He turned around and left, much to my relief. I didn’t want him to see just how much fear his words had left on my face.

I went to bed early that night, suddenly feeling antisocial. I lay there for a while, flipping through another magazine I couldn’t read, and amazingly found myself growing more and more tired. I think the encounters with Mark and Abe had exhausted me. Mark’s words about staying had hit too close to home after my earlier conversation with Viktoria. Abe’s thinly veiled threats had raised all my defenses, putting me on guard against whoever was working with him to make me leave Russia. At what point, I wondered, would he truly lose patience and stop trying to bargain?

I drifted off to sleep and the familiar sense of an Adrian-dream settled around me. It had been a long time since this had happened, and I’d actually thought he’d listened to me when I’d told him to stay away before. Of course, I always told him that. This had been the longest time span to go by without a visit, and as much as I hated to admit it, I’d kind of missed him.

The setting he’d chosen this time was a piece of the Academy’s property, a woodsy area near a pond. Everything was green and in bloom, and sunlight shone down on us. I suspected Adrian’s creation didn’t match what Montana’s weather was really like right now, but then, he was in control. He could do whatever he wanted.

“Little dhampir,” he said, smiling. “Long time no see.”

“I thought you were done with me,” I said, sitting down on a large, smooth rock.

“Never done with you,” he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets and strolling over to me. “Although… to tell the truth, I did intend to stay away this time. But, well, I had to make sure you were still alive.”

“Alive and well.”

He smiled down at me. The sun glinted off his brown hair, giving it golden-chestnut highlights. “Good. You seem very well, actually. Your aura’s better than I’ve ever seen it.” His eyes drifted from my face down to where my hands lay in my lap. Frowning, he knelt down and picked up my right hand. “What’s this?”

Oksana’s ring was on it. Despite the ring’s lack of ornamentation, the metal gleamed brightly in the light. The dreams were so strange. Even though Adrian and I weren’t together, exactly, the ring had followed me in and kept its power enough that he could sense it.

“A charm. It’s infused with spirit.”

Like me, this was apparently something he’d never considered. His expression grew eager. “And it heals, right? It’s what’s keeping some of the darkness from your aura.”

“Some,” I said, uneasy about his fixation on it. I took it off and slipped it into my pocket. “It’s temporary. I met another spirit user-and a shadowkissed dhampir.”

More surprise registered on his face. “What? Where?”

I bit my lip and shook my head.

“Damn it, Rose! This is big. You know how Lissa and I have been looking for other spirit users. Tell me where they are.”

“No. Maybe later. I don’t want you guys coming after me.” For all I knew, they were already after me, using Abe as their agent.

His green eyes flashed angrily. “Look, pretend for a moment the world doesn’t revolve around you, okay? This is about Lissa and me, about understanding this crazy magic inside of us. If you’ve got people who can help us, we need to know.”

“Maybe later,” I repeated stonily. “I’m moving on soon-then I’ll tell you.”

“Why are you always so difficult?”

“Because you like me that way.”

“At the moment? Not so much.”

It was the kind of joking comment Adrian usually made, but just then, something about it bothered me. For some reason, I got the tiniest, tiniest feeling that I suddenly wasn’t as endearing to him as usual.

“Just try being patient,” I told him. “I’m sure you guys have other stuff to work on. And Lissa seems pretty busy with Avery.” The words slipped out before I could help it, and some of the bitterness and envy I’d felt watching them the other night laced my tone.

Adrian raised an eyebrow. “Ladies and gentlemen, she admits it. You have been spying on Lissa-I knew it.”

I looked away. “I just like to know she’s alive too.” As if I could go anywhere in the world and not know that.

“She is. Alive and well, like you. Er… mostly well.” Adrian frowned. “Sometimes I get this strange vibe off of her. She doesn’t seem quite right or her aura will flicker a little. Never lasts long, but I still worry.” Something in Adrian’s voice softened. “Avery worries about her too, so Lissa’s in good hands. Avery’s pretty amazing.”

I gave him a scathing look. “Amazing? Do you like her or something?” I hadn’t forgotten Avery’s comment about leaving the door unlocked for him.

“Of course I like her. She’s a great person.”

“No, I mean like. Not like.”

“Oh, I see,” he said, rolling his eyes. “We’re dealing with elementary school definitions of ‘like.’”

“You’re not answering the question.”

“Well, like I said, she’s a great person. Smart. Outgoing. Beautiful.”

Something in the way he said “beautiful” bugged me. I averted my eyes again, playing with the blue nazar around my neck as I tried to parse my feelings. Adrian figured things out first.

“Are you jealous, little dhampir?”

I looked back up at him. “No. If I was going to be jealous over you, I would have gone crazy a long time ago, considering all the girls you mess around with.”

“Avery’s not the kind of girl you mess around with.”

Again, I heard that affection in his voice, that dreaminess. It shouldn’t have bothered me. I should have been glad he was interested in another girl. After all, I’d been trying to convince him to leave me alone for a very long time. Part of the conditions of him giving me money for this trip had involved me promising to give him a fair shot at dating when-and if-I returned to Montana. If he got together with Avery, it would be one less thing for me to worry about.

And honestly, if it had been any other girl except Avery, I probably wouldn’t have minded. But somehow, the idea of her enchanting him was just too much. Wasn’t it bad enough that I was losing Lissa to her? How was it possible that one girl could so easily take my place? She’d stolen my best friend, and now the guy who’d sworn up and down that I was the one he wanted was seriously considering replacing me.

You’re being a hypocrite, a stern voice inside of me said. Why should you feel so wronged about someone else coming into their lives? You abandoned them. Lissa and Adrian both. They have every right to move on.

I stood up angrily. “Look, I’m done talking to you tonight. Will you let me out of this dream? I’m not telling you where I am. And I’m not interested in hearing about how wonderful Avery is and how much better than me she is.”

“Avery would never act like a little brat,” he said. “She wouldn’t get so offended that someone actually cares enough to check on her. She wouldn’t deny me the chance to learn more about my magic because she was paranoid someone would ruin her crazy attempt to get over her boyfriend’s death.”

“Don’t talk to me about being a brat,” I shot back. “You’re as selfish and self-centered as usual. It’s always about you-even this dream is. You hold me against my will, whether I want it or not, because it amuses you.”

“Fine,” he said, voice cold. “I’ll end this. And I’ll end everything between us. I won’t be coming back.”

“Good. I hope you mean it this time.”

His green eyes were the last thing I saw before I woke up in my own bed.

I sat up, gasping. My heart felt like it was breaking, and I almost thought I might cry. Adrian was right-I had been a brat. I’d lashed out at him when it wasn’t really deserved. And yet… I hadn’t been able to help it. I missed Lissa. I even kind of missed Adrian. And now someone else was taking my place, someone who wouldn’t just walk away like I had.

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