Eager cackling, fists bumping together. Kaia remained in place, unmoving, heart hammering.

“The first team to lose all four members is disqualified,” Juliette said. “To bring home today’s victory, one member of your team must be the very last to hit the ground. It’s that simple and that easy.”

Yeah. Right. Nothing was simple or easy with Juliette.

A toothy, white grin flashed. “Oh, and before you ask. There’s no time limit. This contest will last as long as it needs to last. But you only have five minutes to decide who fights and who remains on the ground, waiting to administer much-needed medical aid.” She glanced at the timer hooked around her neck, right beside her Skyhawk warrior medallion. A medallion Tabitha must have given her—Kaia’s medallion—even though they were part of different clans. “Those five minutes start…now.”

Within seconds, the teams were sectioned off in huddles, feminine murmurs blending in the daylight.

“I want this,” Kaia said to kick them off. She had a lot to prove.

Bianka kissed her cheek. “I love you, Kye, you know that, and you know I think you’re Grade A at brute force and vengeance, but flying, well, after everything that was done to you last time, isn’t wise. Not to mention the fact that you’re still injured!”

“Yeah,” she replied dryly. “Thanks for not mentioning. Just for the record, Heavenly Hills, you were just shot up, too.”

“Hey! You promised never to call me by that ridiculous name again.”

“Like that’s a promise I can really keep.”

“Bee’s right,” Taliyah said, ignoring them. “Everyone’s already out for our blood. They’re going to gang up on us big-time, so we have to have our fastest players in the air.”

Kaia sputtered. “I know you’re not suggesting what I think you’re suggesting. I’m fast. Like, bullet fast.”

“Yeah, but Gwen’s faster. So am I, for that matter. So is Neeka. So is Bianka. Hell, Juno and Tedra are faster than all of us combined,” Taliyah added, motioning to their other members. “That’s why I recruited them. Plus, Juno hasn’t played yet, and Tedra’s already healed from the arrows.”

Everyone but Kaia nodded. She pressed her tongue into the roof of her mouth. This almost seemed rehearsed. What was clear, though, was that they didn’t want her fighting. Didn’t think she could help, only hinder.

Gods, the hurt she experienced…the humiliation…both nearly knocked her down. Made her want to curl into Strider’s lap and cry. His strong arms would band around her and he would coo at her, comfort her, then tell her how capable she was.

Or not.

Last time they were together, he’d wanted her to train with his friends. Even he doubted her skill.


She could have fought her sisters on this. Could have pulled rank and insisted. Instead, she nodded as if she agreed with them. Just as she’d done with Strider. One, they would have argued with her and she had no solid legs to stand on. Just wound-ridden ones. Two, as they’d so rudely pointed out, she wasn’t at her best. And three, victory was priority one, not her pride.

“All right,” she said, forcing a confident tone. “Bianka, Juno and Tedra. You’re up. If you’re okay, Bee. You were shot up pretty badly.”

“I’m fine.” She offered Kaia a relieved yet sad smile. She knew the thoughts pouring through Kaia’s mind. “I was carrying a vial of Lysander’s blood with me and drained the contents on the way here.”

Smart. And hell, why hadn’t she thought to ask Strider for a vial of his blood? Not that he would have agreed to give her one. Not after everything she’d done to him. Plus, to do so, he would have to care for her. Would have to be more concerned for her health than with remaining at her side.

“You guys can decide on the fourth member,” she said, knowing they would anyway.

They accepted the decree without a token argument, surprise, surprise, and it was swiftly decided that Gwen would join the fray. Sabin’s blood had healed her after Tag and she hadn’t been hit by an arrow. Neeka’s deafness could be used against her and Taliyah wasn’t quite as equipped for airplay as the youngest Skyhawk.

A shrill whistle blasted and the groups quieted.

“Time’s up,” Juliette announced. “Take your places, everyone.”

Footsteps shuffled. While chosen team members climbed to the top of the trees, Kaia remained on the ground, watching, a painful vise-grip on her heart. A grip that tightened when she caught Juliette’s eye and the Harpy grinned with her patented smug satisfaction.

Knew you couldn’t cut it, that smile seemed to say.

Kaia tried not to flush or tear up.

“Don’t pay any attention to that hag,” Taliyah said, slapping her on the shoulder. “You’re better in every way.”

“Thanks, Tal.”

Neeka dug the hopefully unneeded medical supplies from their backpacks and joined them. None too soon, either.

Juliette raised a gun high in the air, held steady while everyone tensed, waiting, expectant, then squeezed the trigger.


High above was an explosion of movement. Leaves rustled and bodies slammed together. Grunts of might, groans of pain and screams of rage rang out, tolling bells of injury and satisfaction. Kaia tried to keep track of her sisters, but the girls were too high up, moving too quickly, disappearing behind leaves and clouds and she soon gave up. She watched the ground, waiting for bodies to fall.

Within minutes, she felt a whoosh of air, tensed when she heard a splat. Tensed even more when she spied a motionless…Songbird a few feet away. Blood pooled around the girl as one of her teammates rushed to administer aid.

Thank the gods. Kaia’s stomach unclenched, though the burn of acid didn’t recede. Would Gwen end up that way? Bianka?

Hands fisting, body trembling, she tore her gaze from the huddle of Songbirds. At the far edge of the clearing, she spotted a shake of leaves and a flash of dark hair. An innocent Harpy, just needing a moment alone? A malicious Harpy bent on attacking someone, even though they stood on neutral ground? A Hunter, who wouldn’t care about anything but destroying his target? Or maybe Rhea herself?

Hell, for all Kaia knew, that dark hair belonged to Sabin. Or even Lazarus. The way he’d watched her at the bar, the way he’d taunted her…he wasn’t done with her. That, she knew all too well.

Taking no chances, she leaned over to Taliyah and whispered, “Saw something. Gonna check it out.”

Her oldest sister didn’t switch her attention from the fight. “Be careful. Shout if you need me.”

She knew her sister well enough to know Taliyah was merely humoring her. If she’d thought there was an actual threat, Taliyah the Cold-Hearted would have insisted on coming with her. There was another stab of hurt in Kaia’s chest, but she shook it off.

She melted into the thick, green foliage. The trees and plants actually seemed to turn away from her now, as if word had spread and they were all afraid of her. Too bad the same couldn’t be said for her fellow Harpies.

Staying low, a dagger in each hand, she worked her way around the clearing. Her legs were a bit rubbery, causing her feet to drag. She was louder than she’d intended, but there was no help for it. If the intruder didn’t notice the clomp of her boots, he’d definitely hear the beat of her heart, drumming like a jackhammer set to its fastest setting and slamming against her ribs.

Finally she spotted footprints that didn’t belong to a Harpy. These were big, thick and pressed deeply enough that whoever had made them weighed at least two hundred pounds of solid muscle.

That narrowed things down a bit. She was dealing with either a Hunter, Sabin or Lazarus. Her mind buzzed, quickly eliminating suspects. If this were a Hunter, there would be other footprints. After all, Hunters were like cockroaches. Where one hid, a thousand others did, as well. If this were Sabin, she would scent Strider. The two were never far apart.

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