"Well, if we are denied the right to simply bomb New York..."

"That has to be denied," said Hisst. "It would obliterate the installations that must be seized in operational condition in New Jersey. That requires a solely infantry approach, moving through cities on a slaughter basis. Are you afraid of casualties?" he asked the first general with a sneer.

"No," said the first general. "I was simply hoping that some way the Army could be coerced into partici­pation. We only have about four million troops. When distribution to other continents is examined..."

"We could simply concentrate on the United States," said another general.

"No, no, no," said a general with artillery badges. "There are more than twelve nations that are nuclear armed, according to reports. Failure to make this an infantry action on all continents could result in some hysterical nuclear involvement. If the objectives of the chief are to be attained, we have to prevent their use of hydrogen bombs from one country to another across oceans. I think you would find the objective areas totally contaminated and unusable."

An aide bent over Lombar, "Your Excellency, the Earthman has finally arrived."

All eyes swivelled to Madison. (To do him justice, he might not have understood completely that what was under discussion was an invasion of Earth, for the meeting transcripts do not, of course, give internal thoughts of those speaking. Madison's own logs shed no light on this.)

The general of artillery was the one who spoke. "What is the range and thermal penetration potential of an MX3 missile?"

Madison said, "I'm sorry. I don't have it at my fingertips. But I don't think it's much to be worried about. The full project was, if I recall, challenged by the General Accounting Office because of cost overruns and was suspended. I remember reading about it."

"Ha!" said the artillery general. "Good man. So that's a system we don't have to worry about. Now what about the satellite killers? Thosecould be used against spaceships."

"Well, only the Russians developed those. They received a lot of TV coverage. So I should think that if you avoided the sky-space over Russia, they would be no problem."

"Aha!" said the artillery general. "Show us this Russia,"

Madison walked up to the front of the cave and with a "With your permission" took the remote from the staff officer. He mastered it and the projector began to throw up Earth maps. He found Russia and showed them. (Madison would not have known, since it had happened after his departure, that there was no Russia now.)

Hisst moved restively. He glared at the generals. "All right, you can go and wrangle someplace else now. But get a general operational plan on this desk by tomorrow!"

They rose and their aides got their papers together and they left. Lombar, after a bit, became aware that Madison was still there.

"You've been dismissed!" said Hisst.

"I wanted to see you about Gris," said Madison.

"Gris, Gris, Gris! Well, (BLEEP) Gris! He's the one who is the cause of all this trouble!"

"Could I ask what all this trouble is?" said Madison.

"Amphetamines! Intelligence!" shouted Hisst. "If the sun didn't rise tomorrow and I investigated, I can promise you it would lead to Gris! The Blixo, on its last arrival, should have brought amphetamines. It didn't. Now there has not been one freighter since! He never kept his intelligence reports up and now we're going blind."

"I can get him!" said Madison.

That got through to Hisst. But he shook his head.

"I've sent three assassins into the Royal prison. Gris is still alive! It's impossible."

"You don't want him dead," said Madison. "You want him talking."

"He let Heller get away from him," said Lombar in his usual disconnected way. "I'm going to kill him!"

"I can get Heller, too," said Madison.

"Heller has turned all Earth against me," said Hisst. "I am certain that right this minute Heller is racing through the streets of that planet screaming at the people to attack me! He's a scourge! The Army and the Fleet won't make the slightest effort to smash him!"

"Please," said Madison. "Let's open up our coats. Is there some reason you don't want Gris to talk?"

The unpredictable Lombar suddenly broke out laugh­ing. Madison did note later that, with Lombar, he very often felt like he was dealing with someone who was quite insane.

"Did you set Gris up some way?" pursued Madison.

Lombar was still laughing. Finally he said, "If I were ever accused of anything, nothing could be proved. Every order that ever went to Blito-P3, every shipment that ever came from there, bears only the name of Soltan Gris. He stamped his life away!"

"Then you wouldn't mind if Gris came to trial?"

"What's a trial got to do with it?"

Madison said, "A trial that was public, that was reported in the media. Blow by blow."

"That's a funny idea."

"You can even try him first in the media and then he's certain to be found guilty in the court. That's the proper way to do these things."

"How strange."

"You'd emerge the hero," said Madison. "It would help build your image."

"Oh, trials have nothing to do with this," said Hisst, suddenly looking angry. "My problem is how to get the Army and Fleet cooperating."

"Is that very vital?" said Madison.

"He asks me if that's vital," Lombar asked an invisible spectator who wasn't there. "I'd have to withdraw the whole Apparatus from Calabar to invade Earth. At least the Army and Fleet could take over there!"

"You need the cooperation of the Army and Fleet," said Madison. "I CAN GET THEM FOR YOU!"

Lombar stopped. Finally he said, "How?"

"Let me have all the files and witnesses on Gris. I will get him into the press and on trial. Then I will get him to accuse Heller. It can be done so that the whole Army and Fleet will go chasing after Heller like mad dogs!"


Madison took the clipping book he had been carry­ing. He flopped it open on the desk before Lombar. "These stories are just trial balloons. I wrote every one. They'll print anything I issue. All I have to do is use the media, and the Army and the Fleet will be in your hands!"

Lombar was staring at the book, leafing through it. "They are publishing what you say?"

"I control the media of the Confederacy. It's just a tool. I can use it to whip up a storm that will give you all the support you will ever need for anything you want to do. I can mold public opinion like it was clay! And that is the key to all your projects."

"Miraculous!" said Lombar, still staring at the book. "Crobe? A hero?" Yet here were touched-up pictures of Crobe, front page! Laudatory! Paper after paper!

"There, you see? And that's just an exercise to try my muscle. A nothing."

"Madison, if you can make them think that that demented old criminal is a hero, then it should be no difficulty at all to make a deserving, preselected man like me..."

"An emperor," Madison finished for him.

Hisst's yellow eyes grew round and then began to glow. He stood up, towering over Madison a foot. He took one of Madison's hands in his and stroked it. Then he turned and bawled toward the door, "CHIEF CLERK! GIVE THIS MAN MADISON EVERYTHING HE WANTS! EVERYTHING, YOU UNDERSTAND, OR I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!"

Chapter 4

Outside the sun had almost set. The square was nearly deserted and the Model 99 looked lonely in the rubble.

Madison handed Cun an enormous stack of printouts, gave Flick an address card and got in.

"You had us worried," said Flick as he got the Model 99 moving. "Cun was talking to the driver of that general's tank beside us: he said that was the whole Apparatus General Staff in there planning a full-scale invasion. When he said 'Blito-P3' we flipped! Ain't that the planet you're from?"

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