"Wouldn’t Haldan have seen the glass passing in front of her eyes?" asked Afsan.

"Of course," said Gathgol. "And she probably swung her head around to look at the murderer. In fact, the swinging of her head, as much as the murderer’s swiping, would have been what carved the neck open. But as she was dying, Haldan would have seen the person who killed her."

They were silent for a moment.

"What about the glass?" said Afsan.

"As I said before, it was a mirror. Not a great one — the optical qualities weren’t all that good, judging by the fragments, and the metallic backing was uneven. Still, they don’t make mirrors here in Capital City; too much basalt, not enough quartz-rich sand. One that big would have likely been made in Chu’toolar, but merchants distribute many of them each kiloday."

"There’s no way to be more specific about where it came from?"

"Not really," said Gathgol. "At least, I can’t think of a way. The frame is unadorned; just plain wood."

"What kind of wood?"

"It looks like hamadaja to me."

"Thunderbeast fodder," observed Afsan. "Found in all eight provinces."


"What about a manufacturer’s mark?"

"If there was one on the glass or the frame, it’s not on any of the fragments we have."

"Perhaps Novato will have an idea," offered Cadool. He turned to Gathgol and added, "She used to deal with glassworkers in making her far-seers."

"Of course," said Gathgol. "The mirror was incomplete. A large hunk was used to do the killing, and after the deed was done it was dropped on the tabletop, and shattered, but the whole thing wasn’t brought to Haldan’s apartment."

"And no one heard the sound of breaking glass?" asked Afsan.

"The walls of Haldan’s apartment were thick, of course," said Gathgol. "You couldn’t have noise leaking from one apartment to the next without creating territorial tensions. Forgive me, but even your own calls for help wouldn’t have been heard if you hadn’t left the main door open behind you. And, of course, the crime took place during the middle of the day; very few people would have been home then, I’d warrant."

Afsan nodded. "Do you know how much of the mirror is missing?"

"Well, if it were just squared off, not that much. But most household mirrors are twice as tall as they are long. I’d suspect there’s at least as much missing as we have here. The wooden frame was cut with a saw, but the glass was broken more roughly."

"All we have to do, then, is find a person who remembers seeing someone carrying a mirror that day," said Cadool. "Or better yet, half a mirror."

"I wish it were that simple," said Gathgol. "But we also found a leather drop-sheet in Haldan’s apartment. It’s creased and scored in such a way that it’s pretty clear that the mirror was wrapped in it when brought into the apartment. The sight of someone carrying something wrapped in dark leather is not at all uncommon, I’m afraid. I’d doubt if anyone would have noticed."

"That is unfortunate," said Afsan.

They were all silent for a time.

"Afsan," said Gathgol at last, still sounding a bit uncomfortable with the short name.


"Forgive me, but it seems the most likely method for finding the murderer is to figure out who would want to kill Haldan."

"Indeed," said Afsan. "But why would anyone kill another person?"

"You really don’t know, do you?" said Gathgol.

"No, I don’t."

"There have been murders in the past," said Gathgol. "They’re not common, not at all, but they do happen. And the killer always has a reason."

"What sort of reason?"

"Well, in the old accounts, the reasons are usually pretty much the same. One kills another to possess something the other has, to prevent the other from revealing something the first one wants to remain secret, or out of fear."


"Yes," said Gathgol. "One kills someone because one is afraid of that someone; afraid that that someone might kill or otherwise harm them."

Afsan’s tail swished left and right. "Who could possibly fear my daughter?"

"Who indeed?" said Gathgol.


The south pole

Two shore boats were lowered from the side of the Dasheter and rowed in toward the ice. One carried Delplas, Biltog, and giant Var-Keenir; the other, Babnol, Spalton, and Toroca. Although Toroca wasn’t actually going to take part in the hunt, he had decided to come along to observe whatever animal the others tracked down.

Between the first excursion onto the cap and this one, special anchors had been fashioned for the shore boats: metal hooks on long tethers that could be sunk into the ice. The ships were anchored and the six Quintaglios disembarked.

The temperature was about fourteen degrees below zero, according to Keenir. The snow covering the ice was hard and crisp. No one quite knew how snow was formed. It melted into what seemed to be ordinary water if you held it in your hands, but it was different in texture from the clear ice that underlay it, and, in places, it was loose enough to blow like powder in the air.

All six were wearing their stuffed leather jackets and snow pants, plus wide-soled shoes. Captain Keenir himself was going to lead the hunt. In the hunter’s sign language, each finger represented a different member of the team. So that he could communicate with his pack, Keenir took off his left mitten and tossed it into a shore boat, bobbing in the chilled gray water.

They’d waited until late afternoon before coming here. The sun was low enough that the glare of its light off the snow wasn’t quite blinding now.

Keenir gestured with his naked hand and the six of them began walking in from the shore. Where the ground was covered with snow, traction was reasonably good, although the going was slow because here their feet sank in. But where the ground was icy, walking was treacherous, and Toroca found his legs going out from underneath him on several occasions.

The white ground undulated — not so much so that one would refer to the terrain as having hills and valleys, but enough that whatever was up ahead was often invisible until they were almost upon it. The pack came across a hole in the ice, with perhaps a hundred divers languishing around it. The sight of the hole, with water visible through it, gave Toroca pause. There wasn’t solid ground beneath them, just a layer of ice that varied wildly in thickness from place to place. Here it was perhaps thick enough to support the weight of divers, but possibly not strong enough in all places to hold up adult Quintaglios. Although the air itself wasn’t devastatingly cold, the water was so icy as to be dangerous indeed. Two days before, Spalton had slipped when getting into a shore boat and fallen into the water. He’d turned white from head to tail; Toroca had thought he was going to die.

The divers had apparently learned something from their previous encounter with Quintaglios. They immediately began slipping into the water — it apparently wasn’t too cold for them — their rounded silver bodies looking like drops of mercury running down a drain.

The wind had a bite to it. They continued on. Toroca could see the irritation in Keenir’s movements, the impatience. There must be something worth killing, his body language seemed to scream. There must be.

And then they suddenly came upon it in a small valley: a giant creature flopped on the ice. It was unlike anything Toroca had ever seen: three or four times the size of a middle-aged Quintaglio, with a great rounded torso covered in white fur. Short legs were splayed out behind it, and it had very long, almost delicate arms resting against its sides. Its rounded head, ending in a fleshy muzzle, was lying on the ice.

The whistling wind was loud enough that the creature hadn’t heard them approach, and Toroca found his sense of smell all but gone in the frozen air, the membranes inside his nostrils seemingly deadened by the cold. Perhaps the creature had the same handicap, for it seemed completely oblivious to the hunters, even though it was downwind of them.

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