Teenie took a forward step to descend the stairs.

The musicians bashed out a cymbal crash! Then they began to play a stately air of celestial majesty. With the two boys in gold carrying her long golden train, in time to the sedate music, Teenie came down the curving golden stairs.

The throng gazed at her in ecstasy.

Followed by the spotlight, she paraded across the hall. With great dignity she mounted the scarlet steps to the throne. Regally, she seated herself, and the two boys gave the train an artistic, curving fold upon the ap­proach. They folded their arms and stood like two small golden statues at her feet. The music ceased.

The seneschal approached the throne and gave a sweeping bow. Kneeling and speaking to the floor, not her, he said, "Your Majesty, I beg to announce the court is assembled. I have further been told to say that there are several virgins here. The courtiers await your pleasure. They beg that you would condescend to caress their ears with the celestial beauty of your voice. They eagerly attend. Long Live Your Majesty. May I withdraw?"

Teenie gave a twitch with the scepter and he backed away. She gazed down upon the lifted faces of the throng across the open space.

The spotlight narrowed to a glittering circle upon her.

She smiled.

A sigh of pleasure rippled like a friendly breeze about the room.

Teenie spoke and her voice was quite commanding and loud: there must be a microphone in the arm of that throne. Her Voltarian accent had changed: she was speaking with the lilt that characterized the speeches of the court.

"Welcome, welcome, my dear, loyal vassals and sweet friends. I spread my love upon you and accept your kisses on my feet. May the blessings of a thousand Heavens rain into your waiting lips." She paused and gave a sly smile. "And into your hips as well." There was a patter of applause. Teenie smiled more broadly. "I thank you from my bottom."

Instant cheers broke out.

Then the boys were throwing her kisses.

Teenie beamed. "I love you, too!" she said.

Wilder cheers racked the hall. The sentries had to twitch the ropes as a warning not to burst across the open space to the throne.

Teenie was laughing. She held up the scepter for quiet.

The two boys in gold saw some signal and rushed up the steps to her. She kissed each one and then they unfastened the chain which held the golden cape and, doing a sort of swirling dance with it, bore it off.

Teenie stood up. "But enough, my darlings, of this ceremony. I fear that I must now go into the stuffy, technical end of life. Are you ready for my lecture?"

Cries of "Oh, yes, Your Majesty!" "Please, please!" rocked the hall. No professor in a school ever got such an invitation to begin.

Madison wondered what in heaven she was going to talk about. Like all good PRs, he was an expert in presentation and stagecraft, and up to now he had been struck with awe at how well the page school had trained her and how she must be working under the guidance of an expert palace staff with all the expertise that they

must have. A technical lecture after this? Surely Teenie, now on her own, was going to blow it. The foolish girl: good heavens, how she needed his help! And, oh, how desperately he needed her assistance to finish his job with Heller!

Chapter 7

Covered from throat to heels by her scarlet military coat, topped by her glittering crown, Teenie strode to the wheeled vertical board. Madison could not see what was on it. But he was very glad she had good enough sense not to appear naked or exposed before these boys: they were much too young to be subjected to female nakedness, even that as immature as Teenie's.

The hall was hushed. She raised her scepter, using it as a pointer. It must have a microphone in it, for her voice came loudly, with authority, from speakers Madi­son could not locate.

"Here, my loving students," Teenie said, "we have a graphic illustration of the naked male body." She gestured with the scepter in a sweep. "A front view, a right-side view, a left-side view and a back. Now, I must admit that the artist has made the (bleep) too large for my taste." She turned to them and smiled a too-big smile. There was pleased laughter at her joke. "But somehow getting around that point"-more laughter – "you will see that I myself have marked in certain places with an X. Now attend, and no more giggling, for this is serious business and I have left you clearheaded for this part of the program so that the information can slide in and stick. There are 172 of these X's on these four drawings. Can everyone see them?"

Choruses of "Yes."

"They are called the erotic spots. Touching them or manipulating them can bring about sexual stimulation, prolong it or cool it off." Jabbing with her scepter she rattled them off, for each one had a name. English? Chinese? She turned to the assemblage, quite out of breath, and smiled. "I know it seems an awful lot, but nevertheless, you must know each one and know just how to use it. You will see these boards again in subsequent evening classes. The palace artist, who is a very splendid fellow really, despite his exaggerated idea of (bleeps)..." She paused to let their laughter pass. "He offered to make copies of this for you, but the information is secret. So these boards will be placed in the basement near the rear portcullis and you can slip in and out to your heart's content and study them. Now mind that you do, for you will be personally examined on each one of them. Got it?"

The two groups nodded vigorously, interest was intense.

"Now," said Teenie, "for tonight's first demonstra­tion. I need a virgin volunteer."

Instantly fifty hands went flailing toward her.

Teenie pointed with the scepter. "I'll take you!"

A boy who appeared to be about fifteen slid eagerly under the red ropes. He was quite pretty, with a clear white skin.

The staff ran out a platform five feet high with steps. The two young boys in the golden suits led the volunteer up it. With expert hands they stripped off his clothes and in a moment had him standing there naked. They withdrew. Teenie mounted the platform.

"Now behold!" She pointed with her scepter to the boards. Then with one finger she touched a spot on the boy near the spine.


The audience gasped.

Teenie pointed at the boards with her scepter. Then she touched a spot on the lower outside right thigh.


The audience groaned.

Again Teenie indicated the boards and then, with one finger, touched the lower middle lip of the boy's mouth.


She gestured at the charts and then she touched the side of the boy's neck.


Once more she pointed at the chart. Then with one light finger she touched a spot at the lower center of the boy's pubic hair. His eyes rolled up, his chin thrust forward, he gave an ecstatic groan.


Gasps echoed in the audience like an echo of the groan. Then there were cries of amazement and suddenly wild applause.

But Teenie wasn't through. She touched a spot at the base of his throat. He straightened up.


Gasps of astonishment slid through the hall.

Teenie leaned over and touched his ear with her tongue.


The crowd went mad!

The stern-faced sergeants had to twitch the ropes quite hard to prevent a forward surge onto the cleared space.

"We could keep this up all night," said Teenie, "and though I'd dearly love to, the program must continue. You," she said to the volunteer, "have been a very good boy. You are very pretty, too." And she gave his (bleep) a pat. It was suddenly erect again. "So thank you for coming up here."

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