“Once Viktoria has returned to school, you’ll be all alone here. Maybe I could show you around then?”

“Thanks, but I’ve already seen everything.”

He kept that big smile on. “Of course. Well, then, perhaps we could simply get together and… talk?”

I couldn’t believe it. This guy had had his hands all over Viktoria thirty seconds ago and was now trying to score plans with me the instant she left town. I was disgusted and had to restrain myself from doing something stupid.

“Sorry, but I don’t think I’ll be around long enough.”

I got the impression that women didn’t refuse him very often. He frowned and started to protest, but Viktoria returned and wrapped herself around him again. He studied me for several more puzzled seconds and then shifted his attention to her, smiling and turning on the charm. She ate it all up, and while the two tried to include me in their conversation, it was clear they were totally absorbed in each other. Rolan might be interested in me, but for now, she was an easier target-and one that wouldn’t be available much longer. I felt that disgust roil up in me again. The longer we stood out there, the more I realized what was going on. All the people going inside were Moroi guys or dhampir girls. And the girls were all dressed like Viktoria. This was a blood whore den. Suddenly, Baia’s secret dhampir world held no appeal.

I hated it. I wanted nothing more than to get out of here. No, wait. I wanted nothing more than to get out of here and drag Viktoria away, even kicking and screaming. Rolan was sleazy, no question, and I didn’t want her anywhere near him. Yet it soon became clear they weren’t going to stand out in the alley all night. They wanted to go inside and do God only knew what.

“Viktoria,” I said, trying to be reasonable, “are you sure you don’t want to come back home and hang out? I mean, I won’t get to see you tomorrow.”

She hesitated, then shook her head. “I won’t get to see Rolan either. But I promise I’ll come see you as soon as I get home later. We’ll stay up all night. Mom won’t care.”

I didn’t know what other protests to make. Rolan’s impatience, now that I’d refused him, was starting to show. He wanted to go inside. I wondered what was there… a dance floor? Bedrooms? I probably could have gone with them to see for myself, despite being underdressed-or, well, overdressed as far as amounts of clothing went. Yet I couldn’t bring myself to do it. All my life, I’d been taught about blood whores and why their lifestyle was wrong. I didn’t know if Viktoria was becoming one-and I hoped she wasn’t-but there was no way I could set foot in there. It was a matter of principle.

I watched them go with a heavy heart, wondering what I’d just let my friend walk into. Seeing her in that ultra-tight dress, plastered all over him, suddenly made me reevaluate everything. How much of this peaceful life in Baia was a sham? Was Viktoria-the girl who’d called me a sister really not the person I thought she was? Confused, I turned away to head back home-And almost walked into Abe. Again.

“What the hell?” I exclaimed. He wore a tuxedo tonight, complete with tails and a silvery silk scarf. “Are you stalking me?” Stupid question. Of course he was. I hoped his formal wear meant he wouldn’t be dragging me off this evening. His guardians were equally well dressed. Idly, I wondered if a place like this had something to do with his illegal business dealings. Was he trafficking blood whores? Like some kind of pimp?

Unlikely, seeing as most of these girls didn’t require much urging.

Abe gave me that annoying knowing smile of his. “I see your friend is off to an interesting night. I had no idea Viktoria had such lovely legs. Now everyone knows, thanks to that dress.”

I clenched my fists and leaned toward him. “Don’t you dare talk about her like that, old man.”

“I’m not saying anything that isn’t obvious to everybody else. It’ll certainly be obvious to young Rolan soon.”

“You don’t know anything about them!” Yet I didn’t believe my own words, not after seeing them walk off together. Abe, I could tell, knew what I was thinking.

“These girls all say it won’t happen to them. But it always does. It’s what’ll happen to you if you stay.”

“Oh, here we are,” I said mockingly. “I knew a threat had to be coming. The part where you order me again to leave the country or else bad, bad things will happen.”

He gestured toward the door, where more Moroi and dhampirs were going. “I don’t even need to make anything bad happen. You’ll do it on your own by staying here. You’ll waste your life away, running errands for Olena Belikova. Potlucks will become the most exciting thing in your world.”

“They’re good people,” I growled. “Don’t mock them.”

“Oh, I’m not denying that.” He straightened his silk scarf. “They are good people. But they aren’t your people. This is a fantasy. You’re deluding yourself.” He was all sternness now. “Your grief has sent you here. Your man was ripped away from you, and you’ve ripped yourself away from your old friends. You’re trying to make up for it by convincing yourself that this is your family, that this is your home. They’re not. This isn’t.”

“I could make this my home.” I still wasn’t sure of that, but my stubborn nature made me want to contradict him.

“You aren’t meant for Baia,” he said, dark eyes blazing. “You’re meant for better things. You need to go back home, back to your school and the Dragomir princess.”

“How the hell do you know about her? Who are you? When are you going to tell me who you work for? What do you want with me?” I had a feeling I was on the verge of hysterics. Hearing him refer to Lissa snapped something inside of me.

“I’m merely an observer who can tell you’re wasting your time here. This is no life for you, Rose. Your life is back in the States. They say you were on track to be a great guardian. Do you know what an honor it is to be assigned to the last Dragomir? You could spend your life in elite, powerful circles. The reputation you’ve already gained will raise you in status and regard. You have a stunning career ahead of you, and it’s not too late to go back to it. Not yet.”

“Who are you to talk about how I should live my life? I’ve heard that your hands are bloody-Zmey. You’re not exactly a good role model. What is it you’re involved in, anyway?”

“My own affairs. And it’s exactly because of the life I lead that you should listen to me when I say abandon this path and go back home.”

His words were urgent and authoritative, and I couldn’t believe he had the audacity to talk to me like that. “That’s not my life anymore,” I said icily.

He gave a harsh laugh and gestured around us once more. “What, and this is? You want to go off and be a blood whore like your friend in there?”

“Don’t call her that!” I shouted. “I don’t care if you’ve got bodyguards or not. I will hurt you, old man, if you say anything else about Viktoria.”

He didn’t flinch at my explosion. “That was harsh, I admit. She’s not a blood whore. Not yet. But she’s one step away from it. As I said, it always happens in the end. Even if you aren’t used by someone like Rolan Kislyak-and believe me, he will use her, just like he did her sister-you’ll still end up alone with a baby you’re way too young for.”

“Her… wait.” I froze. “Are you saying he’s the guy who got Sonya pregnant? Why would Viktoria be involved with him after he did that and left her sister?”

“Because she doesn’t know. Sonya doesn’t talk about it, and Mr. Kislyak thinks it’s a game, getting two sisters into bed. Too bad for him that Karolina’s smarter than the others or he could have had them all. Who knows?” He gave me a sardonic smile. “Maybe he’ll consider you part of the family enough to go after you next.”

“Like hell. I’d never get involved with anyone like that. I’m never going to be involved with anyone again. Not after Dimitri.”

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