Then, the metaphysical sentiment was gone, replaced by the driving desire of our bodies. He thrust into me, gently at first, then steadily increased the strength. I stared at him wide-eyed, taking in every feature, refusing to miss one instant of this experience. And believe me, I was getting quite the experience. Aside from the ecstasy of our bodies moving together, I still had his energy and feelings coming in. Knowing what he was thinking as we made love added a whole new dimension to it all. Sometimes with men it would be coherent thoughts. With him, it was just pure emotion. Love and trust and longing…feelings so strong that he was willing to risk anything for them, anything to be with me. Even his life.

My body burned against his, growing increasingly turned on by the rapture and love on his face juxtaposed with the fierceness of the way he held me and kept pushing into me. Everything grew more intense—both physically and spiritually—and my body finally reached its breaking point. I came with a loud cry and thrashed against him, wanting to free my arms and wrap them around him. He continued holding me until he came, which didn’t take much longer. The full burst of his soul’s energy flooded me with his orgasm, and I heard myself moaning again at the joy of it. He thrust in a few more times, the motions growing slower and longer as his body took its release. The grip on my wrists loosened, and he shifted over to his side, taking me with him. I pressed against his chest, feeling the racing of his heart and sweat on his skin.

My own heart was pounding too as my body reveled in its own satiation. Every part of me still tingled, and though there was really no way to get closer, I tried anyway. I wanted as much skin to touch as possible. I wanted as much of him blending into me as possible. He brushed the hair from my face and rained kisses down upon my forehead.

“So that’s the full succubus effect, huh?”


“Worth it,” he murmured. Already, I could see the loss of energy taking its toll. “Whatever the cost, worth it.”

I refused to allow myself to ponder that cost. Making love in the full throes of my succubus abilities might have added a powerful element, but it had undoubtedly taken years off his life. It wasn’t for me to decide if it had been worth it, though. He’d made this choice.

Said choice was exhausting him, and I knew he’d soon sleep for a very long time as his body and soul recovered their losses. I shifted so that we changed positions, bringing his head to lie against my breasts.

“Rest,” I said, wrapping my arms around him.

He tilted his head, looking up at me with warm, sleepy eyes. “Don’t want to sleep yet…I want to stay with you. Will you be here in the morning this time?”

“Yes,” I said, kissing the top of his head. “I promise. I won’t leave you again.”

A small smile played over his lips, and he allowed his lids to close. He snuggled against me, body relaxing. “The world…” he said softly, as sleep began taking him. “You are the world, Letha….”

I stiffened.

“What did you say?”

My voice was too loud, jarring enough to momentarily startle him out of the slumber his body now longed for. “Hmm? I said you were the world, Georgina.” He gave a small yawn.

“That’s not what you called me,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm.

“What did I call you? Thetis?” Oh, if only. If only it had been his nickname for me.

“You called me…Letha.”

He fought to keep his eyes open and yawned again. “Why would I have said that?”

“I…don’t know. Where did you hear it?”

Yes, indeed. Where would he have heard my name? Hardly anyone knew it. Greater immortals knew it, and that was pretty much it. The only lesser immortals who did were Niphon and Kristin, who’d had access to my records. I was pretty sure they’d never told my other immortal friends. I was confident they’d never told Seth.

Seth’s brow furrowed a little, then smoothed as he closed his eyes again. “Don’t know. Greek myths, I guess. The River Lethe, where the dead go to wash away the memories from their souls…to forget the past. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes,” I said, scarcely breathing. Where did he pull that name from?

“Letha, Lethe…” I could barely hear him now. “Almost the same.”

“Almost,” I agreed. My voice was nearly as inaudible as his. My name. He shouldn’t have known my name. A panic I couldn’t explain began fluttering within me.

Something about my mood must have still penetrated his haze because he stirred slightly, though his eyes remained closed. There was worry in his drowsy words.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Get some rest.”

Where had he heard my name? Minutes ago I’d been on fire. Now I felt cold.

“You sure?” he murmured. “Everything’s okay?” He exhaled deeply, and I felt him succumb to sleep with those last words.

“Fine,” I said, staring off into the night. “Everything’s fine.”

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