She barely cut off her laugh. “You’re not afraid I’ll challenge you?”

Those navy eyes gleamed. “Baby doll, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”


KANE CAME AWAKE IN AN INSTANT, jolting upright. Panic swam through him, perhaps left over from the falling boulders—and deepened when he saw the iron bars around him.

Bars? A cage? He was in a damned cage? What…why…? Before the thought could fully form, he saw that William, unconscious and bleeding, was outside the cage and being carted away.

Dread slapped at Kane, cold and hard and stinging. He reached out, his hand shaky, and tried to shout for his friend. Wake up. Fight. But no words emerged.

Kane swallowed, his throat filled with sawdust. And damn it, his head throbbed like a son of a bitch. His stomach threatened to heave at any moment, his body jostling left and right, left and right.

The cage was being wheeled through a cavernous hallway, he realized. Then dizziness flooded him and he closed his eyes. He measured his breaths, hoping the spinning would stop. The air was hot, humid and layered with the scents of rot and sulfur.

Rot. Sulfur. They could mean only one thing. Hell. He was being taken deeper into hell.

His demon roared.

Kane cracked open his lids and glanced at his surroundings, slow and easy this time. He spotted horned, winged monsters beside his cage. They had scales rather than skin, and glowing red eyes.

Demons. Minions.

The roaring in his head turned to laughter. His demon was genuinely amused. That was not a good sign.

He must have groaned. One of the creatures glanced in his direction and scowled, flashing long, white saber teeth. A moment later, a clawed hand reached inside the cage and batted at his cheek, splitting skin.

Once more, Kane slipped into oblivion.

ONE ITEM LEFT ON HIS LIST, and then he could go after Sienna, Paris thought. All he had to do was find Viola, the minor goddess of the Afterlife and discover how a man like him could see the souls of the dead.

Word was, she frequented a bar in the heavens. He was headed there now. As he stomped along the streets, he withdrew his phone and sent his man Strider a text.

I release U from UR vow

He pressed Send and pocketed the phone. After what he’d learned from Arca about the dangers of the two realms he’d have to enter—and the possibility of never leaving one of them—he wasn’t willing to risk his friend’s life. Especially since the guy had just married his Harpy. Yeah, he’d gotten a text from Strider with the happy news.

I’ll never have that, he thought hollowly. Rather than wallow in despair, however, he opened himself back up to the darkness now constantly frothing inside him. So much darkness. A mist, sweeping through him, turning him into a cold, hard bastard.


Good. He needed that coldness, now more than ever.

No matter what, he would save Sienna—even at the expense of his own life.

Glossary of Characters and Terms

Aeron—Former keeper of Wrath

All-Seeing Eye—Godly artifact with the power to see into heaven and hell

Amun—Keeper of Secrets

Anya—(Minor) Goddess of Anarchy

Arca—Messenger goddess

Ashlyn Darrow—Human female with supernatural ability

Atropos—One of the Three Fates; snipper of threads

Baden—Keeper of Distrust (deceased)

Bait—Human females, Hunters’ accomplices

Bianka Skyhawk—Harpy; twin sister of Kaia

Cage of Compulsion—Godly artifact with the power to enslave anyone trapped inside

Cameo—Keeper of Misery

Cloak of Invisibility—Godly artifact with the power to shield its wearer from prying eyes

Cronus—King of the Titans, keeper of Greed

Danika Ford—Human female; All-Seeing Eye

Dean Stefano—Hunter; right-hand man of Galen

dimOuniak—Pandora’s box

Galen—Keeper of Hope

Gideon—Keeper of Lies

Gilly—Human female

Gorgon—Immortal with snakes for hair and the power to turn man to stone with only a glance

Greeks—Former rulers of Olympus, now imprisoned in Tartarus

Gwen Skyhawk—Half-Harpy, half-angel; daughter of Galen

Hades—One of the rulers of hell

Haidee—Immortal; former Hunter

Hate—A demigod and keeper of the demon of Hate

Hera—Queen of the Greeks

Hunters—Mortal enemies of the Lords of the Underworld

Juliette Eagleshield—Harpy; enemy of Kaia

Juno—Harpy; ally of Kaia

Kaia Skyhawk—Harpy; sister of Bianka, Taliyah and Gwen

Kane—Keeper of Disaster

Klotho—One of the Three Fates; spinner of threads

Lachesis—One of the Three Fates; weaver of threads

Land of Cinder—Home of the Phoenix race

Lazarus—Imprisoned immortal consort of Juliette; son of Typhon

Legion—Demon minion; friend of Aeron

Lords of the Underworld—Exiled warriors to the Greek gods who now house demons inside them

Lucien—Keeper of Death; leader of the Budapest warriors

Lucifer—Prince of darkness; ruler of hell

Lysander—Elite warrior angel and consort of Bianka Skyhawk

Maddox—Keeper of Violence

Medusa—Most famed of the Gorgons

Mina—Goddess of Weaponry

Moirai—AKA The Three Fates; three immortal females who weave destiny

Neeka the Unwanted—Harpy; ally of Kaia

The Odynia—also known as “the Garden of Goodbyes”; Rhea’s heavenly realm

Olivia—An angel

One, True Deity—Ruler of the angels

Pandora—Immortal warrior, once guardian of dimOuniak (deceased)

Paring Rod—Godly artifact, container of souls and granter of abilities

Paris—Keeper of Promiscuity

Phoenix—An immortal with the power of fire and the ability to raise the dead from its ashes

Reyes—Keeper of Pain

Rhea—Queen of the Titans; estranged wife of Cronus; keeper of Strife

Sabin—Keeper of Doubt; leader of the Greek warriors

Scarlet—Keeper of Nightmares

Sienna Blackstone—Deceased female Hunter; new keeper of Wrath

Skye—A pseudodoctor; wife of a Hunter

Strider—Keeper of Defeat

Tabitha Skyhawk—Harpy; mother of Taliyah, Bianka, Kaia and Gwen

Taliyah Skyhawk—Harpy; elder sister of Bianka, Kaia and Gwen

Tartarus—Greek god of Confinement; also the immortal prison on Mount Olympus

Tedra—Harpy; ally of Kaia

Titans—Current rulers of Olympus

Torin—Keeper of Disease

Typhon—Father of Lazarus; immortal with the head of a dragon and the body of a snake

Unspoken Ones—Reviled gods; prisoners of Cronus

Viola—Minor goddess of the Afterlife

Warrior Angels—Heavenly demon assassins

William—Immortal warrior (and god among gods—or so he says)

Zacharel—A warrior angel

Zeus—King of the Greeks

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