Xazax continued muttering in his demonic tongue, at the same time the mantis drawing new variations in the crimson pattern. Galeona felt forces both natural and hellish come forth, then mix in a combination otherwise impossible in the real world.

She reached out, adding to the demon's variations on the patterns. Now the interior of the tent crackled with energies both in flux and in conflict.

"Speak the words, human," commanded Xazax. "Speak before we are engulfed by our own creation…"

Galeona did, the ancient syllables spilling from her lips. Each word made her own blood burn, made the horrific veins coursing over her partner flare over and over. The dark sorceress spoke more quickly, knowing that if she faltered, Xazax's fear might yet prove true.

A thing the color of mold and fleshed almost like a toad formed above the body of Captain Tolos. It struggled, twisted, tried to cry out with a mouth not completely formed.

Let… me… resssst! it demanded.

Deformed beyond even the manner of demons, the grotesque creature sought to swipe first at Galeona, then Xazax. However, the wards that she had set into place caused a blue spark whenever the monstrosity reached out, a spark which clearly hurt the thing much. In frustration, it finally pulled within itself, wrapping spindly, taloned limbs about it as if trying to fold itself up enough to utterly disappear.

"You are ours to command," she told the imprisoned creature.

I… must… rest!

"You cannot rest until you complete the task we've set for you!"

Nightmarish eyes that dangled loose yet also seemed in some ways human peered at her in open malevolence. Very well… for a time, anyway. What would… you have… of me?

"No magic binds your eyes, no barriers block your vision. See for us what we seek and tell us where it is."

The horror above Tolos's cooling body quivered, rumbled. Both Xazax and Galeona bent back at first-until both realized that the thing only laughed at their demand.

That… is all? For this… I am tortured… forced to wake and even… forced to remember?

Recovering, the witch nodded. "Do it and we'll return you to your sleep."

The eyes swung toward the demon. Show… me what… you seek.

The mantis drew a small circle in the midst of the main pattern. A haze of orange filled the area in which the trapped creature floated. The eyes stared into the haze, seeing what even Galeona could not see.

It becomes… clearer… what you… seek. It will… be requiring… of a price.

"The payment," interjected Xazax. "you have already tasted a portion of."

Their prisoner gazed down at the body. Accepted.

And with but that-a force struck Galeona so hard within her mind that the sorceress fell back, collapsing onto her pillows.

She sailed aboard a vessel of dubious means and reputation, a vessel fighting a storm she found not at all natural. The storm had already ripped apart some of the sails, yet still the ship pressed on.

Curiously, Galeona saw no crew aboard, almost as if only ghosts manned this vessel. However, something tugged at her, demanded she look beyond the deck. Without even moving her feet, the sorceress shifted position, the door of a cabin now before her. Galeona raised one transparent hand, trying to push open that door.

Instead, she drifted through it, entering the cabin like one of the specters she had imagined sailing the ship. Yet, the lone occupant of this sad excuse for a room in no manner resembled the dead. In fact, up close he looked like far more than Galeona had first believed. Very much a soldier. Very much a man.

The witch tried to touch his face, but her hand went through his flesh. Nevertheless, he shifted slightly and almost smiled. Galeona glanced down at the rest of his body, noting how Bartuc's armor fit him well.

Then, a shadow in the corner caught her attention, a shadow with a familiar feel to it. Xazax.

Knowing that she had to tread carefully now, Galeona focused on what she and the demon sought. Once more acting as if she caressed the fighter's cheek, the witch murmured."Who are you?"

He turned slightly, as if unsettled.

"Who are you?" she repeated.

This time, his lips opened and he mumbled, "Norrec."

She smiled at her success. "On what ship do you sail?"


"What is its destination?"

Now he began to turn. A frown appeared on his slumbering visage and he seemed unwilling to answer, even in his dreams.

Determined not to fail in this, the most important of the questions, Galeona repeated herself.

Again, he did not answer. The witch looked up, saw that Xazax's shadow grew stronger. She did not trust the demon to take care, though. In fact, his presence even threatened to jeopardize matters.

The sorceress turned her attention back to Norrec, looming over him and speaking to him now in the seductive tone she generally reserved most for Augustus. "Tell me, my brave, handsome warrior… tell Galeona to where you sail…"

His mouth opened. "Lut—"

At that moment, the demon's shadow crossed his face.

Norrec's eyes flew open. "What in the name of all—"

And Galeona found herself back in the tent, her eyes staring toward the ceiling, her body covered in a chill sweat.

"You imbecile!" she roared, picking herself up. "What were you thinking?"

Xazax's mandibles snapped open and close. "Thinking that this one could find answers much more quickly than a much distracted female human…"

"There are much better ways than fear for discovering secrets! I had him answering everything! Afew moments' more and we would have had all we needed to know!" She thought quickly on the subject. "Maybe it's not too late! If—"

She hesitated, staring down at where Tolos lay-or rather, had lain.

The body, even the blood that had splattered the carpet, had vanished.

"The dream one has taken his prize," Xazax remarked. "This Captain Tolos will suffer a terrible afterdeath…"

"Never mind him! We have to get the Dreamer back—"

Here the mantis vehemently twisted his head back and forth, the closest he could come to shaking it. "This one will not defy a Dreamer in his own domain. Their realm is beyond even that of Hell or Heaven. Here we may command them, but, break the link, and they may take what is theirs." The demon leaned forward. "Do you think your general might part with another soul?"

Galeona ignored his suggestion, thinking what she could say to Malevolyn. She had the names of both the man and his vessel, but what good did that do her? The ship might be sailing anywhere! If only he had managed to blurt out his destination before the demon had fouled matters much! If only-

"He said ‘Lut-, " the witch gasped. "It has to be!"

"You have a thought?"

"Lut Gholein, Xazax! Our fool journeys to Lut Gholein!" Her eyes widened in satisfaction. "He comes to us, just as I first said!"

The monstrous yellow eyes flashed once. "You are certain of this?"

"Very much!" Galeona let out a throaty chuckle, one that would have stirred many a man, but did nothing for the demon. "I must go tell Augustus at once! This will keep him in line for the time being!" She considered further."Perhaps I can finally convince him to dare the desert. He wants Lut Gholein; this gives him even more reason to want to take it!"

Xazax gave her what for the mantis appeared a puzzled look. "But if the human Malevolyn throws his men at Lut Gholein, he will certainly fail-aah! This one understands! How clever!"

"I don't know what you mean… and I've no more time to argue with you! I must tell Augustus that the armor sails toward us as if summoned by our very hand."

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