"The paper is torn," Uljaken said. "Does that mean he's dead?"

"No," Kyle said, letting the shirt drop to his feet. "He's not dead."

"Then what?" asked Seeks-the-Moon.

"The boy is within a protective ward."

The spirit's eyes widened slightly and a mischievous smile came to his lips. "Really?"

"Inside a what?" Uljaken asked.

"A ward or circle of some kind," said Kyle. "Maybe much like this one."

"And that means?"

Kyle gestured and all the flames vanished, plunging the room into near darkness. "That means that either Mitchell has very powerful friends"-a ball of silver rose from his hand and filled the room with light-"or very dangerous enemies."


"I'm using the term ward generically," Kyle explained. The Truman family, Hanna Uljaken, William Facile of Knight Errant, and two other corporate assistants were all gathered back at Daniel Truman's condo. "It could be any kind of mystical barrier-a hermetic circle, medicine lodge, barrier spell, or ward of some kind."

"There's no way to tell?" asked Lieutenant Facile.

Kyle shook his head. "No. If I'd been able to lock the first part of the ritual onto him, then I could have followed the magic astrally to his location. But the ward is blocking the ritual."

Facile nodded and turned to the senior Truman. "Sir, Knight Errant can assemble a larger ritual team using multiple mages. That should be enough to overcome this kind of resistance." He glanced over at Kyle. "More capable than one man at least."

Truman looked ready to speak, but Kyle had already cut in. "Maybe so, but it would also alert whoever set up the ward that trouble was coming. By doing it alone, I reduced the risk of tipping off whoever's got Mitchell that someone is using magic to find him. They should still think he's safe."

"Doesn't all this assume Mitchell wants to be found?" put in Melissa Truman, looking as bored as ever.

Facile's tone was impatient. "We have to assume that."

"It's true there hasn't been any contact with the family, let alone a ransom note," Kyle said, "but I agree with the lieutenant, Ms. Truman. Unfortunately, we have to assume the worst. Because this involves a family as important as yours, its very likely magic is being used in some negative manner."

"Then why don't we just take Lieutenant Facile's suggestion and find the boy?" asked Truman. Kyle sensed his opinion shifting toward immediate action.

Kyle stood up from the couch where he'd been sitting. "In this case, Mr. Truman, ritual sorcery is a lot like a commando raid. By initiating the ritual we're beginning a magical assault against your son and those who may be holding him. It can get very dangerous, very quickly."

"I assure you, Mr. Teller, that Knight Errant has the best combat mages in the business," said Facile, irritation edging his voice. "There's little chance that something will go wrong."

"I don't buy that," said Kyle. "We have no intelligence on what we're up against If we aren't dealing with anything more than some wiz-kid mage gang, then I'd agree there's probably nothing to worry about." He paused for effect. "But what if, for some reason, we're facing, say, Aztechnology magicians…"

"Ridiculous," cut in Facile, but Kyle could see that invoking the name of the corp which politically and mystically ruled what had once been Mexico and parts of Central America had provoked the desired response.

Elaine Truman's face was ashen. "You don't think…"

"No, I don't," said Kyle. "The point is that we simply don't know who might be on the other end. So, just as you wouldn't stage a commando raid against some place you'd never seen before, with no clear idea of what forces were opposing you, to initiate a high-powered Sending now is foolish."

'Then your solution is…?" asked Mr. Truman.

"I suggest that we investigate conventionally for a few more days. Gain as much information as we can before deciding to take any direct actions." Kyle deliberately looked toward the Knight Errant lieutenant, who returned his gaze with one of challenge. "If we can't uncover anything more by men, initiating a powerful ritual may be the only choice."

Truman looked over at his wife. "What do you think, Elaine?”

She looked down at her hands, which were knotted together in her lap. Her voice was barely audible. "If anything were to happen…"

Truman took one of his wife's hands in his own. "All right, Mr. Teller, you have three days to investigate. If you don't turn up enough by then, we go with Lieutenant Facile's suggestion of bringing in Knight Errant full-power."

"Excuse me, sir, but I would suggest,we begin that right now," Kyle told him.

"Oh?" Truman looked completely baffled.

"I don't think you can risk the possibility that something very dangerous is going on. Knight Errant should increase its personnel and site-based security on the family." Kyle looked pointedly at Melissa. "All members of the family." She flushed and looked away.

Truman nodded. "You can arrange that?" he asked Facile.

"I can have increased security here within the hour," the lieutenant said smartly.


I’d also like to add some elements of my own, if you don't mind," Kyle said.

Truman must have noticed Facile's scowl, but he shook his head. "Not at all."

Without further ado Kyle cleared his mind and let it fill with the sound and sensation of rushing air. He reached out with his thoughts, then called out both astrally and physically, "Charlotte!"

The air in the room cooled slightly and a breeze began. All present began to look around, and Melissa Truman stood up quickly. Kyle place his hand on her shoulder. "It's all right."

The breeze seemed to come to the center of the room, where it hung swirling, an almost transparent vortex of air about the size of an average-sized dog. "Yes?" it said in a sharp, almost feminine voice.

"This is an air elemental," explained Kyle. "It's mine. I created it. I command it."

The vortex seemed to shift slightly, but spoke no more.

"It's name is Charlotte," he said, and Mrs. Truman, though obviously frightened by the experience, managed a laugh. "I'm going to leave her here to protect this place."

He focused his attention on the air spirit. He spoke its name and the spirit stilled. “The area of your concern are these two floors of this building, and the objects of your concern are these people." Kyle moved around the room and placed his hand on each of the Trumans in turn, naming him or her. He also indicated Lieutenant Facile, who was not amused, and Hanna Uljaken, who seemed distressed but nodded at Charlotte. Without moving, the spirit seemed to focus its attention on each one. "No one else is allowed on this floor unless accompanied by one of these people or one of them has given his permission. And you will deny entry to all spirits and all magic except mine," Kyle said. "You will continue with this task until I, and only I, command you otherwise."

"I understand," Charlotte said.

Kyle gestured with a quick pattern of calling, and a small ball of ethereal "fuzz" appeared above his hand. It hung there, rippling with white and dark blue energy for a moment before two huge silver and black eyes opened in it. The onlookers gasped as the fuzzball gazed quickly around the room. "This is Delta, one of my watcher spirits," Kyle said. The eyes blinked.

"Don't bother trying to communicate with him," Kyle told them. "He's barely smart enough to hold himself together. Watcher spirits do, however, make good messengers."

As Kyle again turned his attention to the elemental, the watcher spirit suddenly seemed confused, as though trying to remember its own name. The contempt flowing from the air elemental toward it was palpable.

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