almost anything would keep its distance from the Spider!” Hulik remarked. “And perhaps it’s your little witch who’s been holding them away from us. I wouldn’t know. But I’m sticking close to you two while I can, that’s all… So what do you have in mind to do about Yango?”

The captain chewed his lip. “If it doesn’t work,” he said, “the Spider will have us.”

“I should think so,” Hulik agreed.

He glanced at her, said, “Let’s turn back then. We’re going in the wrong direction for that.”

“Back along our trail?” Hulik said as they swung around.

“A couple of hundred yards. I noticed a place that looked about right. Just before we saw the robot.” He indicated the cliffs looming over them. “It’ll take pretty steep climbing, I’m afraid!”

“Up there? You’re not counting on outclimbing the Spider, are you?”

“No. It should be able to go anywhere we can, faster.”

“But you’ve thought of a way to stop it.”

“Not directly,” said the captain. “But we might make Yango stop it — or stop Yango.”

* * *

There’d been a time when something had nested or laired on the big rock ledge jutting out from the cliff face and half overhung by it. Its cupped surface still held a litter of withered vegetation and splintered old bones, along with the musty smell of dried animal droppings. A narrow shelf zigzagging away to the right along the cliff might have been the occupant’s means of access.

Winded and shaking, stretched out full length in the ancient filth, the captain hoped so. Almost any way down from here — except dangling from the jaws or a taloned leg of the Sheem Spider — must be better than the way they had come up. Peering over one corner of the ledge, he stared back along that route. About a hundred and twenty yards of ascent. From here it looked almost straight down and he wondered briefly again how they’d made it. In a kind of panicky rush, he decided, scrabbling for handholds and toeholds, steadying each other for an instant now and then when a solid-looking point crumbled and powdered as human weight came on it, not daring to hesitate or stop to think — to think, in particular, of the distance growing between them and the foot of the cliff below. And then he’d given the do Eldel’s smallish, firm rear a final desperate boost, come scrambling up over the corner of the ledge behind her, and collapsed on the mess half filling the wide, shallow, wonderfully horizontal rock cup.

They unroped Goth from him then, and laid her down against the cliff under the sloping roof of the ledge. She scowled and murmured something, then abruptly turned over on her side, drew her knees up to her chin, and was gone and lost again, child face smoothing into placidity, in the dream worlds of Yango’s special drug. He and Hulik stretched out face down, one at each comer of the big stone lip, holding their guns, peering from behind a screen of the former occupant’s litter at the shadowy thickets and boulders below.

They had come past there with Vezzarn, not many minutes before, along a shoulder of rock, scanning the lower slopes for any signs of pursuit. And there, in not many more minutes, Yango and the Spider must also appear. The robot might discover the trail was doubling back at that point and swerve with its rider directly towards the cliff. Or stride on and return. In either case the Agandar soon would know his quarry had gone up the rock.

If he rode the robot up after them, they would have him. That was the plan. They’d let him get good and high. Their guns couldn’t harm the Sheem machine, but at four yards’ range they would tear the Agandar’s head from his shoulders if he didn’t make the right moves. Nothing more than the guns would be showing. The war robot’s beam would have only the ponderous ledge overhanging it and its master for a target.

With a gun staring at him from either corner of the ledge, caught above a hundred yard drop, Yango wasn’t likely to argue. He’d toss up his control devices. They’d let the Spider take him back to the foot of the cliff then before they gave the gadgets the twist that deactivated and collapsed it…

“And if,” Hulik had asked, “he does not come riding up on the thing? He might get ideas about this ledge and wait below while it climbs up without him to see if we’re hiding here or have gone on.”

“Then we shoot Yango.”

“That part will be a pleasure,” the do Eldel remarked. “But what will the robot do then?”

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