"You are very brave, Reginald."

He ignored that. "Will you help us, Lady Alice? If we do not do something, I fear that Sir Eduard will hurt Mother."

Dunstan stormed into the kitchens at that moment. His whiskers twitched with outrage. He glowered at everyone and then his gaze settled on Alice.

"What the devil is going on here?" he demanded. "What's this about a boy from Rivenhall?"

"This is Reginald, Sir Vincent's son." Alice got to her feet. "Rivenhall Keep has been taken by a mercenary knight named Eduard of Lockton. We must save the keep and Reginald's mother, who is being held captive there."

Dunstan's jaw dropped in astonishment. "Save Rivenhall? Are you mad, m'lady? If that keep has truly fallen into the hands of another, Sir Hugh will order a great feast to celebrate the occasion."

"Don't be ridiculous, Dunstan. 'Tis one thing to carry on a feud within the family. 'Tis quite another to allow an outsider to take control of a cousin's holdings."

"But m'lady—"

"Please command the men to arm themselves and mount their horses. Have a palfrey saddled for me. We leave for Rivenhall within the hour."

Dunstan's eyes blazed. "I cannot allow it. Sir Hugh will likely hang me as a traitor if we go to the aid of Rivenhall."

"If you fear him so much, you may remain behind here at Scarcliffe. We shall go without you," Alice said calmly.

"God's teeth, madam, if Hugh hangs me, I shall be the more fortunate of the two of us. There is no telling what he will do to you. You are his betrothed. He will never forgive you for betraying him in this manner."

"I do not intend to betray him." Alice steeled herself against the cold unease that unfurled in her stomach. "I am going to the aid of his blood kin."

"He despises his blood kin."

"Surely he does not despise young Reginald or Reginald's mother."

"You speak of Vincent's heir and his wife." Dunstan looked at her in disbelief. "Sir Hugh cannot feel any more charity toward them than he does toward Vincent."

"Sir Hugh left me in command of this manor, did he not?"

"Aye, but—"

"I must do what I feel is right. You have your instructions, Sir Dunstan."

Dunstan's features twisted into a mask of frustrated rage. He picked up an earthenware pot and hurled it against the kitchen wall. It shattered into a dozen shards.

"I told him you would be trouble. Nothing but trouble." He swung around on his heel and stalked out of the kitchen.

Two hours later Alice, garbed in a vivid green gown, her hair bound in a silken net anchored with a silver circlet, rode through the gates of Rivenhall Keep. Young Reginald, mounted on a small gray palfrey, was at her side. No one tried to stop them from entering the bailey. Alice realized that Eduard did not dare challenge Hugh the Relentless.

Tension flowed through her. She could feel the wary eyes of the men who stood guard on the wall. They were no doubt assessing the force she had brought with her.

She took comfort in the knowledge that her company made an impressive, thoroughly intimidating sight. Sir Dunstan and the contingent of household knights and men-at-arms Hugh had left at Scarcliffe rode at her back. Even Julian had ridden with them. He had explained to Alice that any man who was employed by Sir Hugh was obliged to learn how to handle a sword or a bow, regardless of whether or not it complemented his attire.

The gray light of the misty day glinted on polished helms and touched the points and blades of bristling weapons. Black banners snapped in the breeze.

"Greetings, my lady." A huge, burly man with wild, unkempt brown hair, a bushy beard, and glittering eyes hailed her from the front steps of the keep. "I am pleased to make the acquaintance of any who ride under the banner of Hugh the Relentless."

"That is Sir Eduard," Reginald hissed to Alice. "Look at him. He acts as though he were lord here."

Alice studied Eduard's features as she reined her palfrey to a halt. The mercenary reminded her of a boar. He had a thick neck, wide jaws, and small, flat eyes. He no doubt possessed a brain to match.

She looked down the length of her nose at him as Dunstan and his men arrayed themselves behind her. "Please inform the lady of this manor that her new neighbor has come to call."

Eduard grinned, displaying several gaps in his dirty yellow teeth. "And who might you be?"

"I am Alice, betrothed wife to Hugh the Relentless."

"Betrothed wife, eh?" Eduard surveyed the armed men behind her. "The one who caused him to miss the joust against Sir Vincent at Ipstoke fair, I'll wager. He was not well pleased with you that day."

"I assure you that Sir Hugh is quite content with his choice of a bride," Alice said. "So content, in fact, that he does not hesitate to leave me in command of his lands and his men."

"So it would seem. And where is Sir Hugh?"

"On his way back to Scarcliffe from London," Alice said coolly. "He will return soon. I intend to visit with Lady Emma until he arrives."

Eduard gave her a crafty look. "Does Sir Hugh know you're here?"

"Rest assured he will discover that fact soon enough," Alice said. "If I were you, I would be gone from Rivenhall by then."

"Do ye threaten me, lady?"

"Consider it a warning."

"You are the one who should take heed, madam," Eduard drawled in an unpleasant voice. "You obviously do not comprehend how it is between Rivenhall and Scarcliffe. Mayhap your future lord did not see fit to explain his personal affairs to you."

"Lord Hugh has explained everything to me, sir. I enjoy his full trust and confidence."

Eduard's face tightened with anger. "That will soon change. Sir Hugh will thank me for occupying this keep. 'Tis true that his liege lord has forbidden him to take vengeance against Rivenhall. But I promise you that he will not interfere when he learns that another has achieved his goal for him."

"It is you who do not comprehend the situation," Alice said softly. "You have interfered in family affairs. Sir Hugh will not thank you for it."

"We shall see about that," Eduard retorted.

"So we shall." Alice smiled coldly. "In the meantime I would pass the time with Lady Emma. Is she still in the tower chamber?"

Eduard narrowed his tiny eyes. "So the boy told you about that, did he? Aye. She's locked herself inside and will not come out."

Alice turned to Reginald. "Go and fetch your mother from the tower. Tell her that I look forward to making her acquaintance. Tell her that Sir Hugh's men-at-arms are here to guarantee her safety and yours."

"Aye, my lady." Reginald slid down off the gray palfrey. He shot Eduard an angry glance as he dashed up the steps and disappeared into the hall.

Eduard planted hamlike fists on his hips and confronted Alice. "You're risking more than you know by dabbling in this business, Lady Alice. Aye, far more."

"That is my concern, not yours."

"When Sir Hugh returns he will be furious with you for this betrayal. 'Tis no secret that loyalty is all to him. The very least he'll do is end the betrothal. And then where will you be, you foolish woman?"

" 'Tis you who are the fool, Eduard." Alice looked at Dunstan. "Will you assist me in dismounting, sir?"

"Aye, m'lady," Dunstan growled. He kept his eye on Eduard as he got down off his horse. He walked to where Alice's palfrey stood and reached up to help her from the saddle.

She saw the tightness about his mouth and smiled reassuringly. "All will be well, Sir Dunstan. Trust me."

"Sir Hugh will likely have my head for this day's work," he muttered for her ears alone. "But before he does, I will tell him that his betrothed has enough courage to match his own."

"Why, thank you, sir." Alice was startled and warmed by the grudging praise. "Try not to be too anxious. I will not allow Lord Hugh to blame you for any of this."

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