"Aye, no doubt. And you will do so later." Hugh did not extend his hand to assist her as she rose slowly. "Come. We are leaving."

He turned on his booted heel.

Behind Alice, Emma made a small, soft, despairing sound.

"All will be well, Mother," Reginald whispered. "You'll see."

"One moment, my lord," Alice said. "Sir, I fear that we cannot take our leave just yet."

Hugh paused and turned slowly around to face her. "Why not?"

Alice mustered her determination. It was not easy. She realized that she must tread warily if she would banish the devil in him. Her only ally at this moment was his own intelligence. "First you must tell Eduard of Lockton to take himself and his men out of this keep."

"Is that so?"

Eduard gave a harsh crack of gloating laughter as he came forward. "Your betrothed is a charming little creature, my lord, but obviously headstrong and willful." He leered at Alice. "I admit that I envy you the pleasure of taming her. 'Twill prove interesting, I'll wager."

Alice whirled on him. "That is enough out of you, you great, obnoxious oaf. Who do you think you are? You have no rights here in this hall. Sir Hugh will soon get rid of you."

Eduard's yellow teeth flashed in his beard. He slanted Hugh a knowing glance. "If you want my opinion, m'lord, you've been too indulgent with the lady. She seems to think that she can give you orders as she would a servant. A touch of the whip would likely teach her to control her tongue."

"One more insult to my betrothed," Hugh said very softly, "and I will cut you down where you stand. Do you comprehend me, Eduard?"

Alice glowed with satisfaction.

Eduard flinched but recovered instantly. "Sir, I meant no insult. 'Twas merely an observation. I myself occasionally enjoy the saucy types."

Alice shot Eduard a disgusted look and then turned back to Hugh. "Tell him to leave at once, sir. He has no business here."

"Bah. Women." Eduard shook his large head. "They do not comprehend the ways of the world, do they, m'lord?"

Hugh studied him with the sort of idle interest a well-fed falcon might exhibit toward a fresh meal. "Why are you here?"

A crafty gleam lit Eduard's malicious eyes. "Why, 'tis obvious, is it not, sir? 'Tis no secret that Rivenhall's lord no longer commands the money or the men to defend his lands."

"So you thought to take them while he was gone?" Hugh's voice held only cold curiosity.

" 'Tis well-known that you have sworn an oath to Erasmus of Thornewood not to take them." Eduard spread his hands. "Your reputation as a man who does not violate his oath is legendary, sir. But your oath to your liege lord does not apply to the rest of us poor knights who must make our own way in the world, does it?"

"Nay, it does not."

Eduard grinned. "Erasmus of Thornewood is dying, by all accounts. He will not ride to the defense of Rivenhall."

Emma gasped. "You will not take my son's inheritance, Sir Eduard."

Eduard's small eyes glittered. "Who will stop me, pray tell, Lady Emma?"

"Sir Hugh will stop you," Reginald said loudly. "Lady Alice promised."

Eduard snorted. "Don't play the fool, lad. Lady Alice does not command her lord, whatever she may believe. 'Tis the other way around. She will soon discover that for herself."

Reginald clenched his fists at his sides and faced Hugh. "Sir Eduard tried to hurt my mother. Lady Alice said you would not allow him to stay here at Rivenhall."

"Of course he will not allow it," Alice declared.

Emma took a single step forward. She lifted her hands in a beseeching gesture. "My lord, I know that you hold no love for this house, but I pray you will honor your betrothed's oath to defend it."

"He will," Alice assured her. "Lord Hugh left me in command. He granted me the authority to act in his stead and he will support me."

"She promised that you would help me save my father's keep." Reginald fixed Hugh with an expectant look.

Eduard slapped his thigh as though at a fine jest. "The boy's got a lot to learn, eh?" Two of his men chuckled uneasily.

"Enough." Hugh silenced the hall once more with the single word. He looked at Eduard. "Take your men and begone."

Eduard blinked two or three times. "What's this?"

"You heard me," Hugh said quietly. "Leave this hall at once or I will order my men to retake the keep." He glanced once more around the chamber, clearly taking note of the position of Dunstan and the Scarcliffe men-at-arms. "It should not take more than a few minutes to do so."

Eduard was outraged. "Have you lost your wits, man? You would save this hall on the orders of a woman?"

"Lady Alice spoke the truth. I left her in command in my stead. I will support her decision in this matter."

"This is madness," Eduard snarled. "You cannot mean to force me out of here."

Hugh shrugged. "I could not help but notice as I rode into the yard that my men outnumber yours on the wall. It would appear that Sir Dunstan has things under control in this chamber. Do you wish to put the matter to the test?"

Eduard turned red with fury. Then a shrewd look appeared on his face. "By the blood of the damned. Now I comprehend. You wish to possess this hall yourself, do you not? In spite of your oath to Erasmus, you mean to take advantage of the situation to grab these lands and have your revenge against Rivenhall. I respect that, sir, but mayhap you would consider an alliance with me?"

"My lord Hugh," Emma cried desperately. "I pray you will have mercy."

"By the Saints." Alice fitted her hands to her waist and glowered at Eduard. "Don't be any more of an ass than you can help, Sir Eduard. Lord Hugh would not dream of violating his oath." She scowled at Hugh. "Would you, sir?"

Hugh watched Eduard. "A man's honor is only as good as his oath. Lady Alice acted in my stead when she ordered you from this hall, Eduard. The authority she wields flows from me. Do you comprehend?"

"You cannot mean this, m'lord," Eduard sputtered. "You would allow a mere woman to give orders in your name?"

"She is my betrothed," Hugh said coldly.

"Aye, but—"

"That makes me his partner," Alice informed Eduard.

"Leave at once," Hugh said. "Or prepare for battle."

"By the teeth of the demon," Eduard roared. "I do not believe this."

Hugh's hand tightened around the hilt of his sword.

Eduard took a hasty step back. "I do not want war with you, Sir Hugh."

"Then you will leave."

"Bah. Who would believe that Hugh the Relentless has fallen under the spell of a sharp-tongued, redheaded—"

"Enough," Hugh said.

Eduard spat into the rushes. "Mark my words, you'll regret the day you submitted yourself to a woman's whims."

"Mayhap, but that is my problem, not yours."

"I have had enough of this foolishness." Eduard turned and stalked toward the door. He signaled his men to follow.

Hugh looked at Dunstan. "See him through the gate."

Dunstan relaxed slightly. "Aye, m'lord." He motioned to the Scarcliffe men-at-arms.

Alice watched with satisfaction as Eduard and his men departed. "There, you see, Reginald? I told you all would be well."

"Aye, my lady." Reginald gazed at Hugh with awe.

Emma clasped her hands tightly together. Her anxious eyes went from Alice to Hugh. "My lord, I pray you do not… I mean, I must ask if you intend to… to—" She broke off helplessly.

Alice knew what Emma was thinking. It would be all too easy for Hugh to take what Eduard of Lockton had just surrendered. "There, there, Emma. Rivenhall is safe from Lord Hugh."

"I am not going to take this keep, my lady," Hugh said without any emotion. "I gave my oath to Erasmus of Thornewood and in spite of what some would believe, he is still alive. While he lives, he has my loyalty."

Emma gave him a shaky smile. "Thank you, my lord. I know that your oath did not bind you to come to the defense of Rivenhall. It would have been most convenient for you to have let it fall to Eduard of Lockton."

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