"Precisely." Alice gave him a complacent smile. "And where there are knights seeking sport and the chance to make money from ransoms on the jousting field, there are troubadours seeking to entertain them. Is that not true?"


"In addition to an opportunity to earn coin for his songs, I suspect that Gilbert plans to sell my crystal at the fair."

Hugh was silent for a moment. Then he nodded. "Your logic is sound, lady. Very well, Ipstoke it is."

" 'Tis likely that Gilbert does not yet know that you are in pursuit of my stone," Alice said. "But if he chances to discover that you are on his trail, he may not remain long at Ipstoke."

"Then we shall take care that he does not learn that I am after it until it is too late for him to flee. There is just one more thing, lady."


"You seem to have formed the habit of forgetting that I am the true owner of the green stone."

Alice blushed. "That is still a matter of opinion, my lord."

"Nay, madam. 'Tis a matter of fact. The stone is mine. Our bargain is sealed." Hugh lifted his hand in a signal to his men.

Alice glanced back over her shoulder as the company clattered through the gates of Lingwood Hall. She saw Ralf and her cousins standing on the hall steps. She waved at Gervase, the only one for whom she had felt some attachment. He raised a hand to bid her farewell.

As Alice started to turn her head, she noticed that Ralf was smiling. Her uncle appeared vastly pleased with himself. An uneasy suspicion went through her.

"I trust the rumor I heard about my dowry was mere gossip," she said to Hugh as he guided his large black stallion into place beside her palfrey.

"Personally, I do not pay much attention to gossip."

She slanted him an assessing glance. "You will not credit this, sir, but there was a tale going round the hall to the effect that you actually promised my uncle two chests of spices."


"Aye, one of pepper and one of ginger." Alice chuckled at that outrageous piece of nonsense. "I am well aware that such overblown gossip is clearly false, my lord. Nevertheless, I am concerned that you may have been cheated. What, precisely, did you give Sir Ralf as a dowry?"

"Do not concern yourself with such details, lady. 'Tis of no great import."

"I would not want to think that you were fleeced, my lord."

Hugh's mouth curved faintly at one corner. "Never fear. I am a man of business. I long ago learned to get my money's worth out of every transaction."

Chapter 5

Ipstoke was a crowded, colorful scene. Even Benedict's sullen mood lightened at the sight of the bright banners and striped tents that dotted the grounds outside the old keep walls. Peddlers and pie-sellers of all descriptions mingled with acrobats, jongleurs, knights, men-at-arms, and farmers. Children ran hither and yon, shouting with glee.

Massive war-horses towered over long-eared asses and sturdy dray ponies. Baggage wagons laden with armor lumbered along next to carts filled with vegetables and wool. Troubadours and minstrels wandered through the crowds.

"I vow, I have never seen so many people in one place in my whole life." Benedict gazed about in wonder. "One could well imagine that everyone in the whole of England is here today."

"Not quite," Alice said. She stood with Benedict on the gentle rise of ground where Hugh had decreed that his somber black tent be pitched. Black banners flapped in the air above her head. Hugh's choice of color formed a stark contrast to the vivid reds, yellows, and greens of the neighboring tents and banners. "I expect that when you travel to Paris and Bologna you will encounter far more wonderful sights than this."

Some of the excitement dimmed in Benedict's eyes. "Alice, I wish you would not talk about my going off to Paris and Bologna as though it were a certainty."

"Nonsense." Alice smiled. " 'Tis very much a certainty now. Sir Hugh will see to it. 'Tis part of our bargain and everyone assures me that he always honors his bargains."

"I do not care for this bargain you have made with him. I was not overfond of our uncle but 'tis better to deal with the devil you know than one with a reputation such as that of Hugh the Relentless."

Alice scowled. "His name is Hugh of Scarcliffe now. Do not refer to him as Relentless."

"Why not? 'Tis what his own men call him. I have been talking with Sir Dunstan. He tells me that Hugh is well named. They say he never abandons a quest."

"They also say that his oath is as strong as a chain fashioned of Spanish steel, and that is all that is important to me." Alice brushed the matter aside with a wave of her hand. "Enough of this chatter. I must see to my end of the bargain."

Benedict glanced at her in astonishment. "What do you mean? You have brought Sir Hugh here to Ipstoke and you gave him the name of the troubadour who stole the green crystal. You need do nothing more."

" 'Twill not be quite so simple as all that. You are forgetting that you and I are the only ones who can identify Gilbert the troubadour. No one else in Hugh's company of men-at-arms has ever seen him."

Benedict shrugged. "Sir Hugh will make inquiries. Gilbert will soon be found."

"What if Gilbert is using another name?"

"Why would he do that?" Benedict demanded. "He has no way of knowing that Sir Hugh has come here in search of him."

"We cannot be certain of that." Alice considered the matter for a moment. "Nay, the quickest way to find Gilbert is for me to wander into the crowd and seek him out. He is bound to be here somewhere. I can only hope that he has not yet sold my green stone. That might complicate matters."

Benedict stared at her. "You're going to search for Gilbert by yourself?"

"You can accompany me, if you like."

"That's not the point. Have you discussed this scheme with Sir Hugh?"

"Nay, but I do not see that it matters overmuch." Alice broke off as Dunstan walked across a patch of grass to join them.

She could not help but notice that Dunstan appeared far more cheerful at that moment than she had yet seen him. His normally dour countenance was enlivened with an expression of enthusiasm and anticipation. His stride was jaunty. He was wearing his hauberk and carried a recently polished helm under one arm.

"My lady." Dunstan greeted Alice with brusque formality. It was rapidly becoming clear that he did not like her very much.

"Sir Dunstan," she murmured. "You look as though you are going off to war."

"Nothing so tame. A jousting match."

Alice was surprised. "You are going to participate in a joust? But we are here on a matter of business."

"Plans have changed."

"Changed!" Alice stared at him in amazement. "Does Sir Hugh know of this change?"

"Who do you think changed the plans?" Dunstan asked dryly. He turned to Benedict. "We could use some assistance with the armor and horses. Sir Hugh suggested that you give us a hand."

"Me?" Benedict was startled.

Alice frowned. "My brother has not been trained to handle armor and weapons and war-horses."

Dunstan clapped Benedict on the shoulder. "Sir Hugh says 'tis time he is trained in such manly matters."

Benedict staggered and caught his balance with the aid of his staff. "I am not particularly interested in learning about those things."

Dunstan grinned. "I have news for you, young Benedict. You are Sir Hugh's man now and your new lord believes that 'tis not efficient to have men in his household who are not properly trained and who cannot be counted upon in a siege."

"A siege." Alice was horrified. "Now hold a moment here. I will not have my brother exposed to harm."

Benedict glared at her. "I do not need a nurse, Alice."

"Of course you don't, lad." Dunstan grinned at Alice. His expression said he knew that he had won this small contest. "Your brother will be a man soon. 'Tis past time he learned the ways of men."

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